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Shale gas!!!!!!!


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Of,i used the translator! how many times i must tell u that i have nothing to do with Communist,i hate them!!!!!!!! i really dont care what Putin says,i dont care about Gasprom or Chevron and their nasty games,i only care about the nature! and guess what,im not even eco activist:) just normal citizen like u! I see it is easier for u to say:she is comunist,dont beleve her:) and forget the problem:) This is what they want and they made it as i can see:( Putin hahaha he told me to say that to u,Im very bad comunist auuuu hahaha Dont be so naive and think deeper!!!!Im glad there is people here who understand what i,m talking about and what im talking about is the polution from this tipe of drilling called FRACKING. I can give u real example from BG how companies gets everything and give almost nothing to the country and the citizens:) but this is other story about polluting-gold industry:)But that danger is nothing compared with shale gas.


so u wanna save animals and start killing plants? theyre also living things;)
recycling also uses energy and generates pollution.
and eco organizations are just like any other company. its all about money. im not saying about the people on the bottom of the hierarchy but the ones that "manage" them. isnt it strange that a lot of those so called protests end when a big amount is transferred to an eco organizations bank account and an important ecologist gets a well paid job in the "enemies" company?
global economy is dying because there is not enough energy to feed 7 billion people not because some protests. for the last 100 years people population doubled or even tripled and we still have the same amount of fuels to dig out and a lot more people wanting to buy that fuel. prices get up because of bigger demand and it makes doing business - whatever its supposed to make money on - a lot harder and less profitable. so less people are willing to risk to loose their money on investing in new things.
and dont get me wrong im not against being eco friendly. its just that id rather spend my money on researching new power sources than paying eco fashists and get them nice well paid jobs. they dont invent anything they just protest.
i also dont understand what do u have against corporations. of course their sole purpose is to make money but the money is going to people around the world. to those that are richer than they ever should be as well as people working in their production plants all over the world.
and once again about changes on earth in the last century or so. earth will be changing a long time after people will kill themselves (and it will happen eventually). you are saying change is bad but how do u picture your life with no roads electricity brick walls and such? would u be able to live in the stone age? and even if u did would u really like it?
dont be afraid of changes - embrace it.


Active member
and how do u picture your life with toxic poluted water and food NOW not after 20 years? i,m speaking about something called FRACKINg witch is prooven danger! they cant give you even 1 proof that there is no danger and u still believe to your goverment and their bla bla Why they are trying to keep silence so hardly?:) because this is something great? haha i dont think so:)


im filtering my water anyway and have no taste because i smoke to much and it just doesnt bother me;)
and where did i write that theres no danger in extracting that gas? as i recall ive said its worth the risk.
why wont you reply to what ive written not what u think ive written and stop trying to play on people emotions by fear?


It's ridiculous to say either fracking or stone age.

I'm sure there is enough coal in Poland to keep our civilisation going.

Taxes and jobs? How about food, health and justice? Nah... fuck over your neighbours, risk destroying swaths of your land just for a couple ridiculously rich Americans to get even more riches and power? Oh and a few bread crumbs for you of course...

Developing Polands biogas potential might be a better option for the country. There you have the jobs! Many more. And the profits stay in the country as well as in the region and among the people. Plus the environmental benefits of turning some of the waste into use.

And by the way, the economy is dying not because the energy is expensive, but because too few people have accumulated way too much -> just a hint: where is all the credit that equals all the debt? in whose hands? who owns the corporations? who are the people you and I give half of what we make (in the form of interest)?
This kind of shit is built into our monetary system and is a systemic problem. Forget energy, think about money.

Besides: it's high time that we work towards lessening our carbohydrate addiction. Worry more about soil, water and people than oil, gas and money.


where did i say that its the only choise? im just pointing out ecologists hypocrisy.

yeah coal is really eco friendly:]

every shareholder gets a piece of the pie. if u think its all about rich americans, jews, masons its your problem:]


Active member
look for only one fracking they use millions of gallons water,they put it in this hole and use strong pumps to let the "water"(because it is not water anymore)get to shales. o,before that there is small BOOM to crack the shalesThan,when everything is done millions of contaminated water with toxic elements comes back to the surface. whre is it going when it is under?! no one can tell. Where they gonna throw it when the process is finished? there is two options. the better one is to dig something like little lake near the station and throw it there.But those millons of toxic water are using for only one fracking procedure. the other,cheapest option is your rivers or lakes near the station. now imagine how many stations they will put on your land and every one of them will be used for 3 to 5 years. Each one of them will frack many times for those 3 to 5 years. You dont have to be good with math to see how many of your water they will contaminate and then put is back to the surface. and i,m speaking only about water contamination,i,m leaving air and the ground for now:) i,m speaking only for the process fracking,dont mansion the accidents that can cost even more pollution. i,m not talkin about mason,jews and whatever,i,m talking facts here:) by the way after 3 to 5 years they stop using the station for shale gas(we call it sonda)and go away,they make another one somewhere else close or far to the first.And those billions of contaminated water? Where is going this? It stays somewhere,right? Where? the companies even dont want to tell to the governments what they use in the water. Why? It is firm secret haha Your filter wont help you filtering this tipe of water if you live near to those areas:) this water cant be use any more for anything,even for washing or watering plants.


