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Shiva Grows


Well-known member
Some friends took the train and stored their ganja under other chairs with glue. The trains were controlled more often and this option was not so successful. So it was used for smaller batches only.
Lol i used to bring back small amounts on the train by putting it in a coke can that was almost done… and in case i get cut I would say the can was there before…never got cought😂😂😂


Well-known member
often it is symbolism , the establishment hijack symbols of great meaning , positive meaning and invert the meaning .
That is exactly what the authoritarian forces are doing in Germany and the EU. They suppress other opinions, infiltrate the rule of law and leverage it, restrict freedom and so on, telling us that they are protecting democracy and that the others are the enemies of democracy and must be fought against.
the swaztika and peace signs are great examples.

the swaztika is a symbol of protection and the peace symbol is an upside down broken cross and is a satanic symbol
The pentagram also originates from hinduism and symbolizes the progression to the highest goal regarding to Swami Satyananda Saraswati and Sadhguru Yagi Vasudev.


Well-known member
Another top politician. How can he not understand simple correlations and multiply migration but not care about adequate housing. I feel sorry for the Canadians who are suffering from the explosion in rents. Does anyone know whether migrants in Canada can be integrated into the culture and labor market or whether it's like in Europe?


Well-known member
Another top politician. How can he not understand simple correlations and multiply migration but not care about adequate housing. I feel sorry for the Canadians who are suffering from the explosion in rents. Does anyone know whether migrants in Canada can be integrated into the culture and labor market or whether it's like in Europe?
i honestly think just going off grid is an option. fencing up . we only live for so long . choose a place that for 50 years or more , you can live happily , so you and loved ones can enjoy some kind of freedom away from a system you do not agree with. that is the only answer i can think of


Well-known member
all we need are land , development and property lawyers to guide through all the loopholes that exist

and some capital

and a big set of bollocks