As one who has become awakened , enlightened,,, I will say this.
We are all spiritual energy. Light beings .
We took this journey in life as if jumping on the rollercoaster for another ride, a chance to live beyond just existing as energy or life force.
The universe is not separate from us. We are part of it much more than what our eyes can see.
Our bodies are vehicles and toolset for creating,,,loving and feeling.
Our brains are the control CPU much like a computer.
Its like the control panel and receiver much like a radio.
Our hearts are like the speaker to the radio. It has its own magnetic field much like the planets.
This is what we use to connect with the Universe (God, Source)
The Universe does not hear our minds,,, it hears our heart which has way more vibration.
When you realize that most people were told lies their hold life.wake up
A lot of he old knowledge w held back because knowing each of us are divine beings would make us difficult to control.
Most do not know
Religion was given to the masses (lower classes) to control them.
We Need to study the information ancestors left. Its there for a reason.
They knew we are one with the Universe. We are not lower than or separate.
We come back for another ride . We were there back in the day. That's why you ,,, we,,,, feel so connected to it and feel the truth.
I am that , I am
Check out Greg Brayden the Divine Matrix
Most feel they are more than just a disposable meat bag.
People are waking up. 2012 was just the end of the world ,,, AS WE KNEW IT.
Shadow people