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Shiva Grows


Well-known member
my mate at the farm took offence to me laughing when he suggested using a bowl of white vinegar by placing it in the yard.... he looked insulted... what is this bowl of white vinegar bs they speak of? am i the one who is wrong for laughing?
I've used a vinegar trap to deal with fruit flies indoors maybe it is something like this?


Well-known member
Harvested the CBDenergy aiming to be a member of Bananarama. No chance of getting the roots out, snapped after the top rootball. Wonder how I should deal with that, Zym into the nutrient solution? :D


Well-known member
I've used a vinegar trap to deal with fruit flies indoors maybe it is something like this?
it is to counter the chemtrails he says . if we all had a bowl in our yard , we would have blue skies , he tells me .... i asked ' where is your bowl of vinegar then ?' he did not have one ... annoys me that , when people suggest stuff they do not do themselves


Well-known member
i have a saying ' the customer is never right ' . i had asked the customer to do all the cleaning to save him money and myself some time, and he has not done any , and he is expecting me to do it all. i don't have the time , as it is nothing to do with my job , and i have to clean before doing my job, resulting in slow progress and me getting pissed off with him .


Well-known member
it is to counter the chemtrails he says . if we all had a bowl in our yard , we would have blue skies , he tells me .... i asked ' where is your bowl of vinegar then ?' he did not have one ... annoys me that , when people suggest stuff they do not do themselves
Maybe he likes the UV protection provided by the trails. :D


Well-known member
it is to counter the chemtrails he says . if we all had a bowl in our yard , we would have blue skies , he tells me
Maybe he's onto something

Screenshot 2024-06-06 at 12.18.34.png


Well-known member
i have a saying ' the customer is never right ' . i had asked the customer to do all the cleaning to save him money and myself some time, and he has not done any , and he is expecting me to do it all. i don't have the time , as it is nothing to do with my job , and i have to clean before doing my job, resulting in slow progress and me getting pissed off with him .
Customers often have the wrong ideas. I have started to write three offers. The most expensive quote includes things that the customer and I don't want to do and are paid for by a third-party service provider. The medium-priced offer is my regular service and the cheapest offer is the superficial work with appropriate instructions.
And I only start with a deposit, so I can check the customer's honest intentions.


Well-known member
What if the chemtrails, while indeed do fuck up the environment and our health and so on, are just pollution created by our lifestyle of all kinds of excess and not some kind of diabolical scheme perpetrated by a Bond-villainesque organization?


Well-known member
What if the chemtrails, while indeed do fuck up the environment and our health and so on, are just pollution created by our lifestyle of all kinds of excess and not some kind of diabolical scheme perpetrated by a Bond-villainesque organization?
Some scientists say that the earth is hopelessly overpopulated and can no longer regenerate itself. They have calculated that with a population of 1 billion people, the earth is perfectly capable of regenerating itself and providing all people with food, raw materials, oxygen, healthy water and so on. I think they are right.


Well-known member
What if the chemtrails, while indeed do fuck up the environment and our health and so on, are just pollution created by our lifestyle of all kinds of excess and not some kind of diabolical scheme perpetrated by a Bond-villainesque organization?
they[ the ruling eleite , or establishment , for all the wankers questioning who' they ' are ' ] actively cloud seed , they actively ' chemtrail ' daily . the same graphene oxide found in all the vaccines , is also sprayed into the skies . they [ the establishment ] have been geo engineering for decades . they can make rain ,,, they can increase verocity of storms, they can create tornadoes, they can radiate techtonic plates , they can do all kinds of evil shit, and they do goingrey .

it would be naive to believe the establishment , and the monetary system have your best interests at heart

have you seen the haarp weather stations?

geo engineering is not just the basic old fashioned spray the sky routine. reduce crops, and cause starvation , and depopulation of the 'useless eaters '


Well-known member
they openly discuss everything they intend to do , way in advance . way way in advance. they sow those seeds , so people accept the outcomes as if its natural

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