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Shameful Confessions


We all got 'em, yup even you. You know that schlocky, sappy, really stupid song that you would never in a million years let your friends, when you were a kid, know you liked . That bubblegum pop song that was so embarrassingly bad but you secretly loved. That even today if youre alone in the car and it came on the radio you'll sing with joyous abandon?

You know the all the words to the Carpenter's "We've only just begun?"

You wanna see mine first? Ok the Monkee's.....yes I said the Monkee's
Pleasant Valley Sunday. God help me...I dont know why, how or when it happened but it did. I love that song. Just that song ... I dont need therapy....
There's a few others but those are for another session.

Now show me yours.....remember...it has to be shockingly bad, mildly contemptuous isnt enough.

Anything by Tommy James and the Shondells will do.


Active member
When i was young and stupid(15) i took xtc for the first time and 2 lines of speed.

I remember going home shaving my head bald and then afterwards i went walking in the canal with my boxers cuz i was feeling warm


Ps i don't do chemical shit anymore since loooooooooong time ago:noway:


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Ok the Monkee's.....yes I said the Monkee's...

Anything by Tommy James and the Shondells will do.

LOL. I used those two as examples just the other day (only I used I'm a Believer.) Ultimately, I'm with Ray Charles: Good music is good music regardless of it's source. Remember Sugar Sugar? The Staple Singers did a cover that would drop you to your knees.

Some guilty pleasures of mine?

Last of the Mohicans, Ayn Rand, Neil Diamond in The Last Waltz, The Kansas City Chiefs ...




H.R puffin stuff...cant do a little cuz ya cant get enough...watching saturday morning t.v..little jimme...and his magic flute.

think thats when i learned how to masterbait.:yoinks:


Although Mohicans could be subtitled "Endless variations of a theme" it got nominated for a Golden Globe and a BAFTA, so a few people liked it. I should own it cause I watch it if its on everytime. Neil Diamonds clothes are definatly dorky but he's had a few gems in with the turkeys. Youre too hard on yourself, either that or you gotta dig deeper...Brittany cd's hiding in the glovebox?....

Ayn Rand and the Chiefs? Only if you take em seriously ...lol

You other guys... I'm talking about musical shame....

Zenith ; I find the image of you particulary disturbing... Are you a fuzzy freak?
Not that theres anything wrong with that......heheh Really....seek help.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Brittany cd's hiding in the glovebox?....

HAH! You'll have to work harder than that to get me to admit to once buying a Tiffany alb .... D'OH!

Mohicans is an ok enough movie, it's the irrational level of love I have for it that disturbs me. One thing to feel that way about Citizen Kane, Sunset Blvd, the GodFather .... But, Mohicans? I'm guilty as sin.

Does 3 Dog Night count? I'm never sure on that one.


HeHeh ...Made you cough it up eh?
Nah...It is that good. Wes Studi scares the bejeebers out of me everytime. Madeline Stowe has extreme high schwing factor.

3 Dog Night should rot in hell for what they did to Hoyt Axton's songs,but everyone in the world will go " MAMA OOOOOHHH OOOOOHHHH " if they hear the chorus to "Road to Shambala" So I guess they get a pass cuz its so damn catchy. At least they made ol Hoyt some serious folding cash.


I dont know if this counts as I was unaware of "good music" when I liked this one; I'm Hennery (thats how it was pronounced) the eighth I am, by Hermanns' Hermits.
In '67 or '68 my older cousin drove us to the record store so he could buy this really cool new album. We played the whole thing when we got back. I was 12 and wasn't sure what I thought of this new sound. But I was sure Herman and all the Hermits in the world were never going to do it for me again. The album was the Jimi Hendrix Experience.


The sound track to Dr. Zhivago. 1966 I think and I loved the Russian music. But the movie got terrible reviews and most people thought the music was sloppy and sappy.

Thank goodness the Beatles came along and saved me from a life of Musak.


LOL I probably never should have started this thread. David Lean's films are a favorite. Who couldnt love Peter O'Toole in Lawrence of Arabia not to mention Bridge on the River Qwai. Naked fantasies of Julie Christy with balilika music in the background fueled my Russian Revolution reading. The music WAS sappy but when your in love its appropriate. Even now, if I hear that 4 note ascending arpeggio, I get a Chubby.

Brigand 13... At 12 your supposed to like Hermans Hermits ...lol
Gotta agree that Jimi changed everything. Smoked my first fatty with him on the flipdown stereo with foldout speakers. Still wasnt high after Clear Light album. Smoked some more then went outside. The air became hugely amusing and I couldnt stop laughing. I was still waiting to get high tho but I had to lay down because it was so funny not to be high. About a week later I got "Experienced" when we went to see Cream. Whole new reality.

