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Smoking cannabis can lead to manic behaviour: Hyperactivity, aggression and delusion


Active member
It seems that Cannabis can exacerbate bipolar disorder and other problems. However, another study also found that Cannabis could be used to treat the depression that results from long term stress. So it's "bad news/good news".

"Smoking cannabis can bring on symptoms of mania, new research warns.

Researchers found there is a 'significant link' between marijuana use and mania, which can range from hyperactivity and difficulty sleeping to aggression, becoming delusional and hearing voices.

The study of more than 2,000 people is especially alarming for teenagers who indulge in the habit.

Lead researcher Dr Steven Marwaha, of Warwick University, said: 'Cannabis is the most prevalent drug used by the under-18s.

'During this critical period of development, services should be especially aware of and responsive to the problems cannabis use can cause for adolescent populations.'

The study, published in the Journal of Affective Disorders, examined the effect of cannabis on individuals who had experienced mania.

This can include feelings of persistent elation, heightened energy, hyperactivity and a reduced need for sleep.

Mania can also make people feel angry and aggressive with extreme symptoms including becoming delusional or hearing voices.

Dr Marwaha said: 'Previously it has been unclear whether cannabis use predates manic episodes.

We wanted to answer two questions - does cannabis use lead to increased occurrence of mania symptoms or manic episodes in individuals with pre-existing bipolar disorder?

'But also does cannabis use increase the risk of onset of mania symptoms in those without pre-existing bipolar disorder?'

He found cannabis use tended to precede or coincide with episodes of mania.

There was a strong association with new symptoms of mania - suggesting these are caused by marijuana use.

'It's a significant link,' Dr Marwaha said.

The study also found cannabis significantly worsened mania symptoms in people who had previously been diagnosed with bipolar disorder.

Dr Marwaha said: 'There are limited studies addressing the association of cannabis use and manic symptoms which suggests this is a relatively neglected clinical issue.

'However our review suggests cannabis use is a major clinical problem occurring early in the evolving course of bipolar disorder.

'More research is needed to consider specific pathways from cannabis use to mania and how these may be effected by genetic vulnerability and environmental risk factors.'

The findings add to a body of previous studies that have linked cannabis to increased rates of mental health problems including depression, anxiety, psychosis and schizophrenia.

However, a study published this month found marijuana could be used to treat the depression that results from long term stress.

Researchers said molecules present in cannabis could help relieve the depression associated with chronic stress.

Endocannabinoids are naturally produced chemical compounds in the brain that affect motor control, cognition, emotions and behaviour.

Researchers found long term stress reduced the production of endocannabinoids in brains, leading to depression.

Endocannabinoids are similar to the chemicals found in marijuana, and its active ingredient, delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).

Therefore, cannabis could be used to restore endocannabinoids levels in the brain, researchers said.


Cool Moe

Active member
Ahhh, the age-old question--Which came first, the chicken or the egg? And more importantly, who funded the studies?


ICMag Donor
"He found cannabis use tended to precede or coincide with episodes of mania."

Observed that numerous times in friends/acquaintences/peers later diagnosed with bipolar, severe depression or borderline personalities/psychotic events....at the time, thinking PCP was sprinkled. Adamantly denying such...I started watching those afflicted time and time again seeing them in their psychotic state (differing degrees)...and when fueled with alcohol....watch out!

Also observed in patients during medical career...it definitely exacerbates their mood, manic or depressive.

Yet, if used a different way (I'd venture to say...all episodes I saw were from smoking, not juicing, tinctures, etc.), a different effect using the strengths of endocannabinoids in the brain could possibly produce a better outcome.

Yet, how many 17-30 y.o. are going to do something differently...than smoke, or edibles for the intoxication of cannabis? At that age, we were into high/stone. Not until later (last 10 years) dealing w/ health issues of others, then myself did I try a different avenue with fair amount of success. Or doing research on MMJ understanding what strains helped/hindered different chronic conditions.

Still....more studies are coming... there's a glimmer of hope in having a healing plant stablize mood vs. psychotherapeutic Rx with numerous side effects and saturation.


Active member
this just in, reading articles looking for what scientists say makes your peepee smaller.

yay for the enculturated, pay your taxes, pay them!


Well-known member
^ definitely strain dependant, and round here most dealers will invest in the strongest in thc- if we had a choice of strains at sensible prices people would be able to choose the strain that's right for them rather than being fed a steady diet of high thc only strains.
Chalk another one up for prohibition


if it smells like fish
medication..smoking dope makes me less aggressive for sure ,and definatelly calms me down when I have an adrenaline buzz.....yeehaw

Former Guest

Active member
Depends on the strain. Those racy energetic ones are a but too much. Couchlock is good along with indica hybrids. There's also different types of bipolar and those symptoms are classic mania which some strain exacerbate.

Depression feels like this.

Mania feels like this.

Or this.


Well-known member
medication..smoking dope makes me less aggressive for sure ,and definatelly calms me down when I have an adrenaline buzz.....yeehaw

me too. I have never seen anyone exhibit signs of "mania" nor become "hyperactive". from cocaine, sure! pot? no...


Active member
2025: we have determined that responding to internet content is a form of egoism based in insecurity and a lack of personal control. healthy minds keep their opinions to themselves. anyone caught posting sentiment in publuic venues will be submitted henceforth to health services.

we can demonise anything. we can diagnose anything. for god's sake, stop believing you are wrong and look the fuck at the evil shit your culture condones and figure out where the illness is.

it's not healthy to be well adjusted to a sick society..... not bloody healthy at all! aamof it's really bloody dangerous for everyone and everything..... please stop...


Take A Deep Breath
The Daily Mail is the most hysterically anti-weed newspaper in the UK.

For the DM, even having those last few lines about the possibilities of cannabis vs Depression and raising endocannabinoid levels seems a huge jump forward. I'm surprised they left it in.

Jericho Mile

2025: we have determined that responding to internet content is a form of egoism based in insecurity and a lack of personal control. healthy minds keep their opinions to themselves. anyone caught posting sentiment in publuic venues will be submitted henceforth to health services.

we can demonise anything. we can diagnose anything. for god's sake, stop believing you are wrong and look the fuck at the evil shit your culture condones and figure out where the illness is.

it's not healthy to be well adjusted to a sick society..... not bloody healthy at all! aamof it's really bloody dangerous for everyone and everything..... please stop...

absolutely. please stop

Bob Green

Strain dependent I 100% agree. Each plant and each person are different.


Active member
I am surprised and I am not so surprised. There are a lot of differences among cannabis strains and from plant to plant. It's a bad study if they can't say which cannabis led to mania. Cannabis has anti-siezure effects which the main anti-mania drugs are anti- seizure drugs. Also cbd was found to be as effective as atypical anti-.psychotics in a German study. From my personal experience, weed mellows and balances me out if and only if I can smoke enough. If I only smoke a little and can't rest for a weekend it wigs me out!


Dipshit Know-Nothing
ICMag Donor
I am not the only one that has had sativas that not only keep you up but can freak you out

Exactly. Take a puff of Congolese dry sift or BHO. You can't sleep, your heart pounds twice as fast, mind racing. I imagine for an non-smoker it would be a frightening experience, potentially problematic if there were underlying issues.

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