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Shiva Grows

Old Piney

Well-known member
I think there's a very big issue in social media of uneducated people spreading bullshit because they legitimately are racist, and they try to keep their sheep's clothing on but you can clearly see the wolf underneath.

And I'm not a snowflake lefty or the kind of guy to blush because of racist or misogynistic jokes. I couldn't care less about anyone else's feelings or safe space or shit like that. Americans are a separate issue alrogether because even with all the influence they have on global media, you can't really take that seriously because listening to an American talk about politics is like listening to a woman talking about football.
Hey Watch it there, bud ! Yes the media sucks fueling hysteria, and hate .It’s not Americans influence on media they do it all on their own , pushing an agenda and full of censorship . The Bull shit American media shouldn’t have all that much influence anyway , not our fault. Sadly there’s no non bias news It’s up to all of us to piece together the truth , I use Al Jazeera as part of the puzzle


Not ICMag Donor
Hey Watch it there, bud ! Yes the media sucks fueling hysteria, and hate .It’s not Americans influence on media they do it all on their own , pushing an agenda and full of censorship . The Bull shit American media shouldn’t have all that much influence anyway , not our fault. Sadly there’s no non bias news It’s up to all of us to piece together the truth , I use Al Jazeera as part of the puzzle
Sure man my bad just ranting no offense intended 👍
The football thing was just meant as a joke.


Well-known member
I get where you're coming from, and I used to have similar thoughts. I had a Muslim friend who studied with me, and I would always ask him to explain the differences between Islamic principles and other religions. For a long time, he just answered my questions, but about a year ago, he suggested I take an online course called Shariah Law Course Online. He simply said, "Just do it, and you won’t need to ask me again."

I took the course in my free time, and honestly, I was shocked. Islam is far more different than what I had assumed, and it gave me a completely new perspective on life and how to live it. It’s easy to make judgments or dismiss things we don’t fully understand, but taking the time to actually study something deeply makes all the difference.
I became aware of it as a teenager. I spent several years on longer vacations in a Muslim country and learned some of the language. At a certain point, I noticed that many Muslims pretended to be nice while regularly insulting tourists in their own language with a sweet smile and the most derogatory words. Since I observed it on a daily basis and it was the rule rather than the exception, I thought there must be a common denominator.

If you then study Islam, it quickly becomes clear.
But it took me longer to understand everything completely, as Muslims follow the Koran, Sharia and Mohammed as role models in equal measure. The problem only really becomes apparent when you realize that more than half of the texts deal with non-Muslims, that the older peaceful chapters are invalidated by the newer warlike ones and that deliberate deception is part of the tools of the trade. Jihad is to be waged not only internally but also externally and there is a multi-stage plan to conquer the earth. The argument that the translation cannot be trusted is also deliberate deception. A standard Koran, which every Sunni (approx. 95% of the world's population) speaks in their own language, is what they follow. So the standard Koran and the Sharia as well as the life story are sufficient.

There is now really good, educational material that is of a high standard.


Well-known member
I think all organized religions suck and are designed to keep people ignorant and controlled. And it works really well.

On the topic of islam, I have very little idea about the religion itself, all I know Is my town and the ones surrounding them are full of Moroccans. In one of them there is literally 60% of Moroccan kids in school. It's actually kind of crazy. Yet we don't hear any of these crazy stories you hear coming from Germany or Belgium etc.

If a Moroccan man raped a woman in my town, he would be found dead the next day. It seems to me all this Muslim rape stuff people complain in central/northern Europe is more a problem of these people not being able to take care of themselves and their families, more than an actual external issue.

Of all the immigrants we have in my area, Moroccans are the most chill of them all. I wouldn't dream of fucking with Bulgarians, Lithuanians, Ukrainians and any other east European people though. Because then it's you who's gonna show up dead the next day 🤣

Also I had a very thorough Catholic education and I never found people anywhere who disrespected more the teachings of Christ, than most of the teachers and education personnel I met during my formative years.

Catholics tortured one of my grandfathers, and killed the other one. Catholics are the reason my parents were named Spanish names instead of names in our own language undr penalty of death. Catholics stole from my family to feed their corrupt and satanic kid raping ministers. Catholics have destroyed my country's economy and culture, and set it back 30 years to the point that it went from being a melting pot of culture and art, to a third world shit hole from which we are still recovering. Muslims never did anything to me or my family.

Organized religion destroys everything and puts people against each other. Muslims are not worse than Christians by any means.
A lot of injustice has already been done in the name of religion. I think that even today the church does too little to prevent this. For example, abuse could certainly be greatly curbed by the close involvement of private investigators.

