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Simple bong builds for under $12! w/built-in diffusers and detachable ice chambers.


Plz forget you know me...Sugaree
Verite said:
Now just need to etch a fancy name on the side for the kids like, HOOR. :yoinks:

lol, The NEW HOOR-MARTINI MIXER BONG! Yours for only 3 easy mayments $179.95! ..get yours TODAY!


Plz forget you know me...Sugaree
High ALL! Anybody else have some interesting Builds they'd like to share? The Martini mixer bong(my favorite) is getting cracks in it due to the constant use and refreezing. Nothing a little Guerilla Glue cant fix, but it may be "back to the drawing board" for me! lol.

Show me watch ya' got! Peace, TBug


Active member
we used to take a pop bottle and cut a hole in the cap, then press in the bottom half of an air compresser thingy through the hole so on top of the cap was the bowl and the bottom half of the compresser thing was under the cap....then we'd slide on some rubber tubing so it would go to the bottom of the bottle....then you poke a bigger hole on one side towards the top of the bottle and a smaller one right on the other side for the choke....add a screen to the bowl, pack it up, add some water and we had a nice little quick water bong we could make in shop class right before school got out lol.

another cool thing was them honey bottles like verite posted and the old school ketchup or musturd bottles like the old resturants used to have, u could make them into " shotgun power hitters ", you take the caps off and install a hollow piece of metal that could hold a rolled joint to the bottom of the cap....light the joint and put it in the metal piece and screw the top on, everytime you squeez it you get massive hits.


Plz forget you know me...Sugaree
High Unite! ..and thanks! You iron lungers make me jelous(sorta')! But ive never inhaled anything in the first 36 years of my life. I need the defusers and the ice. lets face it, "IM A WOUSEY!" but thanks just the same. Ive had to scrape-up a makeshift waterbong on several occaisions!

Anybody else out there notice that these southerners never use bongs. No offence to you all in the south, but I run into more peeps who've never used a bong. I brought one over to my neighbor who is twice my age. showed him what i built and handed it to him. he then asked me what he is supossed to do. Im, like, "What?". ahh..carb, flame, and inhale! he said he never used one in like 40 years of smoking. Crazy, I think! Peace, TBug


Active member
i'm a retired iron lung, i quit power hittin in my late teens lol....we'd add the ice in the bottles though...u just need smaller cubes and bash them with your palm and they'd slide right in. i never run into many southerners, but i have a neighbor that just moved here from GA and he puffs, i'll ask him if he hits the bong.


Plz forget you know me...Sugaree
High unite! Cool, this will be interesting...lol. Peace, TBug


Pass That S**t!
Damn T' those are some of the nicest DIY bongs i've ever seen. I might build one, just incase my glass bong breaks. Thanks!


Moon-grass farmer
Artie Lange said:
not bad for a begginer

I was walking up to a buddy's house the other day and all I could hear was the intro to Macgyver. Classic.


Plz forget you know me...Sugaree
Holdin' said:
I was walking up to a buddy's house the other day and all I could hear was the intro to Macgyver. Classic.
Yeah, that will happen! ...depending on which time zone you are in. :jerkit: :jerkit: lol and Peace, Tbug


one in the chamber
Those are the coolest homemade bongs I've ever seen! You're BongGyver for real. Ever considered using a glass slide?

BTW, you guys brought back some great memories. MacGyver was like my favorite show as a kid...hehe.

I just told a friend of mine who's too young to remember it..this is how I described it to her...

"he did everything with a credit card, duck sauce packets and a shoelace"
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Plz forget you know me...Sugaree
glock23 said:
Those are the coolest homemade bongs I've ever seen! You're BongGyver for real. Ever considered using a glass slide?

BTW, you guys brought back some great memories. MacGyver was like my favorite show as a kid...hehe.

I just told a friend of mine who's too young to remember it..this is how I described it to her...

"he did everything with a credit card, duck sauce packets and a shoelace"
ahhh... you forgot paper clip and gum. lol peace,TBug


Gravity Bong

Gravity Bong

Hi TBUG, :wave:
I like your thread and your cool "freestyle" way to create.

Me and my friends still break out the ole "Gravity Bong" when we realy wanna have some laughs...Just like old times.

all ya need is a soda bottle, big soup pot that is full of water and a bowl to put your herb into. cut the bottom out of the soda bottle, and fit a bowl into the cap of the soda bottle.

be sure the bowl (with herb) is off when you place the bottle in the water.

put cap on loosly, (because you gotta take the top off to get a hit). pack bowl full of herb. As you light it, lift up slowly and the bottle will fill with smoke.

Pull cap off quickly and place mouth over soda bottle top, and gradualy push the bottle back to the bottom of the soup pot. Hold for 5 seconds and repeat as needed. hehhehehe
Power Hittin!

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This summer my friends parents left home for 3 weeks, man was that a bad idea lol. But we partied EVERY day at his house. there were huuuuge parties of well over 100 people, and i remember on 4th of july we had 3 kegs, tons of hard liquer and well over 400 people in 1 mid sized house. But we would make bongs and pipes out of all kinds of shit, we used gatorade bottles, energy drink cans, a tea pot, actually 2 different tea pots, and we even used an egg one time.. thats right, an egg.. we poked a hole in the bottom, and then one in the middle, and even put a carb on it lol. it worked like a champ too! we used all kinds of other things to smoke out of too, even though we had pipes, but we just wanted to have some fun. I know we smoked out of other wierd ass things but i was too drunk and high all the time to remember them all.


Irishslappop said:

HELL YEAH, i remember that bong dude!! i remember losing the little orange piece to it too, my bad lol.

this reminds me, i need to get bamboshi back.


Yeah man, once i get it back ill return him to his original sensei, for i must retire myself... because now, a greater power that i have no control over, has defeated me.. this greater power i speak of, is no other than my mama.


Plz forget you know me...Sugaree
High Moh! Thanks for the tip. I will see what I can do with bamboo! I had several ideas for pvc in the past, but that medium is "bad"! so I could substitute bamboo for several of my ideas in the pvc department. Where do you get that size bamboo, though? It would take forever to grow it. Peace, TBug

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