My camera recently took its last tumble to the ground... heres one with my shitty phone camera.
Purple Jem, first solid purple one ive gotten. Shes an f2 from a seed run i did.
Also, i have puprle AK going in a party cup. Will snap a pic when i get off work. I cant believe shes taking twice as long as FD's cup girls (where id that thread go!?!?!)
not sure i unerstand.. I had a 10 pack of p.jems, (none were purple) did a seed run, and planted the F2s, out of them.. 1 of 3 females are purple.
I will be taking them to f3 for suuuuure. love the color! showed a close friend, his jaw droped
Oh, ok...I understand you WILL/DID pollinate that purple one for F3's, correct??
Here are some Fast Bud !
Wow! Those look BIG!!! I can only imagine what they will taste like....gice us a smoke report annnnd, when will these go on the market???here is the super auto cheese x haze