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Smoking Screens Cancer Warning

Yes, brass contains lead. Lead causes cancer. California requires labels like that on everything with lead in it for that reason. Stainless gives off dangerous fumes at super high temps too. Way higher than any bic lighter. High grade titanium is more stable until much higher temps. Glass/quartz is probably the easiest and cheapest.


Active member
California is full of pussies.

But seriously, there is some Prop 81 or the like that requires them to overlabel. Nanny states, voted in by popular demand.

Ha Ha, real funny until you visit the "lead belt" in the midwest and witness the unreal stupidity that lead poisoning unleashes. Pretty much self-perpetuating since the lead poisoned have no patience for pussies and nanny states...


Well-known member
Used the cheap brass screens for more years than I can recall and now I know why I can't ! Always burned them prior to using them, figured they would be coated with lube used on the die that punched them out. I suppose I may have just been priming the lead to get it good and ready for the first hit.

paper thorn

Active member
i use a brass pipe and stainless steel screens.
not worried about the pipe, it's got a permanent coating of resin, so i'm protected
I guess you learn something new every day with Cannabis. Had no idea that smoking screens could be just as hazardous as Tobacco, luckily I don't smoke the big T! Thanks for sharing, guess i'll make sure to avoid it in the future.


Dipshit Know-Nothing
ICMag Donor
Ha Ha, real funny until you visit the "lead belt" in the midwest and witness the unreal stupidity that lead poisoning unleashes. Pretty much self-perpetuating since the lead poisoned have no patience for pussies and nanny states...

Interesting, though I imagine the lack of patience for pussies and nanny states predates the water fouling.

But don't let me get in the way of your desire for the government to wipe your ass and save you from your own choices.

I don't expect too many from the Greatest (Entitled) Generation to understand. That stellar crop of highly intelligent individuals that needs warning labels on hot coffee.

Unreal, I know.


Active member
I lived in the lead belt for about ten years, mining began in the early 1800's. Ground water contamination from lead and cadmium and zinc is high, but it's also distributed by the wind from chat or tailing's piles that are around. Tailings are used by farmers for ag lime and only in the last ten years has that slowed down, under protest from farmers because it was cheap. Lot's of topsoil delivery's are contaminated, some have been removed

Couldn't find insurance for property without lead exclusions written in in that area.

In a perfect world everyone would research everything that could impact them and be informed 24/7. But I just spent a week with various relatives and realize more than half of them will never do that, so labels would probably benefit them somewhat.

California goes over the top with labels though, but for some that is all the reading they will do, especially older children. Not every parent is a qualified caregiver, much less an active advocate for their children.

The argument could be made to let Darwin sort it all out, but that's a little harsh with relatives. Most of them anyway.