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Shiva Grows


Not ICMag Donor
I really should turn off email notifications. I was getting ready for supper and watching a movie so I'll be brief, sorry.

Anyone committed to combating racism must also name ideologies that fuel it. I genuinely don’t understand why you’re framing my critique as racist. Could you specify what part of my statement was racist?

It’s interesting that you accuse me of being inauthentic while avoiding engaging with the substance of my critique and resorting to personal attacks. Perhaps labeling me as insecure is easier than addressing the content of my criticism? Still, I invite you to explain why you defend this ideology.

I am not committed to combating racism. I am too lazy and egotistic for that. I am not interestetd in changing your opinion. I don't even care that much if other people are racist. I just tell them like I see them. When I really like someone I'll shut up and talk about another topic to preserve the friendship, but for the rest of the people I usually don't really care, which admitedly makes arguments escalate. What can I say 🤷‍♂️ Mea culpa.

I also wasn't judging you based on a single statement, as you know. My impression of you, after months of reading your posts in this thread, is that you are insecure, needy for attention and admiration, eager to prove how smart and educated you are and two faced as far as projecting a chill cool guy image but being a disingenuous weasel in reality.

As I said in the other post, I came to the conclusion that you are racist after reading the way you talk for months, not after reading single statement. I don't need to engage in rebuking arguments with anyone. I don't need to prove to anyone that I am right because I don't care if I'm right. I don't need to win any argument on racism or politics because I understand different people have different opinions, and people's experiences in life shape their political views. Me calling you a racist is judging your attitude, not the arguments you made today.

You can think what you want, you can say what you want, and I'll judge you over what you say, if I want. Feel free to do the same. I expressed my views on racism and immigration clearly in the various posts I made today.

Silencing such critiques ultimately weakens the anti-racism movement itself and free speech also. I stand by my criticism, but I won’t demean anyone who disagrees—as long as the debate remains factual and respectful.

Nobody is silencing you or deleting your posts. This is a clumsy strawman argument. This is not my thread or my forum. Saying that you are racist is a judgement of character, not a challenge to your free speech. You can say what you want and so do I, unless Shiva or the mods tell me to shut up.

I think international forums are an important space. Here we can exchange perspectives that are often lost in national bubbles. If we don't even talk about ideologies that threaten human rights here - then where?

If we don't discuss this globally, we leave the field to those who actively promote such systems. I think we have a responsibility to at least put the facts on the table here - even if we remain in disagreement.

When I said it's pointless to argue politics with strangers online, what I mean is it is pointless to me, and that nothing that I personally value, comes out of these arguments.

What I literally said in my last post is "Anyway that was a lot of politics for my taste. I don't usually like to partake because I genuinely think there is nothing good to be gained to argue these things amongst strangers on the internet."

If other people enjoy arguing about this, go ahead. Again, not my thread or my forum. Not my rules. Argue about whatever you want, it's not like you need my permission.

You say it's pointless - but by saying that here, you're already participating in the dialog.

That is true. Which is why usually I never talk about these things on a forum, when I can hold my tongue in. I have been a part of this thread for 3 years I think. Shiva can tell you how many times I participated in any kind of politics talk. Same reason why I never go to the Speakers Corner.

I failed to be brief, as always.

But yeah to finish, this is not personal for me. I don't hate you or anything. I just dislike people that act like you, or like I have seen from you in this thread. And I have the bad habit of telling people why I dislike them.

This is getting nasty though, and it wasn't my intention. But arguments escalate, that's why they are arguments. I don't really hate anyone that I don't know personally. So if you would like me to delete this post after you read it let me know. I say this sincerely, I have no need to win any arguments.

Good night.
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Well-known member
better out than in . i don't tell anyone to shut up . i like both of you .

i find strain hunter to have good intentions , and i respect everyones opinion

fair enough


Well-known member
also, what i have experienced . we don't know each other in person . only then do we know if we gel. if that makes sense?

el timbo for example , is a rare diamond. i have met a few people from online over the years , and el timbo and hashstar i can say are real friends . i met some folk , that act cool online and in person are the opposite. it can happen
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price keeps going up

Land for sale, Milisava Krstića, in Meljak, Serbia​

Milisava Krstića
Plot of land • ref: 1297526
GBP 22,306

GBP 21,044+1,263


Translated from Serbian.Show original
For sale is a very nice plot, near the Ibar highway, 800m away from Marshal Tito Street. In a very quiet area. Permitted construction with location information. There is a manhole with water on the plot, and electricity next to the plot. Due to the shape, as well as the width of the front facing the street, it provides more opportunities for family construction and landscaping of the yard for a comfortable life