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Show Your Coco Mats


Active member
Can't seem to find much info on these coco mats. I put GH 1/4" mats in my ebb flow tables yesterday. The roots were exploding out of the pots and hopefully this will give them somewhere to hide.

All you other coco mat users should post your coco mat pictures. I want to see some root porn people :)

Here are my shots. I was putting everything in to flowering and added the coco mats at the flip.

More on that grow here: http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=54802&page=1&pp=15

Lets see your coco mats!


Active member
No one else is using coco mats?

My roots are starting to grow in the mat. The stays a lot wetter then the hydroton, that is for sure.


Active member
i use coir mats. i have used coir mats w/ 4x4 rockwool cubes on top and coir mats w/ 1gallon pots full of coir and perlite 50/50mix. there is no doubt in my mind that the coir matt r well worth thier money. never be root bound again!!!!!!!!!!!!


Active member
Top drip? Did the roots totally cover the bottom of the tray, or what was the root growth like down there?

Thanks for the input.


Active member
havnt seen the mats but heard of problems with the GH coco pot inserts not letting many roots through in some aero grows. Was a couple of years ago so hopefully that issue is sorted because coco imo is the way togo.


Active member
pico said:
Top drip? Did the roots totally cover the bottom of the tray, or what was the root growth like down there?

Thanks for the input.
i have used the mats in both top feed systems and ebb flow. the key to the mats is that u must have the mats coverd by something, whether that something is plastic or just the canopy. the roots grow into and through out the mat its self. there is a little root growth that dips down into the bottom of the tray but the majority of the roots stays inside the mat.
at first i thought i would be able to reuse the matts and easily clean them of old dead root mass but that turned out to be a little more difficult then i thought. u can still reuse the mats(and i recomend u do). in order to reuse the mats simpley let all the root mass die, then flood the table w/ a strong enzyme solution for a few days and that should be enough.
i also reuse my soiless mixes based w/ coir fiber. when reusing any media it is a good idea to always use extra amounts of enzyme products through out the grows.


hunterwoundedft said:
i have used the mats in both top feed systems and ebb flow. the key to the mats is that u must have the mats coverd by something, whether that something is plastic or just the canopy. the roots grow into and through out the mat its self. there is a little root growth that dips down into the bottom of the tray but the majority of the roots stays inside the mat.
at first i thought i would be able to reuse the matts and easily clean them of old dead root mass but that turned out to be a little more difficult then i thought. u can still reuse the mats(and i recomend u do). in order to reuse the mats simpley let all the root mass die, then flood the table w/ a strong enzyme solution for a few days and that should be enough.
i also reuse my soiless mixes based w/ coir fiber. when reusing any media it is a good idea to always use extra amounts of enzyme products through out the grows.

Thanks Hunter, I was wondering about that. I'm using the mats in an e/f coco bed and I sure as hell don't want to be changing out the mat between grows.

Pico, sorry bro I can't grab any root shots yet, but I'll throw some up after harvest