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Shameful Confessions


Ok, got a beauty , Theres a car , an 8 track tape , midnight drive through Cape Cod, lots of pot and some bits of paper. I'm shotgun so I repeat Nillsons "Put de lime in de coconut"
enough so the guy never wants to hear it again..lol . So I trade tapes (Blue Cheer, hated that tape). Now its my tape and "Without You' Was on that tape. A hot steaming pile of operatic excess that would bring tears to a daytime soap lovers eyes.
At first I skipped it, and would never listen to it. Then I let it play through and ignored it for weeks. You know what happens next....Yup got caught belting that one out...

The self mortification amusement value of Karoke was years into the future...
At the time you would never had made me believe that people would do this on purpose ...lol

I cant LIIIIIIIIIIIIIIVVVVVVVVVVEEEEEEEEE You can almost hear hounds baying in the background.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

Alone Again (Naturally)

In a little while from now
If I’m not feeling any less sour
I promise myself to treat myself
And visit a nearby tower
And climbing to the top will throw myself off
In an effort to make it clear to who
Ever what it’s like when you’re shattered
Left standing in the lurch at a church
Where people saying: "My God, that’s tough
She's stood him up"
No point in us remaining
We may as well go home
As I did on my own
Alone again, naturally.......

by Gilbert O'Sullivan

Ok, got a beauty , Theres a car , an 8 track tape , midnight drive through Cape Cod, lots of pot and some bits of paper. I'm shotgun so I repeat Nillsons "Put de lime in de coconut"
enough so the guy never wants to hear it again..lol . So I trade tapes (Blue Cheer, hated that tape). Now its my tape and "Without You' Was on that tape. A hot steaming pile of operatic excess that would bring tears to a daytime soap lovers eyes.
At first I skipped it, and would never listen to it. Then I let it play through and ignored it for weeks. You know what happens next....Yup got caught belting that one out...

The self mortification amusement value of Karoke was years into the future...
At the time you would never had made me believe that people would do this on purpose ...lol

I cant LIIIIIIIIIIIIIIVVVVVVVVVVEEEEEEEEE You can almost hear hounds baying in the background.

DUDE! We need a spew alert here, I just coated my (work) monitor with Mt. Dew! LOL! I can hear you braying it now: I cant LIIIIIIIIIIIIIIVVVVVVVVVVEEEEEEEEE



Yeah, I remember that one. Always thought it was weirdly cheerful for a suicide ditty. something you'd wash the dishes to, as opposed to hurling yourself to your doom...lol
I hope you didnt relate because of subject matter...because having that happen to you would definetly suck to the nth degree.


Grangma G.
Is that your pig??? Thats is funny as hell!! I heard of pot-bellied pigs, but thats just crazy!

Truely laughing my ass off ...then he runs to the fridge, Ding dongs and milk .

One of our canoeing buddies liked him so I got to hear him on the sly...Rocky mtm hi......


Peanut Butty Jelly Time got me! OMG I can't get it our of my head now!! HELP ME


Something in the Air - Thunderclap Newman


Call out the instigators
Because there's something in the air
We've got to get together sooner or later
Because the revolution's here, and you know it's right
And you know that it's right

We have got to get it together
We have got to get it together now

Lock up the streets and houses
Because there's something in the air
We've got to get together sooner or later
Because the revolution's here, and you know it's right
And you know that it's right

We have got to get it together
We have got to get it together now

Hand out the arms and ammo
We're going to blast our way through here
We've got to get together sooner or later
Because the revolution's here, and you know it's right
And you know that it's right

We have got to get it together
We have got to get it together


Almost Heaven, Wes Vagina, Mountain Momma No Stranger to these Waters.
Life is old here, older then the Trees, younger then the mountains blowing like a breeze.
Now take me home.