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Setting up my small SOG hybrid LED/HID tent

Desert Hydro

Well-known member
here are the working shots. ive had a horrible night. im doing online classes and i feel kinda funky from staying in all day and drinking too much coffee. im having trouble already in my first week lol. i feel so overwhelmed and i dont know what to do! ehhhhh


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The Aardvarks LED Grow Show
here are the working shots. ive had a horrible night. im doing online classes and i feel kinda funky from staying in all day and drinking too much coffee. im having trouble already in my first week lol. i feel so overwhelmed and i dont know what to do! ehhhhh

you sound like me, I am still pounding coffee. I really need to switch to something else.

I like how you have the watering and tubs setup. It looks nice and simple BUT effective. One thing that I have learned from my couple led grows is that the girls EAT with LEDs. I see an auto feed or hydro style timed feed to be easier on the grower especially new growers versus a soil soil less mix especially when you hand water ( like I do ).

I can't wait to see the updates and hope the panels work out well for you. Remember one thing that all of these manufacturers messed up on is the fans suck HOT AIR from above and blow it DOWN into the light and your canopy. It is best to have a small fan or something at the panels level to keep that air moving because they CAN short out or cause issues with the drivers, wiring and or diodes.

When I get my next batch of panels I am going to OPEN UP and change out all the fans to quieter ones and have the air suck UP AND OUT as god intended damn it LOL.

Desert Hydro

Well-known member
i hear you on the up and out thing lol. it just makes sense. my plants look damn happy even during the lights out now. leaves are still straight up at the light during the dark :)


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The Aardvarks LED Grow Show
diggin the pics

just keep an eye out for deficiencies because they are harder to spot under leds than hps.

Desert Hydro

Well-known member
will do. thanks for the advice. i feed all off the same res's and they are all at 1.8ec of veg + bloom. everyone is happy in all different stages :)

Desert Hydro

Well-known member
i hope you guys arent tired of my daily updates yet lol. shit is looking good in there. i defoliated the 4 plants that were from seed. i took pics before and not after lol. im not too crazy with the fan raping. i never take anything coming directly from a bud and what i do is get a top view of the plant and see which ones would improve light penetration to lower budsites by removing. they all look promising but the chemmy looks like it gonna be a lanky droopy whore already. i bet it will be top notch smoke though. got some more cool pics for everyones enjoyment.


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Desert Hydro

Well-known member
this has absolutely nothing to do with anything but this is absolutely the BEST TEQUILA EVER! i will hands down put their cheapest bottle up against patron, jimador, cazadores you name it. cheapest(white/silver) is like $15 straight from MEX. their 20 dollar bottle is dynamite(blue). the black bottle which i dont have a pic of is the anejo aged dark tequila and its so good it'll make your bollocks tingle. fuck you stress. suck it slow

i got home and realized i dont even have ice to make margaritas with but i dgaf. this shit is so good im drinking it room temp. the mix is an all organic lime and agave mix. its the shit. none of that fake artificial shit.


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Organic LED Grower
Your plants look great and for sure they love the LEDs !

Reading some old posts here on the LED section , I remembered that your LED lights have UV chips also, right ? My question is : does they also have a sheet of glass in front of the LEDs, to protect them ? Or there are only acrylic lenses ? I asked this because I read that you saw some brown hairs after switch to LEDs, and this might be caused by the UV, but as far as I know, regular glass (and I think acrylic also) block the UV light.

Desert Hydro

Well-known member

i think glass only blocks partial uv or else tanning beds wouldnt work. they have a few UV and IR in there if im not mistaken. i have only spotted one or two brown hairs and only on plants around 35 days in. so far i love my panels and so do my plants. the proof will be in the final yield. i will calculate each side separately since one side is proven cut of AK ive had for a while and the others are from seed and i have no idea of their legitimacy. they are all bomb strains just dont know if i got keeper phenos yet


Organic LED Grower
Tanning beds are made from quartz glass (used also on any UV sterilizing unit, water ozone generator, etc) - at least that was I knew.

On my DIY LED I used individual lenses on each LED, with white enclosure. After my first run with this panel, all the lenses enclosures of the BLUE LEDs (especially the Royal Blue ones) have turned yellow (as I would expect from UV light or under long exposure under the summer sun). The ones on the RED LEDs are still white.

