YUp, a good fert 20-20-20 will do ya good, but just don't use the dosage they give on the back and you will be all straight
Which one did you have in mind? I personaly used hyponix and it's a kick ass brand, but it has no nutes and is bassicaly a top soil rather than a potting soil mixture, so using some nutes should square your plants up. Just the damaged areas will not recover, so you need to look to make sure it won't spread to newer leaves, it may spread slightly after feeding only because they were being affected and you not knowing it, but you will see a quick change in there health few days after feeding.
Which one did you have in mind? I personaly used hyponix and it's a kick ass brand, but it has no nutes and is bassicaly a top soil rather than a potting soil mixture, so using some nutes should square your plants up. Just the damaged areas will not recover, so you need to look to make sure it won't spread to newer leaves, it may spread slightly after feeding only because they were being affected and you not knowing it, but you will see a quick change in there health few days after feeding.
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