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Sniffer dogs and vaume sealed jars


I Feel Good
ICMag Donor
TaxiBoy said:
Again, with respect, this is misguided and false information. Please do not believe this and set yourself up for trouble. I would hate for you or anyone else to get busted for believing in a myth. These dogs are highly trained LEO. Thats right, they are treated and viewed as STAFF MEMBERS by LE organizations. They are rigorously trained NOT to be distracted by simple items like food, toys, noises, etc. These dogs have tens of thousands of dollars pumped into their training so that they can complete their mission; to detect drugs, explosives, chemicals, people, or whatever else they have been deigned to search for. Now, I am not saying that these dogs are machines, incapable of making mistakes and performing at 100% of their ability at all times, but it is not worth taking a risk that the dog sniffing your bag is a misfit who performs poorly on the job. When properly concealing MJ for shipment, one should employ a commercial grade vacuum sealer with heavy duty bags. The bagger should don a pair of latex gloves, promply ISO wash those gloves, and then dawn another pair. This could be done in triplicate for extra security. The point of this is to avoid stray molecules from contaminating your bags. Proceed with vacuum sealing, immersing each sealed unit in an ISO bath and allowing to air dry on a sanitized surface. Repeat this bag-n-bath at least two times. Myself, I use 4 bags and on the 3rd, prior to going into the last bag and dip, i coat the bag with petroleum jelly to trap any possible stray airborn particles and i then re-bathe the parcel in ISO to be sure that I remove all traces of contraband. I rely on the slow release of odor molecules from the plastic vacuum sealed bags to keep my shipment stealthy, and always mail overnight. I have never been caught using these methods, and I have been shipping buds across the country for almost a decade, for what it's worth. :wave:

very good information


I Feel Good
ICMag Donor
TaxiBoy said:
Again, with respect, this is misguided and false information. Please do not believe this and set yourself up for trouble. I would hate for you or anyone else to get busted for believing in a myth. These dogs are highly trained LEO. Thats right, they are treated and viewed as STAFF MEMBERS by LE organizations. They are rigorously trained NOT to be distracted by simple items like food, toys, noises, etc. These dogs have tens of thousands of dollars pumped into their training so that they can complete their mission; to detect drugs, explosives, chemicals, people, or whatever else they have been deigned to search for. Now, I am not saying that these dogs are machines, incapable of making mistakes and performing at 100% of their ability at all times, but it is not worth taking a risk that the dog sniffing your bag is a misfit who performs poorly on the job. When properly concealing MJ for shipment, one should employ a commercial grade vacuum sealer with heavy duty bags. The bagger should don a pair of latex gloves, promply ISO wash those gloves, and then dawn another pair. This could be done in triplicate for extra security. The point of this is to avoid stray molecules from contaminating your bags. Proceed with vacuum sealing, immersing each sealed unit in an ISO bath and allowing to air dry on a sanitized surface. Repeat this bag-n-bath at least two times. Myself, I use 4 bags and on the 3rd, prior to going into the last bag and dip, i coat the bag with petroleum jelly to trap any possible stray airborn particles and i then re-bathe the parcel in ISO to be sure that I remove all traces of contraband. I rely on the slow release of odor molecules from the plastic vacuum sealed bags to keep my shipment stealthy, and always mail overnight. I have never been caught using these methods, and I have been shipping buds across the country for almost a decade, for what it's worth. :wave:

very good information.

I have used the peanut butter method before and have not been caught, thats why I preach of the method...

Thank you for correcting me though, saving me possible trip to the slammer.

I stand corrected.


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
Mr. Freeman said:
I once went through this checkpoint, I had a fat sack in my pocket except I forgot I had it there, I was just going to get some burgers. We drove by 2 cops with a dog, it was a german shepard like 2 feet away from the car. I was like "Shit!" for that instant I saw the freakin dog. We just drove by and made it to our destination. So they can't smell everything...don't give them too much credit.
your correct except dogs will with out a shadow of a doubt smell what they where trained for, also the dog must be commanded to search a specific erea. so your casual drive by isnt nothing now if you where stoped and they walked the dog by like at us border crossings. thats a different story i had a dope dog alert my field jacket pocket after i was cought 18 hrs after the weed was taken from me in army basic training.


