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Shiva Grows


ICMag Donor

Will have to post a video of my secret "song" I play on the pipe. :smoke:

Kind of take 2 or 3 good drags with using the carb in between, then partially close the carb becuase its big and draw out ALL the smoke in a long toke so the pipe is about to go out by the time I'm done with a toke. Then open the carb and take 3 more big draws to bring in oxygen and clear it out. Its the best.

I think onies do give decent tokes similar to a joint, but I have found the glass piece to have a more complete smoke profile because the one toker doesnt hold enough for it to work correctly. Yes they will smoke, but its not as efficient and conserving as you think compared to glass, in my opinion and experience. :smoke:

Don't like vaporizers either, lacks the ability to give full profile of cannabis. Must be low-temperature combusted in my opinion for adequate medication delivery. The politicians can not wrap their head around the benefits of smoking/vaporizing cannabis. Its instant relief and much easier to dose. Also consuming edibles does not allow the same profile of cannabinoids to be delivered into the body as smoking.


ICMag Donor
I was always concerned about being efficient because cannabis is so expensive. The water filters and cools the smoke well, but it does shed off a little bit of the resin in there. The tokes from a bong are difficult to master because the smoke is so thick being cold. Too big of a toke for me. Head RiPPerZ


ICMag Donor
Well I always wondered how you would ever clean some of those setups. Would be pretty cool though. I would think a dab rig would need a bong to cool and expand the super potent smoke.


ICMag Donor
Those are cool with 4 hoses! My friend's brother had one he loaned us. Also a friend had a gas mask pipe which was fun.


Well-known member
Well I always wondered how you would ever clean some of those setups. Would be pretty cool though. I would think a dab rig would need a bong to cool and expand the super potent smoke.
you have to soak them. naptha , white spirit or similar. pain in the arse


Well-known member
I think onies do give decent tokes similar to a joint, but I have found the glass piece to have a more complete smoke profile because the one toker doesnt hold enough for it to work correctly. Yes they will smoke, but its not as efficient and conserving as you think compared to glass, in my opinion and experience. :smoke:
Compared to glass? The bats I use are glass. :smokey:


Filled with some purple Zamaldelica :cool:

Cleaning is a pita though, tried my hardest to get it photo ready, still missed a couple spots. If you let it get dirty...


ICMag Donor
(...)December - 12 :
(Santa Marta's Colombian Red/Santa Marta Gold X Original Haze) S1, (@MadMac)
; (Punto Rojo de Santa Marta / Dorada de Santa Marta X O. Haze)S1 aka (Moño Rojo de Santa Marta / Moño Amarillo de Santa Marta X O. Haze)S1, aka Cumbiambera; born on May-16, just over 1'65 meters tall, she has the 5 lower nodes of the stem (10 twigs) pruned.
Aroma of mint and lemon (dominates the mint) and a natural soap finish.
Main cola:
View attachment 18931759
View attachment 18931758
Little secondary banches tips buds:
View attachment 18931760 View attachment 18931761 View attachment 18931762 View attachment 18931763 View attachment 18931764 View attachment 18931765 View attachment 18931766

...And I'm still harvesting olives & Thai A5 Haze...


Well-known member

Is that a Vapor Bros vaporizer?


ICMag Donor
Yeah, sure is. Its my 2nd one because I was carrying the other one with a beer in hand and it spilled in the element and mold developed. Gave it to my friend and he never said anything about having issues with it. He must have let it burn out the mold.


ICMag Donor
I like vaporizers, but it needs to be turned way up to get all the terpenes and cannabinoids to vaporize. Then you have to stir up the herb and vape it again. Prefer low-temperature smoking though, much better flavor and potency. :smoke:


ICMag Donor

Guys, I recommend doing a low temperature brew on a skillet for making coffee. Super heady with all the alkaloids and flavinoids. I love the oils in coffee. Need to try it . Careful when you pour it. Stirr occasionally and cook for about 15-30 minutes up to an hour, until skum floating on surface just dissipates and it has another minute to brew without burning.

Went out this morning before dawn, I swear I heard a robin I saw in the tree. It was pretty dark. They usually migrate.


Well-known member

Guys, I recommend doing a low temperature brew on a skillet for making coffee. Super heady with all the alkaloids and flavinoids. I love the oils in coffee. Need to try it . Careful when you pour it. Stirr occasionally and cook for about 15-30 minutes until skum floating on surface just dissipates and it has another minute to brew without burning.

Went out this morning before dawn, I swear I heard a robin I saw in the tree. It was pretty dark. They usually migrate.
one of my favourite colours

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