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shit! i need advice ASAP

okay so me and my roomate who is also my grow partner drove to this field where our 6 foot 3 plant is sitting, only to see a culprit next to our plant! we saw him from a loooong distance away because the dumbass was wearing a bright orange shirt
the funny thing is is that we KNOW him, he used to be our dealer....and we found out later tonight that he also has plants growing in this field, which is how he found ours
now....i just dont know what to do....the root system on this plant is very very deep and big, but the plant is probably only about 2 1/2 weeks into flowering....so i know he wont take it now....but i want to transplant it....but...im just confused
i dont want to lose my crop and i dont know what to do


New member
I'd go steal his plants before he got mine so even if he did get mine I got his, or just fuck him up, whatever you gotta do to protect yours


While the DankKing's advice isn't the friendliest in the world, if talking to the guy is out of the question.........he's got a point.


Steal NOTHING from anyone... that will just come back and buttfuck your own ass.


Active member
It'll recover from roots being trimmed, dig the bitch up, put her in a trashbag/can(or something strong) with some dirt and transport her elsewhere, better than losing it all as a dealer is not going to pass up on this opportunity to make a few extra bucks.
My 2 cents


Active member
I would go around take a look see for his plants....
Once you find em let him know that you found em and that he found yours....
Make a deal with him....
I am not sure of his character but i do know that most ppl if they have their own growin they may not steal yours..... But who knows....
If you dig her up be sure to dig up more than you think you need.....
Like as far down as you can get with about 1 foot on each side of the plant.... That way your sure to get it all.... Then transplant to where you want her....
Good luck...
I always hate to hear about ppl gettin ready to move their in ground plants during flowering..... Gives me the shivers... :) Security first though...


ICMag Donor
I see 2 choices here. Choice 1, which is probably the smartest, it to take a 5 gallon pail, dig up a big mass around the plant, put it in the pail and take it elsewhere to finish. I have done this many times and it is not an easy job.

Choice 2, Is he a badass? I would go to him and tell him that you saw him near your plant and that you know he has plants there also. Tell him if yours comes up missing he will never deal around there again. If someone steals my plants, all bets are off and anything goes. If you know who he is I dont know why you didnt confront him then? If those were my plants, and I knew him, we would have spoken then and come to an agreement. Your in a bad position now.

It may be best to avoid a confrontation and transplant it into a pail, carry it a couple hundred yards and finish it in the pail. If you are careful digging around it and can lift the rootball and plant whole and get it into the pail, that would be your best bet.
this all sounds good but let me elaborate just a bit
i went to grade school with this kid, but since then, hes gotten into hardcore drugs, im talking coke, heroine, ect
he has a gun
i am all for protecting my plant but i will not confront him in any way....i cant do it
and so, this leads to me taking it away and transplanting it, but a few problems arise from this....
i germinated this plant on march 8th, 2006, its about 6 foot 3, and i know the root system is very developed, so how do i know exactly where to dig? on top of that, iw as gonna go tonight with 2 of my friends who i trust completely and we were gonna dig, but here, in ohio, its been raining all day....ive been wondering will that losen up the roots and make it easier or will all the extra weight in the soil just break my back?
on top of that, i dont have any choice, i have to move it by car...i cant keep it in the same field because apparently he has 4-5 plants growing all around the area and i dont wanna risk him finding it again....keep in mind this plant is taller than i am and very wide too
on top of that, i dont want to steal his plants because....i dont want to die over this fiasco
man....life would be so much easier if he hadnt found it....i guess im lucky i saw him down there though, otherwise i wouldnt even be aware of this!
the ironic thing is that hes best friends with the kid that stole my indoor grow if any of you remember last winter....and one things for certain....id rather kill my plant then let it get stolen by the same group of faggots
more advice and suggestions are much appreciated
*sigh* thanks guys


ICMag Donor
Mark a circle around the outside of the plants a little smaller then the diameter of a 5 gallon pail. Dig down about 16 inches down on the outside of that line all the way around the plant. When you get that done, take a shovel and break the plant loose by pushing the shovel under the plant and lifting it lightly. You will probably have to do it on 2 sides to get it loose. When you are done, you should have a chunk of dirt about the shape of the bucket. Put a little dirt in the bottom of the bucket and drill a few half in holes in the bottom for drainage. Put the plant into the bucket and fill in around it until it is packed tightly. Now you can carefully lift the bucket and hug it while you hold the plant to support it. The thing will weigh about 60 pounds or so and it is tiring to carry it, but get it far enough away and in a spot where it can finish.....
move your plant, don't be a tough guy...too much of a security breach already, definitely not worth risking life and limb over when you could just move on and be done with it.


Leave this place better then when i arrived
Hey man i dont know if you moved it already but when you do watch out. The plant is like velcro and if it touches anything else will get tangled. A gallon is like 20 litres i think. Should be about 20 bucks. If you did try and move it to the area you would easily make a path moving the plant. When someone knows a plant is in the area trails become so clear. Good luck.
thanks i didnt know that....im sitting at my friends house were wondering if we should go but like i said it rained all day i really need to know this perferably within the next 1/2 hour


all praises are due to the Most High
if you are going to move this plant to a car and then take it to another field, you may consider having some extra good soil in the car for when you finally arrive at the new spot, you can fill the pot/bucket real well. then water her as needed.
good luck man, moving plants due to security breaches is a pain, i am still moving over 20 plants...


it's gonna get messy in a car, it'll have to be laid down....get a pick axe, shovel, and a new bag of dirt. Rain or shine dig the motherfucker up that dude is shady he'll jack you and kill you (if he has to) over a 6'2 plant he'd rather take $4000 worth of bud than not kill you. wrap the roots in a garbage bag with dirt and tie it up so you can tranport it in a car....plant it in a 5 or even 15 gallon container with a whole bag of new dirt, place it under a tree way up on a hill or woody area so it won't be seen. Good luck and don't steal bud from anyone, it will come back and fuck you
okay....anybody wanna hear the results?
so as soon as jj said it might be easier to grow when the soil is wet, we went down there and dug as deep as we could and tried to pry it up....i knew we cut some of the roots but i crossed my fingers, we put it in a bucket, threw the shovels aside to come and get later, and drove it about 10 minutes away...once we found a good spot we planted it, then went back for the shovels...heres where it gets funny
the kid that was gonna steal it was pulling out of the area when we were pulling back in to get the shovels....he went to go steal it the same night we took it! thank god we moved when we did! is serves that motherfucker right!
anyway, i went and checked on it just a couple minutes ago....its wilted a little bit, but not alot, and its color is a little more yellow, but not too bad. i guess i expected this since i know we hit some of the roots, so i got some transplanting root stimulator soultion, which i blieve is 2-5-2, and poured it on there....now all i do is wait to see if it survives...if it does, pictures will be coming up soon!!


Leave this place better then when i arrived
ROFL dude thats hillarious. Think if you only waited a lil longer and that plant would be gone. Good to hear everything worked out peace!


all praises are due to the Most High
good to hear lookimrory, she will make it, perhaps her finishing time will extend a couple of weeks, but best to cut early if need be than having some idiot jack you.

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