Weedman Herb

I own the album Puff The Magic Dragon ... it resides at my moms next to my brothers copy ... we still can't share with each other ... I'm in my 40's. Here's another ... I'm a Heavy hard rocking guy ... been in a Slayer pit ... Moshed to Anthrax ... in fact Black Sabbath is my all time favorite band ... here's the semishameful my friends would give me the stink eye if they knew info ... I like Donovan (writer/performer of Season of the Witch and Mello Yello) where does this Electric Hippy folkish BS fit in ? ... I dunno ... sometimes we Know why we like/dislike things sometimes we don't ... Hence the phrases "It just caught my ear" and "I can't get that fucking song outta my head"


Naked fantasies of Julie Christy with balilika music in the background fueled my Russian Revolution reading. The music WAS sappy but when your in love its appropriate. Even now, if I hear that 4 note ascending arpeggio, I get a Chubby.

At the time, I kinda preferred Geraldine Chaplin. Hey, I was 16.



18 years old,a hit of windowpane,and the Beatles White Album...........heavy................
Fifth Dimension "Age of Aquarius" and Zager and Evan's "In the Year 2525" are a couple of that are hard to confess to loving as much as I did.... WTH?!!!

I'm a classic rock lover, and more into world music nowadays. I might just have to change radio station if either of the above were to hit the playlist now.


My appologies to any Beach Boys fans, but any song by the Boys. I always despised them, but I went to their concert in '73. There was no peer or poon presure to go, and I went anyway. WTF. To me they were on the "band your mom would approve of" list and thus uncool out of the box. Plus, in my opinion, the songs sucked. For a long time, too. They played the same tired ass surfer music for over 30 years and never wrote one new song. Maybe their mom hid the pencil....then died.
Anyway, I still feel shameful about that.
OMG! Anything by John Denver. I was totally a rocker, Jimmy Hendrix, Pink Floyd, etc (still am). I was dating a guy in the mid 70`s who had some John Denver cassettes. I used to bitch whenever he played them. Next thing you know, I was popping them in the player whenever I was alone. Singing away at the top of my lungs. I got caught once. Some friends walked up on me while I was parked. I told them the tape was stuck.
I think the main song I liked was some crap called Grandma's Feather Bed.


I am a big fan of Jesus Christ Superstar....My Grandma took me off-Broadway to see it live.Hooked ever since.Ted Neely as Christ could hit a high note every time.Peace BigD


I too was heard singing embarassing s**t by my friends. The acoustics of the shower in my parents home as I was coming up was amazing, and I was sure I had the perfect voice. After watching a Jerry Lewis movie (I can't remember the title), a rediculuos song implanted firmly in my brain and banished all other tunes to the dark back corners. All I remember is that the song was about "turtledoves" and I would imitate Jerry and sing out at the top of my lungs....My parents and sibs. never made a mention of my performances, but my friends would stand in the neighbors yard and listen and laugh and laugh.

I would never admit, to anyone I know, that I not only listened to Neil Diamond, but could sing word for word, note for note the classic "Song Sung Blue". My friend Steve admitted years later hearing my various renditions wafting across the yard of the house in between ours! I'm surprised those guys didn't bust my balls about it at the time? Guess I was good enough to elict further enjoyment.

Another, as I awoke from anesthia for wisdom tooth extraction, I began a vigorous version of "Jerimiah Was a Bullfrog" by Three Dog Night. I was 15 and could not be quieted. My mom could hear me from the waiting room. Eventually she was brought back to sit with me to try and get me to tone it down. So when I came to, I was singing 3 Dog Night to my mom as she held me in her arms.

To this day, I have to be careful of getting Song on the Brain. Sometimes the most rediculous ditty or commercial will stick and torment my whistling for weeks.



Killing myself laughing at this stuff. When you get antique like me cool seems a pointless thing to base your likes on but to a teen its everything. More fessin up....Gotta agree with Neil Diamond tho. "Girl, you'll be a woman soon" was a biggy for me but that song now is hip for being proto Jewish urban rap ...lol.
This one will open debate but anything by the Hollies. Pure unadulterated schmaltz. But the harmonies were so good and the arrangements so innovative that I think its some of the very best 60's pop with the Beach Boys. You may not have thought it was cool but you couldnt say it wasnt good.

slowcalatoka... Lol What can I say. You got guts Amigo ...lol Man, I Gotta dig way down to find one to beat that...

Yeah, If someone wanted to dress up and sing Copacabana, theyre into Camp and this concept loses relevance ...lol.