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Smart Pots


Active member
Beautiful plants, Dankohzee. They should be posted in the Big Plants Grower's thread. Everything in my OD grow (linked in sig) are in 200 and 65 gall smartpots. I am loving them. Gonna be nice to reuse them in the future.


yo Danko, how much watering do you have to do?

I went heavy on perlite as I was afraid these would dry out super fast (about 40 percent perlite) and they're hoding water really well. I'm up to 2.5 gallons twice per week, but I think ten gallons a week is going to be the number in august.


Hey Judas,

I think Burlap sack would work as long as the roots can penetrate the material and have the air drying the roots as they emerge. Burlap would be fairy light proof as well which should help - please experiment and keep me/us informed. I've never seen a smart pot or air pot either so maybe we are both talkin trash but only time will tell!

Too early for any results to show on my test yet - 10 days in her cage and no roots are emerging yet??? The plastic sack I used is in no way lightproof so the roots may be being pruned or they are changing direction away from the light before they reach the sides.
I was planning on flowering her in 2 weeks time - I'm not sure whether I should repot her before hand or let her go in her cage and see what happens - any thoughts on this? New growth looks a good and healthy green.
Cheers and good luck:joint:

I've used my DIY airpot for about 6 weeks now.
She's had a bit of abuse - she lived in my attic for 2 weeks with temps hitting 100 and dropping to 60 at night with no fan, just a roof-window slightly open and it did not die :woohoo:
I had to remove more of the plastic threads as I do not think enough air was getting in and it was staying wet too long - this helped matters considerably.
I havent spotted any roots at all. Maybe the light & air prevent them from poking out?
I'm going to force her into flower next week and I do not think there is enough volume of soil to get the best results.
So will I repot her into a bigger airpot for flowering? No, not this time, I will use a regular pot with 80/20 compost/perlite.

Would I use a DIY airpot again? maybe - unconvinced as yet, but the rootball at the end could convince me otherwise.
Here's a few shots of her now before I take clones and repot.


Overkill is under-rated.
I'm about to finish my first run with coco chips in 2 gallon smartpots, so far I love them. Going back to the store for another 150 of em next week.


Active member
I put the hydroton under my smartpot
in the plastic saucer and if the plant is leaning
a certain way I can correct it by
making a higher layer of hydroton under one side of the bag
and get the plant to lean a certain way for space or more light.
I'm lovin these bags.
It's crazy
fallin in luv with a cloth bag
but it's like a new home for plants with lots of fresh
air. this is new to plants. they NEVER had air like smartpot air.
just moist media, fert's in an airy open home maitrix;
they think they in heaven.
check em out.


Active member
Hey Dabbler got an update on those pots.

I figure I can line any container (think milk crate)
or like yours or macro plastic’s harvest bins

with Home Depot replacement coco liners (instead of
the expensive coco rolls and get a similar effect as

the smart pot or weed-block fabric; with air-root pruning
when the root gets to the coco.

I'd be organic also & not rely on the textile industry for fabric.

Kinda like that burlap experiment (anything new on that)

but with coco fibre mat. I'm psyched on this now.

Sorry smartpot. I don't luv u anymore.

Scay Beez

Active member
I would think this would be fungus gnat or root aphid paradise. Sand might protect the top layer, but not the bottom or sides (in the case of an air or net pot). For those keeping moms air pruned, what's the longest you've kept a plant healthy in one of these pots? Usually a week per gallon in soil is normal. I want to hear some ridiculous shit like 3 months in a half gallon..haha. I'm considering testing this out but I'm not sure about bugs. Who's had bug problems with these?

- sbz


Yes indeed! Cleaning these SmartPots is a complete nightmare.

First you remove the rootball from the pot. Place the pot into a washing machine, preferably one down at the laundromat. Start the wash cycle and let it go through the entire wash/rinse cycles.

Remove from the washing machine and they're dry to the touch. Take home and refill with soil.

