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Shiva Grows

Old Piney

Well-known member
For the record I am also against uncontrolled immigration, I also consider myself right wing, I am also against woke shit, I am also for feeding my country's people first, and whatever you want. All that is just common sense to me and barely worth mentioning.

But I also don't like lies, or manipulation, or fantasies, or people who project themselves as enlightened and tolerant when they are not one nor the other. Using big words unnecessarily doesn't make a person sound smart either, it just makes them look insecure. If one is smart it should be easy for them to express any idea with common words.

As for white people being treated poorly in their own country, I can sympathise as I have worked for many summers with tourists and being disrespected, by British and German people mostly, who genuinely see us as inferior to them. Even if everyone in my family is whiter than any of them 🤣

I have never walked to a Moroccan and asked them what time it is, and got "no spanish" as an answer. Nor have I ever had any Moroccans parking illegally their 80.000€ caravans on my olive fields like it's theirs because they don't want to pay 20€ for a camping place. Never saw a Moroccan parking their 40.000€ mercedes next to my neighbours tomato field and fill bags and bags of tomatoes to take home. Never either saw a Moroccan whistling to my mother like she was a dog when we worked in the camping site, because they think we are little monkeys that were made by god to lick their boots.

It all comes down to perspective I guess 🤷‍♂️ But it takes some effort and some self awareness to put oneself in another person's shoes.
it’s so hard for me to comprehend that people can be like that , so sad
I suppose all you can do is take it from where it comes and maybe tell them to go F them selves . Nice to hear that your Moroccan neighbors are fine folks for the most part .Myself as a tourist anywhere I’m into taking in the local culture as best I can and all about respect. Just don’t get it ….edit … just talked to a good friend of mine who’s family is from and owns property on t the Island of Crete he says the German tourists are also like that there
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Bogdan "The Jeboter" Bovedovič
its kinda like an ode to a mothers body.
not my mothers, or anybodys in this thread, or teenage mothers.
came up with it while my mrs was slowly drifting into sleep next to me the other night.