Islam is for the most part political. The fact that some Muslims oppose jihadism does not mean that it is not part of Islam. Violence is also deeply rooted in Islam

I am not denying that Islam is also a religion. But if only 49 percent of its main texts are devoted to this aspect, while 51 percent deal with political issues, can we really say that it is "only" a religion?

The infidels play a major role in the Koran. I respect the Koran of religious commandments - but I'm not interested in it, I'm not a Muslim. According to Islam, I am a kafir - singular of kuffar - and I am interested in what the Koran or the trilogy says about me and why "I" play such a big role there!

The Koran does not have a neutral relationship with us kuffar, but a very negative one. We are considered unworthy and should be fought against and subjugated. Every trick is allowed against the kuffar, and under no circumstances should a Muslim associate with them or even make friends with them. All this is bad enough. But if the Qur'an only dealt with it - say - two or three percent of the time ... But it is over sixty percent! In a word: the Koran is in a way fixated on us, and that with an extremely hostile attitude towards us. I don't know about you, but if I found out that my neighbor, who almost hates me, spends sixty percent of his reflections on me, it would make me nervous.

I know myself that many Muslims subjectively only want to live peacefully and that some also oppose jihadism. But that doesn't change the fact that it is part of Islam - Mohammed himself fought 95 battles in the name of jihad. I am not saying that all Muslims are jihadists, they are not. The Koran itself complains that many do not want to wage jihad. But you argue that this element of jihadism is irrelevant because the mass of Muslims ignore it in practice. But it is not irrelevant. You would be right if Muslims actively rejected this political element, if they openly rejected Muhammad's political claims and, above all, his violence. But they do not. Ask them to do so! They won't do it. But this shows how deeply rooted politics and violence are as an element in Islam.

When it comes to the question of the warlike character of Islam, its defenders like to argue that "jihad" cannot automatically be equated with war. But let's look at the figures again: What percentage of the thematization of jihad in the hadiths, for example, means the "great", i.e. the inner, the religious jihad? Before you start guessing: Two percent. That means that 98 percent of the mentions refer to the "small", warlike jihad! As you can see, sometimes the very figures that you think say nothing in themselves provide clarity. While some Islamic scholars obscure our view by describing the major jihad - because they do not make it clear that the two - major and minor jihad - are by no means equally important.

Many Muslims want to live peacefully, I realize that too. That's why I'm talking about the political part and not the private, personal part.

You are probably right, only a few Christians strictly adhere to the Scriptures. That may also be the case with Muslims. But no matter how they behave, it does not change their scripture and therefore the character of their doctrine.
And this is the core of Islam and incompatible with Western values.


Not ICMag Donor
Every trick is allowed against the kuffar, and under no circumstances should a Muslim associate with them or even make friends with them
I'm sorry but this just sounds retarded to someone who grew up with and interacts daily with Moroccans.

I'm not doubting whatever you say the Coran says, or all the Arab words you feel are necessary to use and that I am not going to Google. Just saying, as someone who knows them, this is complete fantasy. Their children play with Spanish children, there are plenty of mixed couples, I have worked with them and some of them are my friends. They are different to us but they are integrated and friendly, and they are as friendly to us in their country.

I just genuinely think you are racist, you personally, from what I have read in this thread.


Well-known member
I became aware of it as a teenager. I spent several years on longer vacations in a Muslim country and learned some of the language. At a certain point, I noticed that many Muslims pretended to be nice while regularly insulting tourists in their own language with a sweet smile and the most derogatory words. Since I observed it on a daily basis and it was the rule rather than the exception, I thought there must be a common denominator.

If you then study Islam, it quickly becomes clear.
But it took me longer to understand everything completely, as Muslims follow the Koran, Sharia and Mohammed as role models in equal measure. The problem only really becomes apparent when you realize that more than half of the texts deal with non-Muslims, that the older peaceful chapters are invalidated by the newer warlike ones and that deliberate deception is part of the tools of the trade. Jihad is to be waged not only internally but also externally and there is a multi-stage plan to conquer the earth. The argument that the translation cannot be trusted is also deliberate deception. A standard Koran, which every Sunni (approx. 95% of the world's population) speaks in their own language, is what they follow. So the standard Koran and the Sharia as well as the life story are sufficient.

There is now really good, educational material that is of a high standard.
any non muslim is a dimmih. if you are a muslim ,or converted muslim, you will be respected . it is a cult, whether they like that or not .

most muslims i know are moderate , and they are good people. i don't like islam though , but they act in a better manner than most current westerners . this is where they slither in