Yeah - a real leap of faith to get these babies clean!

Hey, by the way, if you have a very active bacterial pool inside the smart pot, or by using EM-1 or a pond cleaner or hygrozyme and similar products... can't you re-use the medium and the pot just by letting enzymes and bacteria consume the dead roots? Or do the roots grow too much? ;)

Second question: this might have been discussed before, but if anybody is so kind to repeat, I'll thank a lot ;) ...can you transplant from smartpot to smartpot or is it not advisable? Say I wanted to use a 30 gal smartpot, how wise is to sprout seeds directly in it vs. using an eight of a gallon normal pot for the seedling and maybe first vegetative stage?


Active member
I would think this would be fungus gnat or root aphid paradise. Sand might protect the top layer, but not the bottom or sides (in the case of an air or net pot). For those keeping moms air pruned, what's the longest you've kept a plant healthy in one of these pots? Usually a week per gallon in soil is normal. I want to hear some ridiculous shit like 3 months in a half gallon..haha. I'm considering testing this out but I'm not sure about bugs. Who's had bug problems with these?

- sbz

you r right on that. easy access to the media through the
coir fibre. I'd lose the blocking feature of the cloth.

I don't worry much about the gnats , since I use the Bt in the reservoir
and they get that every water so gnats probably would not grow in the coir.
Not sure on the root aphids (no experience)

I'm 3 months veg, in the 2 gal; about 20" tall nice in bushy.
I'm sure I could keep them there for a while.

Feed every other day under 400 watt CMH

RIPMAN you can transplant up just peel down the fabric,
it's a little tricky but they come out and you can see all the root ends where they stopped and got "pruned" and

I bet you can leave the media in place with an active enzyme working;
just cut out the stem and translant;
unless the media needs reworking it could go another round.


Active member
lately I have been placing the 2-gal
smartpot inside a 5 gal pail to maintain

a more humid microclimate around the
outside of the bag to slow evaporation
and to keep direct fan air currents from sucking moisture out of the bag;
especially if air conditioning is used.

It seemed to work and the 5 gal pail has anchor points
to hold the plant up using bungy cords.

It's helped but makes watering harder cause
you have to drain the run-off.

I could use a pail with holes like a hydro bucket
instead of 5 gal.


We are Farmers


Has anyone experienced this with Smart Pots? Is it mold? What do I need to do?

I am using Roots Organics soil straight in 3 gallon SP, the pot pictured is the worst but the sides of the other pots facing it have signs of it also.




Has anyone experienced this with Smart Pots? Is it mold? What do I need to do?

I am using Roots Organics soil straight in 3 gallon SP, the pot pictured is the worst but the sides of the other pots facing it have signs of it also.



I don't think it's mold. Mine did the same thing and my assumption was salt buildup from nutes. I flushed once during flowering process and most of it came off. No worries. :joint:

Clackamas Coot

Active member
Maj. Cottonmouth

It's normal regardless of whether you're using chemical fertilizers or organic soil amendments.

Between crops, take your empty SmartPots to a local laundrymat and throw them into the machine with 1/2 cup of Oxyclean and run it through a wash cycle. They'll come out as good as new.

No need to run through the drier as the spin-cycle will remove almost all of the water.




We are Farmers
Thanks CC, this is first grow but I was afraid I really screwed up by not washing them before I used them the first time, I probably should have but at least this isn't mold.

Clackamas Coot

Active member
A product sheet came across my desk a couple of weeks ago from a company out of China which is producing a pot similar to the SmartPot called Root Pouch and they have a sales office in Hillsboro, Oregon.

They have products made from recycled soft-drink bottles and are biodegradable. They also have pots made from denim. Their #3 pots are $.53 each.

According to the sales rep, you can disregard the minimum order amount cited at their web site meaning that if you're interested in getting accurate pricing information and availability it would be best to call them direct for a quote.


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