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mexilandrace said:
point was more, you don't take parts off your car so it will work better.

I have tried the cutting leaves off, and I gotta say if it works it isn't across the board gospel and will likely vary between phenos.

If anyone can point to the science of why it works that is what I would like to see. This argument went for page after page on OG and it was concluded to keep the leaves on. Now I am supposed to dismiss all that?

Just my 2 cents.

ahhhh. i get it. sorry bro, was quick to jump on the mechanics of automobile operation. i didn't comprehend the greater messege of your comments. i do now though :smile:


Brastaman said:
wow, had to catch up on all the information.
Jro, you're killing it man. real nice.

not very many. the most popular cut i run that gets the heavy treatment is the purple urkle. and the greencrack.

i have noticed that if i cut fan leaves off after about the 4th week of flowering when bud development has taken hold that the bud sometimes stresses out and grows immature. <-- not sure if its the instant exposure to more light for a bud that was growing under low-light conditions before. OR if it is from the stress of cutting off a fan leaf.
Brasta, Thank you bro!
Glad to see your still hangen around.
Peace, Jro


Everybody talks bout this purple urkle :( Its impossible to get your hands on where I live.


Yeah, I will start a thread to show u the progress asap.
What kind of nutrition do you use for your perlite x vermeculite medium?
I wonder how it would stand up against coco. Perhaps I should compare the two when I have the funds. I have now trimmed the leafs on all my
flowering plants (They are in soil, about 4,5 gallon plasticbags). 10
Big Bangs, and 8 Arjans Haze 3. I hope it will improve my yield, and
I will hook u up with some pics as soon as I've got time.

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prod said:
Everybody talks bout this purple urkle :( Its impossible to get your hands on where I live.


Yeah, I will start a thread to show u the progress asap.
What kind of nutrition do you use for your perlite x vermeculite medium?
I wonder how it would stand up against coco. Perhaps I should compare the two when I have the funds. I have now trimmed the leafs on all my
flowering plants (They are in soil, about 4,5 gallon plasticbags). 10
Big Bangs, and 8 Arjans Haze 3. I hope it will improve my yield, and
I will hook u up with some pics as soon as I've got time.

Prod, I never ran coco, But have heard great things from it.
The perlite/verm is cheap as shit and works wonderfully!
I use AN 3 part to a custom level that works for my strain.
I have found that any nute will work well as long as you dont fry em!

Im sure you girls will benefit from the trim, Post some pics so we can see how your coming along!

How tall are the plants?? Curious to see with the 400's, I might have some good pointers for ya!
Peace, jro
A little porn ................


jrosek said:
Prod, I never ran coco, But have heard great things from it.
The perlite/verm is cheap as shit and works wonderfully!
I use AN 3 part to a custom level that works for my strain.
I have found that any nute will work well as long as you dont fry em!

Im sure you girls will benefit from the trim, Post some pics so we can see how your coming along!

How tall are the plants?? Curious to see with the 400's, I might have some good pointers for ya!
Peace, jro
A little porn ................

:) Ok, where I live coco its cheaper than perlite/vermiculite. Ill just use
the coco a+b, rhizotonic and pk1314.

The AH3's are maybe 75 cm tall. I've cut almost
all of the lower branches off, and now also almost 40 days into
flowering the most of the fan-leaves are off aswell.

The BigBangs are maybe 40-50 cm tall. They are now also stripped.

Had some issues with cold, but the space is now pretty isolated.
Temperatures are 25-27 light hours and 20-23 by night. Heated
with element when the lights are off.


prod said:
:) Ok, where I live coco its cheaper than perlite/vermiculite. Ill just use
the coco a+b, rhizotonic and pk1314.

The AH3's are maybe 75 cm tall. I've cut almost
all of the lower branches off, and now also almost 40 days into
flowering the most of the fan-leaves are off aswell.

The BigBangs are maybe 40-50 cm tall. They are now also stripped.

