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shit! i need advice ASAP


wow mastermagic aren't you "gangsta"

i'm impressed

you must be soooo cool

if you still haven't found out i'm being sarcastic, well im being sarcastic

what's the point of boasting how fearless you are on an online forum.
the only thing i'm thinking now is that you have never had a gun pointed at you in your live

thanks for pointing that out,

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no im not gangster...just been in some shit in my life...i will not tolerate guns around me...how does this make me gangster in anyway...most gangsters dont have balls....(im a herb gangster baby)

cheescake said:
wow mastermagic aren't you "gangsta"

i'm impressed

you must be soooo cool

if you still haven't found out i'm being sarcastic, well im being sarcastic

what's the point of boasting how fearless you are on an online forum.
the only thing i'm thinking now is that you have never had a gun pointed at you in your live

thanks for pointing that out,




cheescake said:
wow mastermagic aren't you "gangsta"

i'm impressed

you must be soooo cool

if you still haven't found out i'm being sarcastic, well im being sarcastic

what's the point of boasting how fearless you are on an online forum.
the only thing i'm thinking now is that you have never had a gun pointed at you in your live

thanks for pointing that out,


thats what Im thinking man....mistermidget err monstermagic the advice you're giving our friend lookimroy is going to get him killed. He's got to make these kids realize that they will go to jail or get killed if they try to jack him again. This is not a Clint Eastwood Bruce Lee movie... :angrymod:

Your opinions are extremely hypocritcal....you don't like to be around guns, yet nothing scares you, you feel if you pull a gun use it, yet if that is the case you would be dead.

I have had a gun pulled on me 2x, first by a cop and recently by a group of thugs. I am alive. I have never needed to show my gun but I would if I had to scare jackers away. Your immaturity points to that you never had a gun pointed at you and never fired one either. :bigeye:

And you have quite a bit of posts for just joining, do you ever get out of the house? Balance my friend, will exterminate the imaginary action movie in your mind....also cut down on the weed maybe? :kos:


Active member
It amazes me how many posts I see on here with people threatening violence.

I laugh everytime I read "you don't want to know what I would do if it were me...." lol.

As far as home security goes, purchase a guard dog. Train the dog properly. You will have no problems.

If the guy does not know where you live then keep it that way for sure. Sever all ties with him, completely.

If you want to get a little dirt on him then just wait for him to go visit his outdoor plants and take a few photos.

Do not buy a gun thinking it will solve your problems. You may not get robbed that night, but it will only be the begining of a lot of legal work, assuming you shoot.

this thread has gotten kinda outta hand...
im not going to buy a gun
in my opinion, if you have a gun and grow weed, and use your gun to protect your weed, your a drug dealer
if you use it to protect yourself....well thats better but im a liberal and for gun control
i appreciate all your comments but most of the advice besides bring a bat in your house are a little unrealistic


glock23 said:
that's absolute bullshit. cops diffuse situations all the time by just having visible firearms on them. if you were gonna rob someone, would you rather that they were standing there unarmed or with a confident look in their eye and a loaded shotgun?



COPS can shoot you and be dead in the wrong and still get away with it.

A property owner can shoot your ass INSIDE HIS HOUSE and still look at manslaughter charges.

I dont know where youre from... But where I am at... You NEVER show a gun without squeezing off rounds right behind the appearance of said gun.


Showing a gun WITHOUT using it only shows the "BULLY" the same punk he's been bullying is the same punk with a gun. If he didnt use it after already getting robbed and then the dealer letting his anger of not being able to take the man's plant be know... He knows he has this kid....

Best bet for the poster to do....

Move and plug his ass with bubblewrap.... If not he is going to keep getting fucked.....

Like I said, I dont know where YOU catz are from... But flashing a gun where I am... Without unloading a few shots to let someone know you are serious.... Gets in nothing but a world of trouble....

Then the enemy KNOWS you are armed is willing to get the drop on you before you know whats going on.



If you dont.... Then you are nothing more than the same bytch.... Only now with a gun. Which means they are going to sneak you before you take them.....

The only STUDIO gangtas in this piece are the people who would recommend someone buy a gun and FLASH it... Thinking this will IMPROVE the situation.

