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  • Seeds Mafia is running a TURBO contest with great prizes! You can check it here.

Shiva Grows


Lab rats: “what’s that unknown untested chemicals that get me high fuck yeah give me some of those “

Also lab rats: untested covid jabs that don’t get you high “no fucking way man that’s untested who knows what it will do to you “
Well one works and the other not so much?


Well-known member
The last couple of weeks the tap in the kitchen had started letting by a slow trickle of water out of the spout even when turned off.

The constant drip drip annoyed me but last week it changed to the most delightful resonant hum perfect to Omalong to.

Two days ago it changed to the Jaws theme Dadum, Dadum, Dadum, Dadum.

I have fixed it now, replaced it with the exact same basic model tap.

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