Thanks for posting about the immature seeds. I got a pack of Panama from the Seed Boutique a few months ago and noticed that quite a few were immature, and one dark one was already cracked. I tried sprouting three of the white-ish ones but none germinated. I will contact dubi directly to see if anything can be done.
Panama 11,15 and 16 came up today.I have 15 seedlings so far.
Panama 11 is a beauty and has nice color.
Some seedlings have more or less of the same colored markings.
The more color in the seedling,maybe means more color in flower.
I like to keep track of the more colorful plants.
Very hard to capture these colors clearly.I keep trying though.
I practice now,so I can be pro for flower pics.
Panama 2 came up today.
The first 18 that germed are above soil now.
I should get a few more yet.
Here is another pic of the Panama 3 red seedling.
Maybe you can see what I look for in my seedlings.
It helps to id the more resinous and potent plants.
Some seedlings will have more or less.
I have 26 seedlings so far.I have 2 more germed seed in pots.
One seed germed this morning,11 days after soak.
I have at least 2 seedlings that are weak and deformed.
I will take pics later during lights on.