The dealer knows the poster lacks heart and fight.... Or this would be a NON-ISSUE


lookimrory said:
this thread has gotten kinda outta hand...
im not going to buy a gun
in my opinion, if you have a gun and grow weed, and use your gun to protect your weed, your a drug dealer
if you use it to protect yourself....well thats better but im a liberal and for gun control
i appreciate all your comments but most of the advice besides bring a bat in your house are a little unrealistic

And most(not all) liberals would see thier wife raped in thier own home, even with gun in hand if it not end up with someones life being taken.

Truth is, you dont have the heart to use a gun let alone own one.

Move your plant and your ass somewhere else until this guy finds you again. Did I mention, keep buying herb from the guy who took your shyt....



Don't buy a gun...but stand up for yourself man.

Kaisersoze - do you have a gun? ever had to flash it every to scare robbers away? huh? WELLL, where I live you don't shoot unless you have to, a gun is for protection not to just kill motherfuckers. I can just as easily ward off situations if I am carrying heat...if every robber in the world with a gun felt it necessary to "use it when you pull it" there's be dead INNOCENT people everywhere.
i hate to bring this topic back since its been plauged by politics and hardasses....but....im going to my spot tommorrow with a camera and hope that this thread can start anew
jj, i know telling people i grew was a first timer mistake. i know that. i regret it everday. but please understand i DID NOT TELL ANYONE THIS TIME. the fact he found my plant was by total fucking freak accident.
i just dont want people to think im an idiot.....
kaisersoze, i didnt make fun of conservatives or nra people. why do you have to talk shit about liberals as soon as you find out that i am one? i dont want to start a politics argument, so if you want to counter this, do it in a PM not in this thread.
thank you!
sorry i i feel like i always create drama....


hybridtek said:
Don't buy a gun...but stand up for yourself man.

Kaisersoze - do you have a gun? ever had to flash it every to scare robbers away? huh? WELLL, where I live you don't shoot unless you have to, a gun is for protection not to just kill motherfuckers. I can just as easily ward off situations if I am carrying heat...if every robber in the world with a gun felt it necessary to "use it when you pull it" there's be dead INNOCENT people everywhere.

Re-READ my posts.... :crazy:


kaizersoze said:
Re-READ my posts.... :crazy:
kaizersoze said:
I dont know where youre from... But where I am at... You NEVER show a gun without squeezing off rounds right behind the appearance of said gun.

kaiser...I can read. can you recall what you wrote? Your argument is if you show your piece - you better fire it. I strongly disagree, there are countless situations that can diffused with a simple pulling and pointing of a gun, and strong words of warning.


ICMag Donor
lookimrory said:
i hate to bring this topic back since its been plauged by politics and hardasses....but....im going to my spot tommorrow with a camera and hope that this thread can start anew
jj, i know telling people i grew was a first timer mistake. i know that. i regret it everday. but please understand i DID NOT TELL ANYONE THIS TIME. the fact he found my plant was by total fucking freak accident.
i just dont want people to think im an idiot.....
kaisersoze, i didnt make fun of conservatives or nra people. why do you have to talk shit about liberals as soon as you find out that i am one? i dont want to start a politics argument, so if you want to counter this, do it in a PM not in this thread.
thank you!
sorry i i feel like i always create drama....

What is done is done. I dont understand how he knew the plant was yours though? I think you will learn down the road, the safest grow is the one that you do alone. You can not control another person getting drunk and bragging or who they tell and what. I know very few people that can actually keep their mouths shut when it comes to bragging. Hopefully you will get this one harvested but after this try and do your grows alone and stay away from that idiot....
jj i wanted to ask you, since you seem to know what your talking about....
after looking at all these outdoor grow logs, im noticing peoples buds are really fattening up
im not saying mine are non-existant, and im sorry i dont have a photo i promise i will try my hardest to steal my exgirlfriends digi, but....mine arent nearly as big as everyone elses
i know someone (maybe it was you) said that growing new roots would take the attention away from the buds, but....it looks like im gonna be very very lucky to get full buds and strart praying to the god of weed that i have a late frost (i live in north ohio)
is there anything else i can do to try to speed this process up?
I have always found that exposing yourself and tearing out a large wad of hair from my testicles works wonders as a means to intimidate and if anything fires accidently you only need some kleenex.


hybridtek said:
kaiser...I can read. can you recall what you wrote? Your argument is if you show your piece - you better fire it. I strongly disagree, there are countless situations that can diffused with a simple pulling and pointing of a gun, and strong words of warning.

