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Smoking cannabis can lead to manic behaviour: Hyperactivity, aggression and delusion


sallyforthDeleted member 75382

Inconclusive. This is little Britain. The Daily Mail. Enough said!


Well-known member
I am not the only one that has had sativas that not only keep you up but can freak you out

I don't doubt you, but have never seen it happen. have had sativa that caused anxiety attacks, which is why I try to avoid sativas and always will. i smoke to relax & feel better; if i ever decide that i WANT to be nervous, i'll just go score some meth...:biggrin:


I thought the Daily Mail was a tabloid paper?

Over the years I've come to find that I suffer from bipolar disorder. Looking back, it has been with me since I was a kid. Anyone with a chemical imbalance in my opinion should stay away from Sativa dominant varieties, they'll throw a lot of people out of whack for sure. Indica dom on the other hand is a blessing, smoke up:)
I do enjoy some sativa dom varieties but I have to be physically active. If I'm not physically active the energy will run its course in my mind, which at times can be troublesome and uncomfortable. Fwiw, the egg came before the bird, lol :)

People like me have been self medicating since the beginning of time. I don't feel that the cannabis contributed to anything negative but a few restless nights and some bouts with anxiety. Been smoking daily now for 19 years and I have found what helps and what doesn't.


Active member
I don't doubt you, but have never seen it happen. have had sativa that caused anxiety attacks, which is why I try to avoid sativas and always will. i smoke to relax & feel better; if i ever decide that i WANT to be nervous, i'll just go score some meth...:biggrin:

Have seen it happen many times, to varying degrees. Years ago I was traveling in Brazil. Was hanging out with these girls who smoked constantly, and they invited me to their apartment to get high. Well, the brick weed they smoked was terrible. Smelled of ammonia, and only effect it had on me was a headache, yet they seemed to like it. So Carnival arrived, and we were in a club, celebrating/dancing. I had some herb with me that I sent ahead so it would be there when i arrived. I invited the girls to smoke, and told all of them beforehand that this was very strong herb, not what they were used to, so "smoke only a little bit", and take small hits only. Well, of course, they didn't listen. They were hitting the joint hard, taking huge hits, as they normally would. In half an hour, I had 5 zombies on my hand. The girls were tripping, and some of them were having a "bummer". One couldn't even move from her seat, and she actually accused me of dosing her with LSD. She was really angry, as I tried to explain to her that it was only herb, and just much stronger than what they were used to. She couldn't believe it. They had smoked their entire lives, but never had anything even close to that strength. Bought them some drinks to calm them down, but it pretty much ruined the evening.
So, this underscores how strain is most important. As I've gotten older, it seems that I need less and less to get blitzed. Two hits of any decent herb gets me high, and the high lasts a long time. Still feel it the next day. Oddly, my favorite strain is Super Lemon Haze. Love the high/taste, and it doesn't make me anxious at all. However other Sativas get me too "racy", not a pleasant experience at all. Many consider hazes to be too racy. So it really is all about strain, and people's different reactions to them. Also, some herb has gotten "too strong", if that's possible. I know high THC numbers are a selling point, but I would much prefer strains that are more medicinal, with less THC, more CBD, yet I don't really want to be "couchlocked".
As far as the article, it quoted two different studies, with opposing results. At least they showed both sides.


Active member
From my personal experience, weed mellows and balances me out if and only if I can smoke enough. If I only smoke a little and can't rest for a weekend it wigs me out!

Which strain(s)??? Which strains mellow you out?

Former Guest

Active member
I am surprised and I am not so surprised. There are a lot of differences among cannabis strains and from plant to plant. It's a bad study if they can't say which cannabis led to mania. Cannabis has anti-siezure effects which the main anti-mania drugs are anti- seizure drugs. Also cbd was found to be as effective as atypical anti-.psychotics in a German study. From my personal experience, weed mellows and balances me out if and only if I can smoke enough. If I only smoke a little and can't rest for a weekend it wigs me out!

I've tried two different anti seizure drugs and lithium because cannabis just didn't cut it. Each one effects you similarly but they're different. One made me very tired. I fell asleep every few hours for a cat nap. Felt hungry all the time and gained weight. Told the doc I'd rather be crazy than chubby so she switched me to a different one which doesn't make me hungry or tired. One is processed through the kidneys and the other my liver.

I also take Wellbutrin but I swear the way it works by controlling the amount of dopamine in your brain makes it so I can't get high. I noticed the first time I started and quit it and the second time around same results so I'm not taking it anymore.

What works for some won't work for everyone. They honestly have no idea what is going to work and just start throwing different combos of pills at you. It's easy for people with mild symptoms to use cannabis, exercise, cognitive behavioral therapy <--- great for any type of emotional issues. People who have a more severe form might need a mood stabilizer like antiseizure drugs to rein them in from a manic or depressive episode.

I rather take pills than rage on people or want to die. Just need to remember to take em :D stoned doesn't shut my mind up, guarentee sleeping more than 3-4 hours or not making me pissed off like everyone else.


New member
Me and some buddies smoked out with this head we met at Jerry's art show back in 91.
This dude got manic! He climbed an 8' privacy fence and ran for his life like he was on fire.
We saw him later at the show. He apologized for wiggin out on the weed and said it was normal for him to act that way when high.

Sativas are so much fun! It blows my mind to think that something so powerful, so altering comes from this little seed.


Active member
Just realised this is from the daily mail - bunch of bullshitting twats.

personally, i give top marks to the last word of the "hadline", like "oh fuck, i've got delusion!" for reals bro, it's a medical condition, you catch delusion and the next thing you know is haha and also and then :laughing:

the fun is, don't let it stop you from offering your own anecdote of how you were a victim of a bullshit society while simultaneously smoking weed and blamed the weed instead of the bullshit :laughing:

"it must be the weed, i'm a neurotic kid raised on television and a gormless addled desperate no nothing ratrace, but it must be the weed because that was the only new factor" *jackoff sign*

oi, you'e looking a bit pale! have you got delusion coming on? fucanay..


Active member
Anything with indica or golden resin (Amber), mellows me out. On the med I get even sativa' mellow me when used. It's the days after I get tweaked if I can't smoke more. It's like that with all things for me. If I don't get my fill and satisfaction I get tweaked.

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