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Shiva Grows


Not ICMag Donor
Islam is far more different than what I had assumed, and it gave me a completely new perspective on life and how to live it. It’s easy to make judgments or dismiss things we don’t fully understand, but taking the time to actually study something deeply makes all the difference.
I think all organized religions suck and are designed to keep people ignorant and controlled. And it works really well.

On the topic of islam, I have very little idea about the religion itself, all I know Is my town and the ones surrounding them are full of Moroccans. In one of them there is literally 60% of Moroccan kids in school. It's actually kind of crazy. Yet we don't hear any of these crazy stories you hear coming from Germany or Belgium etc.

If a Moroccan man raped a woman in my town, he would be found dead the next day. It seems to me all this Muslim rape stuff people complain in central/northern Europe is more a problem of these people not being able to take care of themselves and their families, more than an actual external issue.

Of all the immigrants we have in my area, Moroccans are the most chill of them all. I wouldn't dream of fucking with Bulgarians, Lithuanians, Ukrainians and any other east European people though. Because then it's you who's gonna show up dead the next day 🤣

Also I had a very thorough Catholic education and I never found people anywhere who disrespected more the teachings of Christ, than most of the teachers and education personnel I met during my formative years.

Catholics tortured one of my grandfathers, and killed the other one. Catholics are the reason my parents were named Spanish names instead of names in our own language undr penalty of death. Catholics stole from my family to feed their corrupt and satanic kid raping ministers. Catholics have destroyed my country's economy and culture, and set it back 30 years to the point that it went from being a melting pot of culture and art, to a third world shit hole from which we are still recovering. Muslims never did anything to me or my family.

Organized religion destroys everything and puts people against each other. Muslims are not worse than Christians by any means.
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Well-known member
it is good we can all express ourselves here without name calling and abuse . muslims are more than welcome here , with any other faith . we don't hate . we may not agree, we may poke fun , we may call out hypocrisy , but we don't hate


Not ICMag Donor
I think there's a very big issue in social media of uneducated people spreading bullshit because they legitimately are racist, and they try to keep their sheep's clothing on but you can clearly see the wolf underneath.

And I'm not a snowflake lefty or the kind of guy to blush because of racist or misogynistic jokes. I couldn't care less about anyone else's feelings or safe space or shit like that. Americans are a separate issue alrogether because even with all the influence they have on global media, you can't really take that seriously because listening to an American talk about politics is like listening to a woman talking about football.


Not ICMag Donor
Sorry for venting this way but I'm almost done. I agree that islam sucks and they worship a disgusting pedophile. But let's not forget about the history of Christianity and how they erased all pagan cultures in Europe and killed more people than any government in the name of god. Or how the Jews shield themselves on their made up religion to exterminate the people who live by right in the place they have decided it's theirs. Or the condescending hare Krishna bullshit Hindu fake positivity that makes your stomach turn every time you hear it.

Religion is an excuse for evil people to kill, rape and steal. That's my view on it. Hopefully not offending anyone too much.
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