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Sniffing dogs


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G.O. Joe

Well-known member
The police are full of shit there about some things, though I don't doubt that dogs hit on pot with no THC in it. My point is what I've been hearing is that 0.3% THC is more hay than dank. I doubt dogs are trained with evidence, that's problematic in several ways. There are drug-free scents sold for this purpose.


Active member
I doubt dogs are trained with evidence, that's problematic in several ways. There are drug-free scents sold for this purpose.

It’s public record. Google and read an audit of training procedures. I posted a link about it in another thread. Ive only read about those “drug free scents” in stoner blogs.

G.O. Joe

Well-known member
Google says that while very real outside the world of stoner blogs, pseudo-scents can give defense lawyers something to challenge, and that certification scents for LE handlers come from the DEA.


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
Locally grown hemp flowers smelled awful good like good dope, they were fresh. I want to get some to vape.


Well-known member
crossing a field near venue of national importance, I saw coppers coming my way and dropped my neat 3 sheet. They smelt it on my breathe though, and I had tool on me as I had just planted out. They were all over that place for hours. I saw the dog walk down the often walked path through the field, over my joint, and didn't smell a thing. Well.. except for all the other dogs that had gone that way. Dogs can't help themselves. They are dogs.

I don't know much about breeds, but it had short legs and was a multipurpose dog.


Active member
Google says that while very real outside the world of stoner blogs, pseudo-scents can give defense lawyers something to challenge, and that certification scents for LE handlers come from the DEA.

Ok, so there’s a company that produces pseudo scents for some purpose. Something new to learn.

However, I told you some LEO departments use drugs from evidence for training purposes. I’ve posted one public audit, from Oregon I think, of the procedures here on ICmag. Feel free to look it up in my comment history if you’re that baffled.

For fun, I looked up DEA procedures for training.


They provide licenses for certain trainers to possess narcotics for the purpose of that training. Gee, I wonder where those come from.

I don’t know what you’re talking about as far as certification scents unless you mean narcotics.


Well-known member
I have been in a show with police and their sniffing dogs. If you have seen Barry Cooper's videos he tells something like black pepper has the same terpenes as dog identifies as marijuana or so. I asked about that to the police dog trainer but he insisted the dog was able to smell THC, hehehe. I sprinkled some powdered black pepper on my trousers but the dog didn't mistake the black pepper as marijuana. The dog also didn't feel annoyed by the black pepper smell on my trousers. She simply ignored it. The dog finally found the people with the pieces of hash one in the shoe and the other one hidden in a purse. But she took some time to find the hash. It was not as fast as they told us.

Sadly I was not enough brave to do the other advice Barry Cooper says in his videos. To rub a bag which has contained marijuana against many things and people in order to realize if the dog could be trolled that way.

There was other dog trained to sniff explosives and he found the explosive hidden inside a wastepaper bin but after walking beside it many many times.

Given said that. Most indica-satiova hybrids are so stinky they easy to smell by people even with a poor nose and a terrible flu. It is a nonsense breeders did that job so easy for cops adn even more crazy people grow such stinky strains.

G.O. Joe

Well-known member
a company that produces pseudo scents

Two, ScentLogix and Sigma's Pseudo Scents. I already knew they existed which is why I posted what I did - the stoner blogs I've seen them mentioned in are police and dog training boards.

However, I told you some LEO departments use drugs from evidence for training purposes.

Perhaps. It's still problematic.

Feel free to look it up in my comment history

Several search words returned nothing.

I understand you perfectly.


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unless you mean narcotics

We are talking about training drug dogs. They get certified. The police send DEA a form, DEA sends a form back, the police use that to obtain packs of drugs from DEA in stock for this purpose, presumably not random ounces of unknown fitness. The police keep the drugs.


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
Were they under the 0.3% limit?

According to his analysis the state did, within 2 weeks of harvest, it was under 0.3% THC and almost 17% CBD, big ratio! I don't recall the strain. He gave me a PRJ the day when I met him while buying butane at a shop. I emptied it out to see it with a 10x. Looked good for being machine trim, purple tint, frost. Smell was great, lotsa terps, dried but not yet cured. Vaped at 300 and it was a nice mellow feel. I wish I had taken it up to 400 after that, but I got high... :biggrin:

If I was to carry a 1/2P of that stuff home I would have to carry a copy of that report.

As for scents of pot, some strains are so loud they are just too must trouble to risk any threat exposure. One called Queen's Candy is like that.


Well-known member
Think the dogs are not trained for thc so this might work.
Where i live they would come to a legal hemp grow and randomly pick 10 plants for them to analyse and 10 for yourselfe to analyse and if thc is above 0.3 you got a problem

here, if they test & it comes in hot (over .03) they make you destroy the entire crop. no legal penalties. of course, they don't do a field test, so you could move the suspect before they get the news. i wonder what % THC a pot plant has before it is fully into flowering? hmmm...


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
Some states will let the farmer do what they have to in order to get the percent right. Grinding the whole plant into biomass will lower the THC %, and is better than destroying it.

But you would hope if it was high CBD flower the farmer would put some back.

As for playing the THC with time before cutting, some states are wise and have a 2 week window between test and chop. That makes it critical that a big farm have sufficient harvest and process capacity or maybe they could stagger plantings / harvest.


caryophyllenoxid and linalool should be what the dogs are trained for. Was mentioned in some google.groups called "wie kann man hunde taeuschen"
When i googled caryophyllenoxid that substance was mentioned as substance the dogs are trained for. Googeling linalool got nothing.
Some other plants were mentioned that also have that substances.

Dipterocarpus spp
Artemisia annua
Artemisia vulgaris
Daucus carota
Humulus Lupulus
Zingiber Zerumbet


Dogs can smell ppm of some drugs, you leave more than that floating in the air coming your shoes after walking out of the room....


Active member
I had my place searched some 30 years ago and they had a golden labrador brought in. The dog never found the hash that was under the carpet on the stairs. I swear to God I'm telling the truth.