Had some issues with cold, but the space is now pretty isolated.
Temperatures are 25-27 light hours and 20-23 by night. Heated
with element when the lights are off.
Prod, Where ya at???
Waiting for those pics bro!!!


great post!!! i'm growing in 2 areas....dual 800w and a 600hps. there are 12 plants....they are ready to be flipped to flower. i took 30 some clones...hopefully i won't screw them up! i'm sticking them under t-5 lights in a totally different area than where the flowering is done. (until they are ready to flower.) i was hoping the rooting and such will take a few weeks cause i'd love to do 30 in one gallon pales...i also do hempy. last year i did 12-14 clones in 1 gallon hempys and was quite pleased at the budsicles i had. this is afirmation to me...seeing jrosek's set up. i'm stoked!
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I like the simplicity of your potting mix jrosek. You say you use hydroponic nutes (assuming ph ~5.8), but what is your watering regimen? I like the idea of hydro, and the fact that your medium is reusable, but I need the flexibility of soil.

With soil I only have to water every 3 days, and I only have to check the ph when I mix the nutes up.

I'm definitely going to try your trimming method next grow as I am seeing spots of light green bud from lack of light.


Litebuzz, Bro... run with it!!!

Barnt, Yes, the ph is 5.8, I water every 2 days at 1100 ppm, never need a flush, Infact my buckets or beds have no holes for drainage..
Once your system is dialed in you never have to ck ph/ppm unless you think something may have changed.

Good luck on the trimming! Hope all goes well for you guys!
Peace, Jrosek


Gene Mangler
Just checkin' in :)

Has anyone done some stripping & left a couple alone for comparison yet?

I put off my Growbag vs SP test for a cycle, plants ended up too far apart in growth pattern. I took a chainsaw to this next batch, they're lookin good & almost ready.
This strain is looking like it likes to be pinched 3 times into 4 mains w/4 tips each
7g per tip = my QP goal, last 12 tipper was right on target @ 4.25 zips bone dry.
I'm hoping 16 mains, 7gal SPs, minor LST work, organic brewer & drip to waste system will push 5 zips. we'll see? :)

You cab see on the pic where I call it quits on trimming.
ONLY trim those that are blocking light from something important! :)

10gal Smart Pot test: 4.25 oz @ 58 days 12/12, aprox 100 days total.



chef said:
Just checkin' in :)

Has anyone done some stripping & left a couple alone for comparison yet?

I put off my Growbag vs SP test for a cycle, plants ended up too far apart in growth pattern. I took a chainsaw to this next batch, they're lookin good & almost ready.
This strain is looking like it likes to be pinched 3 times into 4 mains w/4 tips each
7g per tip = my QP goal, last 12 tipper was right on target @ 4.25 zips bone dry.
I'm hoping 16 mains, 7gal SPs, minor LST work, organic brewer & drip to waste system will push 5 zips. we'll see? :)

You cab see on the pic where I call it quits on trimming.
ONLY trim those that are blocking light from something important! :)

10gal Smart Pot test: 4.25 oz @ 58 days 12/12, aprox 100 days total.

Very impressive bro! What kind of time frame does it take to make that many tops? I have a single 400 i'de like to try that on.
Here is a couple pics. 14 day flower and then 40 day flower. same girls..
Peace all........



Gene Mangler
Ditto on the impressive! ;)
Had to figure it out exactly, pic is 8-04, harvested 11-01, plus about 10 days of shoplight & HPS before that MH pic was taken, errr... 98 days +/- a couple :)

Been working on 2 methods/schedules, 1 60 day veg & 1 fast track method.

#1 - The 60 day method involves letting 3-5 nodes grow out between each pinching, then pinching off all but 1 double node each time. This started as me trying to drag out the veg period to 60days for a perpetual, while staying under the 12"x12" limit for small plants.
Along with SmartPots & some good soil innoculant, it gave me a woody, bushy stump with a hell of a root system lol
Put'em into 12/12 & let the rootmass & big mature stalks do their thing!

