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Sex drive

wrap some postage stamps around your penis before you go to bed. If you wake up in the morning and the perfs are broken, you are still a MAN.

mojave green

rockin in the free world
But when it goes, let it go and don't stress. I doubt I'm gonna wake up with a stiffie when 80. Getting old also means coming to terms with your mortality in more ways than just sex drive no?:biggrin:


Active member
I'll turn 49 in 2 days, and My sex drive increased by quit a bit last Summer. No clue why, but I am not questioning it, and neither is My Wife who is 4yrs older than me.

We are having WAY more sex now than The 1st yr We were together We were 21, and 25 back then.
I simply was never a high sex drive Guy even in my late teens/early 20's.

Don't sweat it either way. We are Who We are. if Your concern comes from what others see as "The Norm", then quit that shit.
Todays reality does not have to be tomorrows.



if it smells like fish
I don't care if it gets better as long as it don't get worse ..I got no complaints...the reason men need Viagra is they are tired of the same old same old...naggin old lady don't exactly make you aroused.....I have always had a high sex drive..never been a guy to get mine once and fall asleep..atleast 2 times minimum...yeehaw

Midnite Toker

Active member
At 40 my woman gave me the gift of the finger snap. I'm still taking advantage 15 years later. If you cant "sustain" it may be your woman's fault.


Active member
Here is my take on it....

Most women in their 20-30's are on the pill....that messes with their hormones etc. Once they go off the pill....WATCH out....Go from a couple times a week, to a couple times a day...

Ive been married 10+ yrs now, and i'm chasing the wifey around the bedroom more often now, than I was 10yrs ago...We are just about 40 :)

That being said, I can't bang all night like I used to be able to.....damn hips can't take it..


Active member
my take on it..

sexuality is like "THE" control mechanism in western culture.. other cultures can accept that an "older" man may cultivate interests beyond fornication, but not the west... we need your desire and stereotypes to continue selling things to clueless people who still believe that the life they lived when they were 15 is the most appropriate when they are 75...

get a fender tube amp (with a real tube!) and a harley and pretend you are the same as you were at 15 until the stupidity of it flat out kills ya. drink lots of alcohol, listen to music all the time so you never notice anything new. eventually, death is the preferable option to continuing to live bullshit all the time.

want a good body? stick a stiff one in a box. karma chamaeleon, you come and go, bro.


my take on it..

get a fender tube amp (with a real tube!) and a harley and pretend you are the same as you were at 15 until the stupidity of it flat out kills ya. drink lots of alcohol, listen to music all the time so you never notice anything new. eventually, death is the preferable option to continuing to live bullshit all the time

I actually thought of getting one and those bikes can really give you a rush.


oh, you'll think about it all right. but eventually it (like many other things) just doesn't seem like it is worth the trouble, LOL! I aint give it up (wife would kill me) but she has to be interested, you know? "only interested women are interesting..." :biggrin: of course, I lie a lot...:tiphat: lots more to life than sex. there is hunting, fishing, old motorcycles, old trucks, jeeps, various farming endeavors, drugs, moonshine, photography, archery, woodworking...:)

I have a nice bow in the closet I haven't touched in over a year,oh and a jeep,outdoor garden etc.


yohimbe ftw..... eat right , work out a lil and yohimbe.... get ur testo levels checked

This stuff has a lot of side affects,don't you think?

When taken by mouth in typical doses, yohimbe and the ingredient yohimbine can cause stomach upset, excitation, tremor, sleep problems, anxiety or agitation, high blood pressure, a racing heartbeat, dizziness, stomach problems, drooling, sinus pain, irritability, headache, frequent urination, bloating, rash, nausea, and vomiting.

Taking high doses can also cause other severe problems, including difficulty breathing, paralysis, very low blood pressure, heart problems, and death. After taking a one-day dose of yohimbine, one person reported an allergic reaction involving fever; chills; listlessness; itchy, scaly skin; progressive kidney failure; and symptoms that looked like the auto-immune disease called lupus.



Thanks for the laugh noyd.[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]


I'll turn 49 in 2 days, and My sex drive increased by quit a bit last Summer. No clue why, but I am not questioning it, and neither is My Wife who is 4yrs older than me.

We are having WAY more sex now than The 1st yr We were together We were 21, and 25 back then.
I simply was never a high sex drive Guy even in my late teens/early 20's.

Don't sweat it either way. We are Who We are. if Your concern comes from what others see as "The Norm", then quit that shit.
Todays reality does not have to be tomorrows.


I really think it's the pills I'm on[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]


Here is my take on it....

Most women in their 20-30's are on the pill....that messes with their hormones etc. Once they go off the pill....WATCH out....Go from a couple times a week, to a couple times a day...

Ive been married 10+ yrs now, and i'm chasing the wifey around the bedroom more often now, than I was 10yrs ago...We are just about 40 :)

That being said, I can't bang all night like I used to be able to.....damn hips can't take it..

I hope you can say that at fifty.


Active member

I hope so too....lol
The one thing I have to watch....Muscle relaxer's etc.

Flexeril or one of the other pharma RX's the dr. gave me over the years caused some serious grief in the bedroom...