Active member
SomeGuy said:
Not all dogs are trained to sniff contraband.

Theres another post I saw here yesterday about drug dogs.

Understanding Police Drug Dogs

All in all, I personally wouldn't worry about hotel security. They are in the business of entertaining and if publicity got out they were having customers arrested for simple possession it wouldn't be good for them. If there are dogs there it would be for explosives or just for plain security.
Drug dogs and training are expensive and what would the payback be for having one at a hotel?

Just my .02 cents

its a bit of your reply and TAXIBOY (boy your hardcore with your iso.) and the petrolium is an intresting and logical trick. have to try it...i find it amazing you go through all that. but for your ass and freedom its worth it.
haha and i only double bag

...thought i was clever with the trix....

haha good job old sport!

i dont think the wynn would employ a drug dog. but a hotel of that class might really have a bomb dog in the luggage bays.... for a 4bil building its worth 10k for a silly dog....

some guy has got a good point, even if they did find pot there not going to arrest you.... why would they do that?
your not going to lose money in there casino and come back ever again!
as a kid and not knowing what pot smelled like it was wierd walking in the halls of vegas and every 4th room had that 'wierd musky smell' i always remembered that.... haha

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
permeAtion takes a variable amount of time depending on the material in question.... whenever ur concerned about smelldetection always leave packaging til the very last moment...
dont pack it in fresh jars bags or whatevrer, leave it sittring around for a day and th4en take it with you, as the smell may have permeated through it by then....


New member
i think it varies dog to dog and handler to handler kind of thing. i had a dog pick a scent up off me from in all seriousness about 50 feet away in a crowded airport. the dog came and sat next to me and the guy pulled him away and walked like 100 feet away and the dog led him back to me and he came and sat next to me again. i knew i was clean so i just kinda thought not much of it and let them search my shit with no hassle well after they found a brand new pack of rolling papers in my camera case they went bezerk brought me in the back room with mirored walls ect. asked me if i ever carried large amounts of cannabis in my backpack becasue the dog had a scent on it but the main scent the dog picked up was me left front pants pocket which is where i had a film cannister full of nycd about 5 hours earlier. ****ers made me pull down my pants to show i had nothing taped to my leg at least it wsnt my underoos too, that would have sucked. other times ive walked past dog in a airport with a ounce in my pants pocket 10 feet away from a dog and nothing. so maybe its just a roll of the dice. i know ill never do it again besides when they took me into that back room the wrote all my info down in a big log book so im probably ****ed in airports from now on. but after that one time it was awesome display of the power of a well trained dog.


just clean the outside of the jar or double bag with a food saver and throw some fabric softner sheets or even kitty litter inside before you seal the 2nd bag. Never had issues even with large amounts


How hard is it to train a dog to sniff out marijuana? I mean i dont think it would be that hard but would deffiently be a challenge. It would be really cool to train your dog to sniff out marijuana!!


Active member
From my expierence. Ive used brand new vacum sealed bags double sealed with iso rubbed on the outside of each bag. With success. At the airport your dealing with xrays and bag searches. Thats a whole different world.


New member
Dr.Dutch said:
How hard is it to train a dog to sniff out marijuana? I mean i dont think it would be that hard but would deffiently be a challenge. It would be really cool to train your dog to sniff out marijuana!!

if you have a dog with high ball drive, cut open a tennis ball put some weed in it tape it back up with some duct tape and use that ball to play fetch with always. when you want your dog to find weed say go find the ball. thats pretty much the basic outline of the training. 20 minutes training twice a day a good aggresive dog should pick it up in a few months. this type of training could lead to your dog to eat your stash. :bashhead:

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