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Shmoe Gardens...

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Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
Hiya joe :wave:
Sheyut man, another big fat canna-monster... Does she smell sweet? Bet she does...

Drying - hmmm could you use something like this? I got a cardboard clothes wardrobe from the U-Haul store - it stands about 5' high, has a fold down front. I put some wire across the top for hanging and my plants go in there in the veg room. Closes up dark, seems to be halfway between drying in the air and drying in a paper bag - I leave 'em in there for 2 weeks ( RH in the room runs 55-65 ) and then jar them.

Congrats man, 2 huge plants chopped this week - life is good! :wave:


Active member
Hey Joe don't forget ,you veg outside which helps make for huge yields as well.
It gives a huge root system and fat stocks. That way when you bring em in they seem to yield alot better.
I wish I could do that.


awww at work now, that strawbery one :), pink hairs = good trait looks like its guna yeild to :)


dont feel bad for me joe.
i dont have room to keep all the beauties you put up
here, and im sure im not the only one drooling.


how could i forget Jdoggy.....hehehe that one flowered outside too...
she just came in the dark tent at night...nice and safely LOCKED up in my gar.

MGJ yea....still throwing around ideas....was thinkin something like....who was it???mtn. john with the killer dry cab....or Bonsai Gardens...i cant remember...
must be all the meds...hehehe

slips , Brain,,...yup should yield just fine....
i think i'll be sleeping with a rope tied to it right under it all......month...when the time comes.....she's deffenatly way to big to bring inside.

i wont EZ....LIFE IS GOOD...=)

first a great job by JDOG crossing my cut of KaliMist with...Chem91'.....MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM:)
she's beautiful J!!!thanks a ton!!!! 2 TONS!

oops the OG one just slipped in there....3 TONS J!!!

ONE hawaianSnow in the ground...again Cloned at the "Y" and the stalks still upright topped. bent the biggest of the 3 stalks down over 2 weeeks ago...
she's purdy......

A godbud BUSH an a couple G33's commin right along=)

make it a great day:)

Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
So much greenery - am I in Joe's Garden or the Garden of Earthly Delights?

JDog's x sure looks sweet - looks like KM but on steroids - props :respect: JDog for making and Joe for growing.

That HS's stalk - man it looks like a citrus tree!

The Strawberry Beast is lookin like Paul Bunyon weed!

Peace :wave:


Whats up Joe, everythangs lookin nice as always. Haven't been around in awhile, I've been having major computer problems. Did a sytem recovery, and everything got fucked! Still can't do PM's.

Keep it up


On the road to clone only...
hey joe what's shakin'!!....what pheno you rockin' on that CheMist...Kali, '91. or mustang....everythings always lookin great....happy growing :headbange


Active member
Quick correction Joe...CheMist aka Mustang Mist = Kali Mist x chemdawg Bx4 male
They aren't S1's. But thanks and enjoy them.
I found one that is rotton fuel skunk and it should have a nice sativa buzz too.


thanks for the correction J>>>>looking forward to sampleing all the phenos...=)

thanks Solo...Slips has a smk report from last round...ck it...SLIPS smoke reports.

sup Scrappy>>>i am looking forward to cking all the phenos of the CheMist.
sprouted 5 have 3 confirmed females 1 male....1 not sure yet...
put the biggest into flower yesterday=)

howdy GratefulD>>>>that sux.

MrGJ...always glad to have you pop in....
the're having a ball here now....me too.

\C99xOGKA>>>>>>>>>>>holy shmoly....this chic is so dam frosty and SWEET..........every time i think it cant get any frostier....something liks this shows up....the G13 Burmese was so frosty, it looked like it was glowing....
same here...SUPER FROST>>>>the smell is so suductive....i cant wait to TAIST HER.
she could have gone another few days i believe...
C99 x OGKA



Wow just lookwed at this whole thread and wow.That is amazing.Arrgghh use to be able to do that in my back yard too,then came theives again and again I got tired of growing for them.But oh my goodness what are you doing growing them out and then flowering in under like a bazillion watts.How many watts in that cab?What size buckets and most important WTF are ya feedin em?Sides the unreal genetics whats yer secret you got lights on the floor or sumthin?Keep up the amazing job this thread is amazing,super creative on the root people!Just amazing!!


thanks gromer....
#5 #7 or #15 buckets depending on strain....the C99xOG was in #5.
PureBlend Pro>>>>>>Organics Alive....bat guano...worm castings ...Happy Frog soil
and a dash of cal mag and SweetLeaf.....B MAX soak on the transplant.

painted the floor white.....?

thanks man///


IC Official Assistant to the Insistent
Nice show joe..the C99xOGKA looks dense and tasty..keep up the good growin and the awesome camera showin.. :wave:


Wow thats it huh man I guess painting the floor white must be gettin the light to the bottoms better cus wholy cow those things are budded heavily from top to bottom and most peeps would consider those big OUTDOOR plants let alone in a cab.Crazy man simple fert regimen and everything Im stunned.Yeh my bro came back from cali with all kinds of good reports on the Organics Alive deal said alot of stores out there were brewin it and sellin it bottled out the store.Hopefully peeps are usin it then and there or bublin it or sumthin cus if not its toast.You must have paid a pretty penney for that thing.How long does a cartrige last?How many gallons can you make from one.Id love to hear details very interested in yer set up.This is one of the best threads Ive seen,very very nice indeed!!Got me some root balls dryin Im sold on the little hemp heads!!


Gromer>>>>yes to Organics Alive....
it has no shelf life....it will last up to 4-5 days in the fridge....but, USE WHAT YOU BUY as soon as you get it...it gets less and less GOOD....from the time its brewed...
dont mix with clorinated water...it kills all the ALIVE stuff in it b4 the plants get it.
i buy it brewed and use it the same day...
one half gal makes 20 gal....i mix it weak...because its powerful sh-t.

hehehehe root balls.... KNOTS make great faces too...i like making knots...or, knuckles....i guess its called supercropping...

i also vegg outside to get super healthy...hearty plants ready for flower...
ive started to add to the rotation...extra vegg time....
i cut em back a bunch...take the whole top off....revegg for a few weeks...
this has proven to add to final yield considerably.

i just finished a Chemystry...outside...by brining her inside early at night...to a dark tent....

THE SUN.....is UNRIVALED in any manufactured lighting....PERIOD.
it adds more to compleate the full scope the plant has to offer....

i wanna see some of your hemp heads gromer.PLEASE.

anyone else???

HEY, good idea for a contest!

later >>>>have a great day!

Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
Hiya Joe :wave:
Have to say my friend, the C99 x OGKA is some of the sickest bud I've seen - you have Mr Freeze watering your plants??? :biglaugh: Yowza Joe!

Thanks for the good info on Organics Alive. I have to check that out.

Much :respect: for your good use of the outdoors - you're right, there's plenty of everything good outside - sun, air, earth - big reservoir of freshness outdoors that is so hard to approach indoors. Props for making the best of both worlds.

Question - I find PureBlend Pro Bloom very acidic - how do you mix it up? When I mix up PBPBloom + fulvic / humic acid products the pH seems hard to get above ph 6. Thanks in advance....

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