Okay, let me break it down since you lack the ability to link more than ONE or TWO "selectively chosen" quotes from full comments, and posts... Since you refuse to read the whole story out loud for the class, and you are acting like any major propaganda source.... Here is the break down:

From the beginning of the THREAD... I suggested AGAINST this individual purchasing a gun to to SCARE OFF this thug. Because said thug knows the poster is non-confrontational. This thug will more than likely "try" the poster if a gun is flashed.

My WHOLE ENTIRE PREMISE is you NEVER reveal your gun without the desire to use it. And in my parts, if you are dealing with "alleged" thugs... (Not random robbers) "FLASHING" will have them seeking you and your home for an offensive attack.

I am a gun owner. Of several guns. I NEVER have had to "FLASH" my gun at ANYTIME over the past 8 years. Ive never had to USE my gun in over the past eight years although there were 2 instances where I could have been justified in doing so. In both cases I kept the aggressor at bay by remaining in my car or the establishment until the cops arrived. In both cases, said individual was arrested and dealt heavy charges. Terroristic threats, simple assualt, reckless conduct, etc....

hybridtek said:
where I live you don't shoot unless you have to...

If you FLASH your gun, you better be damned well ready to use it. I wont reveal I even am carrying a firearm unless that threshold has been crossed. I have seen "FLASHING" kill people not hours or days later, but months/years later.

This isnt a random occurance. The poster has history with this thug. He has continued to buy herb from a man who knowingly broke into his home. You think FLASHING would prevent this idiot from attacking the poster at a later date, you need a lesson in criminal behavoir.

So the difference between you and I....

You are willing to flash a gun in hopes it scares the common idiot thug off.... If he KNOWS you and where you live. Chances are he is willing to one up you. (As in the case of the POSTER - not your own personally derived unexplained incident.)

I am unwilling to reveal my firearm unless I know it is unquestionable that the use of force be used. No, not to just "Kill Muthafuckas". Your attempt to project an unruly lifestyle on my behalf has failed you...

Words dont move me to gun play. In the case YOU mention, "ROBBERS" suggest that someone is ROBBING either me, my family, friends, or some other innocent individual, by which your gun flashing may bring you HERO status or pushing up daisies. Which for me is a non-issue. It is MY DUTY to protect anyone who is having thier life, liberty, or freedom detrimented by common criminals, and if they are ROBBING as you suggest, gun comes out, and I am trying to remove the threat not just for NOW, but so no one else has to see these idiots again.

Sorry... we simply dont agree.

You are willing to play tuff.... I am the martial artist who uses my self defense as a very last resort.

Next time, check yourself before you come out to play with the big boys....

Ummm Kay???



hybridtek said:
some options:

1. get a securtiy system installed
2. Buy a gun
3. You and your homies go to his place and take him outside. tell him if anything happens to the plants, your house, or yourselves you have your homies to report it to the cops and/or beat his ass. Flash the gun to show him your serious, end it with you stay outta my shit and I'll stay out of yours. Either that or he goes to jail or gets smoked. Thats how we do it in the WEST


And you think THIS is a better way to handle the situation than my suggestions???

You are lamer than you sound.

Like I said, if the poster did this, knowing the guy who is punking him down already packs heat, he is ASKING for a gun battle....

So yet again.... your point is moot and immature.


ICMag Donor
lookimrory said:
jj i wanted to ask you, since you seem to know what your talking about....
after looking at all these outdoor grow logs, im noticing peoples buds are really fattening up
im not saying mine are non-existant, and im sorry i dont have a photo i promise i will try my hardest to steal my exgirlfriends digi, but....mine arent nearly as big as everyone elses
i know someone (maybe it was you) said that growing new roots would take the attention away from the buds, but....it looks like im gonna be very very lucky to get full buds and strart praying to the god of weed that i have a late frost (i live in north ohio)
is there anything else i can do to try to speed this process up?

The best thing to do now is just leave the plant alone and hope it grows thicker. The transplant can slow it down if it got stressed or if a lot of root was torn away. Just leave it be, let it get settled and it will do the best it can......