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Shock: Christian Coalition founder Pat Robertson favors marijuana legalization


weed fiend
Interesting take. Would make sense to cut spending at the DEA but lots of testosterone junkies would be released in CIA ops and Xi paramilitaries. Those bastards will get their money (and snuff peeps) one way or another.

IMO, Dems ain't got what it takes for recognizable reform. As little as I know about the Tea Party, I shouldn't be making public statements. But the states rights, individual freedoms and budgetary concerns might be the quickest path to legalization. After all, one of em prays to Aqua Buddha. (I wonder if that was the classic, 70s ceramic Buddha bong?)

The social conservatives seem to more budget oriented, giving one hope that DEA funding would one day be cut. But old school conservatives aren't typically pot friendly.

Neither party seems to be in favor of cutting military spending. The last prez spent a record fortune amassing what the current prez is spending in use of. DEA is probably 1c on the dollar or less compared to military spending.

And then we've got corporate lobbies either blocking reform or stacking the profit deck in their favor. If it ain't one thing it's another. States are just gonna have to keep kicking ass until the scourge of prohibition dies a thousand deaths.


Active member
yep, or Americans start to get rowdy like in the middle east and they bow down in fear like they ought to.

Cut Government size down, cut back on entitlements, eliminate the irs+ lower taxes (no income tax), decentralize banking, be more efficient as a nation, focus on innovation in renewable energy sources and increase domestic production of everything, raise import tariffs, more transparency in government, get someone in office who is truly for working class Americans, bring troops home, remove draconian drug laws, allow the American people and economy to be truly free, sort of like giving a weed plant everything it needs to flourish, then take entire blunt of Sweet Tooth to the face, done.


weed fiend
What if free costs more than you can afford? What if free means poor air/water standards, the end of worker-safety regulations, not to mention federal prisons for the real criminals?

Truly free is truly unique in that everybody has their own idea. It's like a fingerprint, no two are the same. Free to do as you wish means your next-door neighbor is free to do as he/she chooses, regardless of your wishes.

I'm glad you're for the people and we share like aspects. But jobs we haven't sent abroad we're innovating less need for. Borders is going out of business due to Ipad success? That's what they say. Hopefully innovation will help spur employment in green energy but w/o government participation, carbon energy will flog the horse until we're all walking again. No so good with a suburban society.

In the budget compromise, the rich will pay 1/3 less capital gains than the Bush years. What was formerly categorized as income is now 10%, far less than the average salary or wage. These guys don;t generate economies like they used to. They just count their money.

Even Alan Greenspan publicly stated a need to return to the Clinton tax rates for all brackets. I'd venture a guess mine and your rates wouldn't change much. But the top bracket would go back to 39% and deficits would reduce faster.

Another thing we could do is tax the 68% of corporations based in the US that pay no taxes, not to mention the accountants that prepare their returns. Too many at the top are getting a free ride. They haven't generated any jobs since they've been allowed to move abroad. The least we could do is require their contributions.

But since this is about a religious conservative recognizing the disparity in mj laws, I'll leave the other stuff out.


Truly free things are usually of good quality, that is the brain slug of capitalism telling you that there is something wrong with your free water because it's free, and if industry continues practically unchecked, maybe someday there will actually be something wrong with the free air and water.


I think this could help greatly influence states in the US that have harsh laws. You have to think.. a lot of the ''Bible Belt'' states are very anti-cannabis and often (not all) have harsh laws.