When did you AK shown her hairs ? Mine is just growing, after 4 -5 days after flip, but no sign of flowers yet (not even pre flowers).


The Aardvarks LED Grow Show
I know I have IR in some of my panels but overall I can't tell what they have done OR what they are doing. I can't see anything negative so far BUT still being in there with lights on I want to research it more.

UV and IR sounds great but I don't think there are many grows out there to say when as well as how many hours are best for them to be ON. I do not think they should be on 100% no matter what though, now that could be due to me not researching fully however I can't see myself wanting to garden under uv or ir for some reason and would like the option to shut it off.

I guess if I am that paranoid I should turn off the LEDs and switch on some work lights????

got to love potheads

man this hash is STRONG

love the leds damn it

Desert Hydro

Well-known member
i think there are only 4 IR or UV bulbs if im not mistaken. im assuming those are the ones that dont look like they are on because the human eye doesnt pick those up?? im not sure. im not too worried about it. my wife tans indoors, cant be anywhere near that horrible for you lol


The Aardvarks LED Grow Show
i think there are only 4 IR or UV bulbs if im not mistaken. im assuming those are the ones that dont look like they are on because the human eye doesnt pick those up?? im not sure. im not too worried about it. my wife tans indoors, cant be anywhere near that horrible for you lol


I took pics of my panels and that was the only way to see them and yes they look like they are dead bulbs to me as well but know they are doing just fine.

I wondered about the uv and ir while I was tending the girls but the great thing is, no more farmers tan now that I garden NAKED :laughing:

thank you LED Tan n Grow Lights :tumbleweed:


Desert Hydro

Well-known member
i just ordered some bloombastic in a small bottle to test out. my buddy who works at the CO scene said the guy he learned from swore by it. i figured i could give it a shot and just mix up small batches at a time so i dont have to run off different reservoirs. i like to KISS as much as possible but he says this stuff is the shit so we will see what happens. i bet it will do some pretty cool shit in the big hydro system i have running. those plants LOVE that system.

i think a great system for LED growers would be those aero style rows of tubes with a bunch of single cola plants all crammed together or just a small ebb and flow table with a bunch of single cola plants. that would look so awesome! i think i will do my LED in hydro next round for even more explosive results


Organic LED Grower
I used Bloomblastic on my last grow. I can't say if it help or not with the yield, but for sure I can say it caused my girls to foxtail as hell (one inch long foxtails on top of existing buds). It's basically an organic PK booster, and it's quite tricky to add it to hydro, because it tends to precipitate (it contains clay) and also makes the solution very cloudy.

Waiting to see how it performs in your setup and what improvements will bring.


The Aardvarks LED Grow Show
I think hydro or automated watering is best with LEDs

As far as bloombastic, I haven't tested it as I am doing my best to reduce my "bottle" usage in my gardens if possible. I know growers who love the hell out of it but I do also know plenty who love the hell out of using an entire AN line SO results odds are very.

In the end, whatever works in your garden is what you should do IF you like the results you are getting.

I want to end up getting to an aquaponic / aero setup for my entire garden including the fruits, veggies, medicinal flower etc. Just have all sorts of plants growing together and of all stages of grows when possible.

I can't wait to see how the rest of your grow show goes Desert Hydro, LEDs really are a ton of fun to grow under especially once you start getting the environment dialed in.

I am still working on dialing in everything I am doing but won't be done for awhile odds are. Too many projects and too little time.

What are you estimating and or hoping for yield wise with those panels? I know it is all guessing BUT I know you have a number in that head of yours that you are shooting for. For me, I want the 8+ plants kicking out 2+ zips per plant under less than 400 watts of running leds. I know I can hit it with specific strains but like I said, still estimations and hopes until I see it on the scales PER PANEL.

sending some positive growers karma your way brother

Desert Hydro

Well-known member
yeah me too. that guy i know says great things about it as well as the majority of users. i have seen a few people who say they couldnt tell a difference but most say they do. non users will always have an opinion of why it doesnt work even though they have never tried it. i just love that haha

heres a few shots from last night. i think im gonna defoliate today for the last time. they are starting to get blocked out by the long fans.


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