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Smokin's basement build log

Pics after a bit, but...

I got 3kw up and running and 12" ventilation. I've elected to draw my intake air from the veg area rather than the lung because I don't even have 12" of wall that connects the flower room to the lung, and I didn't want to use more duct that necessary. But the bonus is, I'm ventilating the veg area too.

I'll end up re-thinking the ventilation, but I just needed it running ASAP to see how the environment is.

Magnetic ballast is fixed, already want a digital. That thing puts out entirely too much heat.

Got new ballasts in the 8-bulb T5 fixture as well, so I've got 12-bulb T5 total, along with 400w MH in veg. All set up in the permanent location.
You can see the massive intake I cut in the wall in the veg area behind the plants. It's about 14" x 30" and will end up installing a light trap. Running 24/0 now, so it doesn't matter. The larger plants are about to get put in flowering tonight after I clean my cloner and take clones. Starting more seeds tomorrow.

Lady Cane f3's on the left (not sure how many)

Jack O Nesia plants right next to the cardboard box on the left

Anonymous OG on the cardboard box

Blue Amnesia x Dream Lotus on the right

Sour Power x Biker on the right


And the flower room

Put Lady Cane in flower. Thinking about going ahead and putting some seed plants I have on the bottom shelf, they're only about 12" so should fit right in..... curious to see how the bottom does with the lights so high, but I'd rather do it with known clones. Might just take a bunch off my Anonymous OG since they finish rather quick.


Couple of Lady Cane f3 fems.


Karma's Anonymous OG


Blurry, but I think its Esko's shiva 99.


... I need to make a separate thread for documenting the grows, and keep this one strictly build related.
Finally got around to cleaning up the lung area. Used some shelving as a divider.... little work area for me, and an office for the old lady.

Got most of everything off the floor and onto the shelves. The AC is going to be installed above the table between the two reservoirs. Reservoirs are 50 gallons each, with 1000 gph water pumps.

Those air pumps are only there for shits and giggles, I'll be getting a high volume air pump to aerate both reservoirs.


Also got a desk to help me stay organized. All of my notes will now be in one place for quick reference. Chalkboard will come in useful for keeping track of dates, which I always forget.


Here's the old ladies side. Put some panda plastic on the shelving to block the view. This photo was taken standing on the bottom stairs. Also doubles as a sight obstruction from all of my stuff. The light coming through is just from the intake hole, which I'm putting a filtered vent in to block light.


Took about 6 hours of cleaning/organizing to get that where it is now.
Just ordered some more gear.

Another digital ballast /w 240v power (galaxy select-a-watt)
240v power cord for my magnetic ballast
1000w ushio bulb
12" inline fan (that's right, a second one)
some twist ties for staking
active eye growroom glasses (method 7 knockoffs)

I'll eventually swap out the magnetic ballast for a digital one. I love the Galaxy select-a-watt ballasts, and as long as they make 'em, I'll keep buyin' em. Just bought my 3rd one, planning on getting a 4th within a couple months.

Gonna need to figure out how to keep the plastic on the walls better with this 2nd fan. the 1st one is pretty much already pulling the plastic off. cant imagine what ~2000cfm of exhaust is gonna do.

Also thinik once I get my 5th light, I'm gonna do a tree grow. Wanna try running the


pattern lights with the 860w cmh bulb in the middle as opposed to MH, since I have a magnetic ballast on hand with a fresh capacitor. I'd like to veg out some of my favorites and get some 1lb + plants.
Thanks man!

I'm now researching a couple of things I'd like to add to my grow. Anyone with input regarding these items, what to look for, what to stay away from, etc.

-Environmental controllers
- C02 generators.

I've always said I'd never bother adding C02, but..... I intend to have my environment dialed to the tits ASAP. The environmental controller is the one I want to get within a few weeks.

It DOESN'T need to control C02... all of the ones I looked at don't run c02 along with ventilation fans. Well, I'm running a lung and intend to run my ventilation 24/7, I'd like to pump c02 into the lung, which raises the c02 in both veg and flower areas.

So best temperature/humidity controller. Or one that can control c02 regardless of ventilation fans. I'd like separate day/night controls as well. I'll get the CAP air-3dn (or comparable) and just get a separate c02 controller/monitor when I get a generator.... but ideally I won't be buying features I won't be using from the start.


Active member
Smokin wow, your going to kill it once it's dialed and full. I may have to pilfer your your set up only on a slightly smaller scale. I can only run 2 crops a year so I'm looking for more bang for my buck.


Thanks man!

I'm now researching a couple of things I'd like to add to my grow. Anyone with input regarding these items, what to look for, what to stay away from, etc.

-Environmental controllers
- C02 generators.

I've always said I'd never bother adding C02, but..... I intend to have my environment dialed to the tits ASAP. The environmental controller is the one I want to get within a few weeks.

It DOESN'T need to control C02... all of the ones I looked at don't run c02 along with ventilation fans. Well, I'm running a lung and intend to run my ventilation 24/7, I'd like to pump c02 into the lung, which raises the c02 in both veg and flower areas.

So best temperature/humidity controller. Or one that can control c02 regardless of ventilation fans. I'd like separate day/night controls as well. I'll get the CAP air-3dn (or comparable) and just get a separate c02 controller/monitor when I get a generator.... but ideally I won't be buying features I won't be using from the start.