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Senator Barbara Boxer Opposes Legalizing Marijuana in California



OK, now I have another reason not to like her.

Boxers recent "unfavorable rating' is at 51%, with any luck this will drive it up. I'd much rather have a republican in her postition who is against the referendum than her, at least they are consistent in their idiocy.

Do you really think the police Unions are going to back a Republican after all the efforts to derail their union?

The flip side is they are also a variable in the cannabis equation.

Lets say the Republicans will support Unions when they need the Police to repel hungry people at their doors.

Then it will be "Conservative" enough to support Police Union.


Tell us how you really feel Jack lol

We can always count on Jack for a good post, even if you do not agree with him.

Damn was I making sense again? I have to try harder. It's cool to be very Zen.

I'm just saying best to wait 8 years to Judge Obama. We have some form of better health care in a land that counts your perceived worth as a measure of your health care privilege.

Old Wisconsin proverb goes when the teat is sore the cow will kick you.

They have milked the workers of this Country while they have gathered all the gold and invested in other countries and it shows..

Detroit is even trying to tear down the abandoned buildings without looking to the communities for input.

We have folks that know their craft in Offices where they "didn't train" for this reality and will still try to keep their jobs at the expense of a better America.

We have to snap out of our trust coma. Don't cry for the multi-nationals they get bailouts and they rule the human race.

Cry for the masses of future children being raise up as the New Cattle of the Ranch that is the world.

At home all we ask is that we be free to grow and toke: Why do we have to solve all the economic problems with these measures designed not to legalize cannabis truly.

It's a fucked up thing when these major economic decisions are placed on the backs of voters who know not but will sign any contract to get the freedom to toke and not go to jail.

It's a molest.

But let's get worker rights in regards to cannabis use. The worker is a person that still believes he can earn his way to a better life.

Damn America if we take that dream away but alas I have come full circle; at least at that time Conservatives will support Unions.
Every Hitler loves the SS when they need them.

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Active member
Hydrosun, I'm not advocating we follow the law until it's changed. That's a totally different issue. No, of course the law is bullshit and should be broken at every opportunity. I'm just saying that kind of attitude is not how you are going to win friends and influence people in Washington.


Well-known member
what i love is we are arguing what form of legalization is acceptable
5 years ago, i really couldn't imagine having these conversations
we're on the threshold of another huge step forward, whatever form it may take
i don't tire of these arguments, been waiting 30 years to get here, and i'm loving every minute of it


I stated I use 250sq' 10x the CA proposal.

This is ICmag. Do you too want to lock me in a cage or send me to federal pound you in the ass prison?

If you got caught today where would you end up?

I am trying to grow about 8lbs a month from 15 plants in flower. I'll have to average 17oz a plant to get there. That is my goal.

I grow for more than just one person AS IS MY FUCKING NATURAL RIGHT.

When the initiative passes you should petition your local government to up the grow area/ dry possession limits. OR become those people's caregivers (in which case there will be no grow or possession limit), like people have been doin for the last 15 years.

There's plenty of ways around and through the system broski


what i love is we are arguing what form of legalization is acceptable
5 years ago, i really couldn't imagine having these conversations
we're on the threshold of another huge step forward, whatever form it may take
i don't tire of these arguments, been waiting 30 years to get here, and i'm loving every minute of it

The real Trip is we used to Sneak about after the early 70's and now we can Run for the Prize and we may not understand that.

It's right there! Don't you see it? We really can run for it; it's that close.

Never mind if some political outcome exists in print.. So to Speak...

Keep on being Human!

And Don't worry that the "Vote" may be negative or some "authority" like Economic Government says you must perish because you are not a proper Cow..

Keep growing and before you know it we have the Garden Back.

Remember one and all God didn't kick Adam and that Cute Chick Eve out for Cannabis!



Active member
I tolerate the sheep, but that doesn't mean I will fall to my knees and join them.

You are welcome to live nose down in the dirt but I will stand erect, while tolerating your groveling.

That must be it!
We are all sheep, and YOU are THE MAN!
How ridiculous and pathetic.
You have an inflated opinion of yourself, and your opinions are deflating.
Too funny.
Thanks for making my point for me.


Active member
Back to Boxer.. Boxer has done a lot of good for California

Boxer has to support the old school people but don't forget that Labor is under attack now in California.

On The cannabis issue.. We will get shafted this time out so i suggest we all get the least of things "Worker Protection on the Job."

Overall I agree, I actually like Boxer, just not on this issue.

Remind me to go back to this in about 3 or 4 weeks, workers protection and labor.

That's where I believe you are wrong and is somewhat of a foolish assumption IMO.

These are smart people with and they have all the information. We have very little. They know EXACTLY what they want. It just looks stupid to you because you are the one getting fucked over all the time.

These people aren't stupid lol. They are playing politics of power. The will of the people lol. Do you really believe that it exists anymore except for the crumbs they throw at us to appease our simple understanding of their system?

I can just except politics for what is really is. Its not about whats right or wrong, but more so Even if I want this, I have committed to some other platform, and I have to go along with whatever those around me tell me is in our best intrest.

I never for one second believe political person of power stupid, but I do in fact believe that in order to be a successful political player you're not going to be able to simply just follow your heart and do things black and white.


I love my life
If you got caught today where would you end up?

