I have already started plants and they will be outside when healthy and big enough, 2-3 weeks.
POG Grow Damit
Casey in the mornin
See the light, thats where it's going lol
Room, pipes, bong, age old
Chemist #1
Chemist #2
Kali, ssk x bb, c9 x og
ffa vs spg
3 sour buble x dc two indica pheno's and somehow a rouge sativa pheno out of two indica plants lol.
spg x dc
Mr nice SSH high yeilding origonal cut
I recently bought a house on outskirts of the city and it came with a house looking like shed with power and water everything a grower would want so thats filled with veg and flower room but I wanted to build a green house this winter so its ready by spring or sooner.So we will have to compare notes bro.