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Shiva Grows


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you are a lucky man . my favourite girl was my very first proper love . i thought i would meet someone just like her again , but found it hard . shagged my way around the world trying to find a lady similar

i find it inspiring when couples stick together

modern couples split for trivial reason, even sex etc , and before they know it , they are old and in need of help and the value of the things they held earlier are vanished into worthlessness
You'll find another


Well-known member
my worker has been dry coughing all week, and he regular coughing ....

last time i noticed it 6 months ago , i picked up a chest infection afterwards and became sick for a few days . what i felt yesterday was like a milder version....

i think he is shedding spike proteins

not definite but it correlates

could of been that massive bong hit but i doubt it , could of been fumes from work , but again not as likely
Recently, a relatively large number of people here also have realized that Islam is very different from Christianity and other religions and that there is a very large number of rules on how to treat people of other faiths and atheists. If the actions do not match the deeds 👀
The pigs can be recognized by their gait.

The critical mass could have been reached soon. Just saw the speech of a courageous brave italian lady who adressed the topic of political islam. She also rebuked an antisocial leftist in her speech.
I get where you're coming from, and I used to have similar thoughts. I had a Muslim friend who studied with me, and I would always ask him to explain the differences between Islamic principles and other religions. For a long time, he just answered my questions, but about a year ago, he suggested I take an online course called Shariah Law Course Online. He simply said, "Just do it, and you won’t need to ask me again."

I took the course in my free time, and honestly, I was shocked. Islam is far more different than what I had assumed, and it gave me a completely new perspective on life and how to live it. It’s easy to make judgments or dismiss things we don’t fully understand, but taking the time to actually study something deeply makes all the difference.


Well-known member
I get where you're coming from, and I used to have similar thoughts. I had a Muslim friend who studied with me, and I would always ask him to explain the differences between Islamic principles and other religions. For a long time, he just answered my questions, but about a year ago, he suggested I take an online course called Shariah Law Course Online. He simply said, "Just do it, and you won’t need to ask me again."

I took the course in my free time, and honestly, I was shocked. Islam is far more different than what I had assumed, and it gave me a completely new perspective on life and how to live it. It’s easy to make judgments or dismiss things we don’t fully understand, but taking the time to actually study something deeply makes all the difference.
fair enough
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Aisha, daughter of Abu-Bakr was a beautiful little girl. Muhammad married her when he was fifty three years old and she was only six years old

Yeah..........keep that shit.
i'm not a fan of mo myself , he was a warlord, slave owner , etc .

as head of a muslim family by default. i sympathise , as i'm in the middle of it all


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i always think of poor bilal, being made to wake up before every arab to call for prayer , but my muslim friends would argue he was chosen for that job , and it was a honour. depends on perspective


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christian , muslim, jew, atheist , satanaist , whatever the faith , you are all welcome here . we can't all agree and pretend to agree
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