endless rebirth into suffering. aka hell .Hatha is great. I use it to treat backpain and leave the rest out.
No, Vajrayana is an own path but it includes Theravada and Mahayana. In total you have three paths for three different stages of development. In Vajarayana, there are paths for different types of people also. If your main focus is joy and you are attracted to nice women, fast motorbikes and so on, there are other methods than for people who are more intellectual or are busy to avoid things they don‘t like most of the time. Gelugpas are studying 20 years, before they are going into deep meditation. Nyngmapas use Maha Ati and Dzogchen, which is perfect for aversionists and Kagyupas use Mahamudra for the joyous people.
I don’t belive in anything.
Everything in the world is composite, changing all the time and has no real and lasting core. So it doesn’t make sense to seek lasting happiness in fleeting objects. Isn’t it? Or did someone find a deeper truth, that doesn’t need blind trust?
You can enjoy everything, but are aware of the fleeting aspect of object based happiness. If you look for something lasting, there is only space, where everything comes from and dissolves back. It is not composite but it can know and perceive things and is boundless, which is the basis for endless rebirths, depending on the collected imprints.
Pure and simple. When conciousness focus on itself it becomes aware of it’s timeless und indestructible nature. Then it makes sense to think beyond this life.
That’s what I thought.Well that whole situation could have been waaaaaaaaaaay worse. Some crazy people out there at the moment
Hatha is great. I use it to treat backpain and leave the rest out.
No, Vajrayana is an own path but it includes Theravada and Mahayana. In total you have three paths for three different stages of development. In Vajarayana, there are paths for different types of people also. If your main focus is joy and you are attracted to nice women, fast motorbikes and so on, there are other methods than for people who are more intellectual or are busy to avoid things they don‘t like most of the time. Gelugpas are studying 20 years, before they are going into deep meditation. Nyngmapas use Maha Ati and Dzogchen, which is perfect for aversionists and Kagyupas use Mahamudra for the joyous people.
I don’t belive in anything.
Everything in the world is composite, changing all the time and has no real and lasting core. So it doesn’t make sense to seek lasting happiness in fleeting objects. Isn’t it? Or did someone find a deeper truth, that doesn’t need blind trust?
You can enjoy everything, but are aware of the fleeting aspect of object based happiness. If you look for something lasting, there is only space, where everything comes from and dissolves back. It is not composite but it can know and perceive things and is boundless, which is the basis for endless rebirths, depending on the collected imprints.
Pure and simple. When conciousness focus on itself it becomes aware of it’s timeless und indestructible nature. Then it makes sense to think beyond this life.
Nice! You will have mad fun and amazing varieties of plants that you could grow (like exotic plants), or are you dedicating it for medicinal plants only? How big will it be… I am so envious you got a garden ahhhhh!i have to rebuild much of yard and garden , i'm behind schedule converting it into a greenhouse , so for now i'm going to erect a cheap plastic greenhouse ready for the season , and projects . i can move plants on into the wild, possibly the farm , to mr beans and a few here and there
going to smoke one and then go build it up and get planning the season
I have all disturbing emotions like everyone else but I don’t identify that often with it anymore. Was a bit confused the last weeks and there were more joyous thoughts the last days. I am excited to see, what comes nexti have to give strainhunter credit , he is one of least annoying buddhist around and really knows his onions
Truth does exist once you step out of the Matrix!!! You just got to take the blue pill and go down the rabbit holenothing exists
Don’t tell your clients, if you wanna get paidnothing exists
You gotta ask a mad scientist about thatdo you think we can extract the dmt out of the bad humans?
maybe the austrians will be good at stuff like thatYou gotta ask a mad scientist about that![]()
Good luck on the greenhouse homiea quick number then i will build this flimsy greenhouse. i will have to strap it down for sure and make more rigid with some timber blocks and fixings
The teachings were always there regarding to my teachers. But it got lost in Tibet for example and had to be brought back. Padmasambhava brought it from India to Tibet the first time and later it was brought there from Marpa.Hiya. Thanks again for taking the time to answer and for sharing your thoughts.
Yes Hatta is the basis and quite nice. Iyengar is really awesome for alignment and correct posture, and Ashtanga Mysore style is super physical.
Well I read that Varjayana was an off shoot of Mahayana which then evolved on its own.
I think that people are not inherently evil, but simply don't understand reality properly.As you I do not believe in anything and I do not believe that all humans are good, and believe that if enlightenment does in fact really exists, then it a solitary path and a selfish one….
Different methods for different people.Anyways, I respect all different paths as far as they are not based on blind belief and fanatisme.
Will it also have a flap or something on the roof to prevent high humidity?a quick number then i will build this flimsy greenhouse. i will have to strap it down for sure and make more rigid with some timber blocks and fixings