#2 The Fast Track method is simply pinching as soon as there's enough to pinch.

My current cycle is somewhere between the 2, #1 is looking more productive though & works into my schedule well.

I'd love to grow bigger numbers, stuck with legal limits though & no plans to mess with a good thing :p Thats the reason I'm working on max'in out larger plants.



Active member
i gota get tipping 3rd day of veg and these plants have taken off. had planed to tuck under the lover ring on the tomato frames but i was just too slo/



No problem settling in

White Rhino



a heshe or a shehe :cuss: i only had 4 beans in of this strain all bagseed and gifted seed should be a good outdoor project. More than 80% of the mix looks well worth flowering .


Hey Jro.......Have you built your beds yet ?......

I used ta use 50/50 verm/perl in 16 oz. solo cups for cuts with 100% success......

Old Krusty technique and then Grateful Head made a thread bout using rubbermaid tubs full of verm/perl for cuts that`s pretty much stoner proof........lol.....

I now use coco in clear solo cups to watch root development and pull the fast growers on into the pre-veg areas asap cuz I do the perpetual flip flop thingy also ........

My Cali SOG Bro`s use 4 -1 gal pots per sq. ft. with 128 on a 4 x8 table under 2-1000 watters.....

I think you said earlier that you`d space your cuts 5"`s apart and that would increase the plant numbers while your trimming process would not allow buncha foliage and canopy development as in a normal SOG......

Think about it....In a normal SOG ...You lose the bottom 1/3 cuz light can`t penetrate that deep , but with your method I`m wondering how close you could actually put cuts side by side and lose NOTHING underneath with pre-vegged cuts straight under the big lights 12/12.......

Sorry Chef....Didn`t meanta jack the thread but I`m always trying ta increase the bottomline.........

Yieldage as fast as possible on a rotating staggered chop and plant schedule.......Perpetual is the only wayta maximize your space and time......

All it takes is 2 small areas like Jro`s with cuts a month apart in age and once the ball`s rolling , You chop and plant X amount of cuts once a month or thereabouts depending on your rotations.......Guaranteed harvey every 31-35 days is how my shit rolls .........

Efficiency with maintenance free systems are the poo poo .........Jro.........Tell me bout that DIY watering wand thingy......Hope there`s a pump involved........Also .......

How often you feed the 1 gal pots.......

Anyways........Thanks for your time and take care.........DHF......... :joint: .........


Gene Mangler
No prob ;)

Got a big smile on my face when I read about the 4x8, I used do do the exact same thing in the 80's. 4x8 bed, 132 cuts @ 4 per sq ft. w/ 2 1K's.
Put out about 1.5 LB's lol Amazing!


Whats up guys!

DHF, Still working on the room, cuts are about 5 days away from there new homes!
I mentioned 5" apart in a post to a fellow enthusiast awhile back. But, since you mentioned it!
I am working on it as we speak. Here is a little peak and info...
Remember, this was an experiment for my upcoming beds.
What we have here is 72 cuts in 10"x30" bins under one 600 spaced 5" apart.
They went straight into flowering from rooted clone and stripped at dat 5 of flower.
The plan is to run 2- 5'x10' tables with 288 cuts per table under 2 1000's.
we will harvest 1 table every 28 days or so. the goal is to achieve astronomical #'s!!!!
After cutting these ones today i can tell you the average dry weight will be rite around 15 grams each, do the math my friends!!!
I know im gonna get some serious feedback for stating this but... look at the pics, Proof is in the pudding!!!
I have worked long and hard tweeking this system. I believe i will hit the 2.4 lbs with this experiment under 1-600, and will shoot for 9.5lbs under 2-1000's.
So there you have have, Let's see how many believers there will be!!LOL
Peace all! Jro

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My latest feedback from an anonymous Memeber... "scummy euro prick"

LOL!..... Sissy

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