I said Americans because the talk is about American corporations and America is the country with the biggest number of extremely rich individuals. I don't care about masons and have no particular prejudice against Jews.

Sure the shareholders get their dividend and the tens of thousands employees their wages, but what do the people that live where the drilling is done get? What share of the profits and what share of the risk and damage?

Also the fact that shareholders get their piece of the cake just contributes towards the growth of the gap between the rich and everyone else.

I didn't say coal is eco friendly.
We have it and it is a mature technology with well known risks and doesn't require buying know-how at inflated prices from foreigners.

It's not like we are in the position of shale gas or death, are we?

How about we wait 10 years or so and see how it goes in the places that allow this procedure.
Energy is not getting any cheaper any time soon, while the technology surly will, so...


Active member
And he is right too you know:) May be just wait 10 years,may be someone will find better technology. may be the humanity will start to use more sun power. The sun power is endless for example. Why our governments hurry up so much? They just dont care about the risks,the risk is for the people who lives there like he said. The piece of the cake...i,m not sure who is gonna get it,but it wont be us,the normal people. little bit more cheaper gas may be,but the water is way more important. And those companies will done their job and go away. And they are so arrogant, you know. They will say:"ok than judge us hahaha" like they did everywhere else in the world:) look Brazil,look Ecuador,look Nigeria where Shell pollute Niger river. Here in BG there is russian companie that will try this method here so dont speak about comunists and demokrats,they are all the same.


New member
Sorry ale nie będe pisał po angielsku bo nie umiem:D. Nie zrozumcie mnie źle nie jestem jakimś rusofobem ale tutaj chodzi o czysty biznes. Rosja praktycznie monopolista na rynku gazu boi się o swoją pozycję. Kwestie gazu wykorzystuje się tam politycznie przykład: chociażby Ukraina. My budując gazoport w Świnoujściu i importując gaz statkami z Kataru oraz wydobywając swój gaz łupkowy zmniejszymy uzaleznienie naszegpo kraju od Rosji. Chyba o to chodzi żeby być suwerennym tak? Rosja straci na tym bardzo dużo. Straci czysto finansowo oraz na swej pozycji politycznej. Dlatego śmieszą mnie te protesty przeciwko gazowi łupkowemu. Poza tym np we Francji, która zakazała gazu łupkowego większość gazet kreujących opinię publiczną jak to się teraz ładnie mówi jest w rękach oligarchów rosyjskich. Przemyślcie to sami:D


Active member
Just watch this video and see the reality! this is about your water. half of your country will be polluted if u dont do something. it is already started as you can see,this is from your television,those are people from your country who are crying with glass of water in their hands! if i see something like that happening here in BG....i will go mad!!!!!!!


sɔıʇǝuǝ⅁ ʞuoW
ICMag Donor
many people in Polnad and Polish outside of the country are fully aware what's going on, this is cannabis forum and i would not be so sure is it good idea to talk here about that.
all this shit is known as a (not so)new world order and there's alot info in web about and get connected with other peolpe against 21st century slavery 0_0

chwdsl, z tym gazem łupkowym to nie jest takie fajne i protesty są jak najbardziej uzasadnione pomimo potencjału gospodarczego tego surowca. Wielkie firmy nas wyjebią i wyjdziemy na tym jak Irak na ropie jak pozwolimy wielkim koncernom położyć łapę na złożach, kapitalizmem nie kieruje moralność a zysk każdym kosztem...


peace n love
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Active member
I see you dont want to talk about it but people who grow plants must have opinion about that. i,m posting that threat because i was thinking that some of the growers are much more open and intelligent and care more :( In the American and the women forum they dont talk only about weed as you can see. we can talk everything what is important. Why you dont want to discuss so big problem? Because it is not about weed,huh? than how you gonna water your plants after 2,3 years? or may be you live in a different area and you will have water longer and dont care. see what area they will polute here on your television. they show exactly where in Poland they gonna drill and this area is may be bigger than Bulgaria. I saw some people here care and i,m talking to them because it is very important what is gonna happen in our two countries soon. By the way i want to talk about weed to,if you thing it is very pleasant to me to talk about that shit....it is not:(


Active member
So here si my organic weed. how can i grow organic plants,tomatoes and everything in place that is FRACKED?! tell me it have nothing to do with weed! nothing can grow in these areas,you cant eat anything from there and the place they gonna drill here in BG is where Bulgaria's food grows. And we have the best mineral water in Europe! That is why i am so concerned!


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Again,this is from your own television...We need to translate this video,because we want to show it to the people here. If there is someone who is against that fracking and wants to help Bulgaria pls help!!! u can put english subs so we can make Bulgarian. i still cant find no one who can translate from polish and this is important!


Active member
People,i think we gonna make it here!!!! try in your country,lets stop it worldwide! for first time on our national TV they telling when is the next,this time national protest against shale gas. every city here will protest,there is more and more people every day and soon we will stop this in BG. by the way we still need to translate this video from Poland,if someone can help with english subs...may be we can help other ways next time:)