That is the best fucking part. I have under 99 plants, never arrested in my life, etc. Also in a state without a law against cultivation, only possession, and first offense under 100lbs probation. But even better still 8 of 12 jurors smoke or have a close friend who does. MMJ is state authorized.

So they can jack boot me like Rodney King, or worse but they can't cage me under their rules ;)

Peace, :joint:


I love my life
That must be it!
We are all sheep, and YOU are THE MAN!
How ridiculous and pathetic.
You have an inflated opinion of yourself, and your opinions are deflating.
Too funny.
Thanks for making my point for me.

From loving every minute of it to pissed again. I know I can be very strong minded.

You are absolutely correct I, out of weakness argue from the cutting deflating angle of debate attack. That isn't really attractive and doesn't help me make friends.

I really should mellow out, and on weed I do. Back home after 5.5 days off weed smoked some PK and now much less of a dick I hope.

It is a great thing that the states are pushing back against the bull shit, but we must be very weary of anything short of total freedom and equality for all.

I guess I think that is the whole point to always leave it better for the next generation. The USA is falling short of that in so many ways, ironically cannabis expansion isn't one of them :jump:

Peace, :joint:


Active member
so i wasnt gonna post in this rollercoaster debate until i read hydros last reply......

props for easing up a bit and realizing that your strong sided style of debate might not be the best route of attack.

i only dream of moving to cali(or colorado, alaska) so i can do what i love the most in life legally.
on that note; can you give me a slight hint on the state you are refering to? sounds enticing.
and in hydros defense, we all need people like him in this world, so called "radicals," to battle the "radicals(ignorrants, i should say) fighting to keep us from having the freedoms we all deserve......fight the good fight bro
gonna go break the law now and smoke some ak47.


New member
73% Support Medical Marijuana Legalization

73% Support Medical Marijuana Legalization

Maybe Barbara should listen to the drumbeat of the voters...it is getting louder and louder...

Broad Public Support For Legalizing Medical Marijuana

by The Pew Research Center
With a growing number of states moving to legalize medical marijuana, nearly three-quarters of Americans (73%) say they favor their state allowing the sale and use of marijuana for medical purposes if it is prescribed by a doctor, while 23% are opposed. Support for legalizing medical marijuana spans all major political and demographic groups, and is equally high in states that have and have not already passed laws on this issue.
There are public concerns about legalizing medical marijuana. For example, 45% say they would be very or somewhat concerned if a store that sold medical marijuana opened near other stores in their area. And roughly the same percentage (46%) says allowing medical marijuana makes it easier for people to get marijuana even if they don't have a real medical need -- though just 26% of Americans say this is something that concerns them. These concerns are highest among opponents of legalizing medical marijuana, but are no higher or lower in states that already allow marijuana for medical purposes.
Far more Americans favor allowing marijuana for prescribed medical purposes than support a general legalization of marijuana. But the proportion supporting legalizing marijuana use has continued to rise over the past two decades.
The most recent national survey by the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press, conducted March 10-14 among 1,500 adults on landlines and cell phones, finds that 41% of the public thinks the use of marijuana should be made legal while 52% do not. In 2008, 35% said it should be legal and 57% said the use of marijuana should not be legal, according to data from the General Social Survey. Twenty years ago, only 16% of the public said the use of marijuana should be legal and 81% said it should not be legal.
Seniors, Conservatives Less Supportive
Younger Americans are more likely than their older counterparts to favor legalizing marijuana for medical use, but a majority across all age groups supports this; 80% of those younger than age 30 favor allowing medical marijuana compared with 63% who are ages 65 and older.
About six-in-ten (61%) Republicans favor permitting medical marijuana in their state compared with 76% of independents and 80% of Democrats. Conservative Republicans are the least likely to support legalization of medical marijuana; still, 54% favor this while 44% are opposed. At least three-fourths in all other partisan and ideological groups favor this.
People living in states where medical marijuana laws have not been passed are just as likely to favor the idea as are those living in the 14 states where such laws have already been passed (72% vs. 74%).
An overwhelming percentage (95%) of those who support general legalization of marijuana favor the sale and use of medical marijuana in their state. Yet even a majority (55%) of those who do not favor general legalization of marijuana say that the sale and use of medical marijuana should be allowed.
Does Medical Marijuana Lead to Broader Access?
The public is divided about whether legalizing marijuana for medical purposes inherently increases access to marijuana more generally: 46% say allowing medical marijuana makes it easier for people to get marijuana even if they don't have a real medical need, while 48% think it doesn't make a difference. When those who believe it does make it easier are asked whether this concerns them or not, just over half -- representing 26% of the total public -- say they are very or somewhat concerned about this, while 20% of Americans think this might happen but are not concerned about it.
About seven-in-ten Americans (71%) who oppose allowing medical marijuana in their state say this makes it easier for others to get access, and 53% say they are very or somewhat concerned about this. By contrast, just 39% of those who favor legalizing medical marijuana believe it leads to easier access for non-medical purposes, and only 18% are concerned. People living in states that currently allow medical marijuana are no more or less likely to see the policy as making it easier for people to get marijuana even if they don't have a real medical need. There also are no differences in levels of concern between those living in states that have legalized medical marijuana and those living in states that have not.
About a quarter (27%) of Americans say they would be very concerned if a store that sold medical marijuana opened up near other stores in their area, and 17% would be somewhat concerned. But a majority (54%) say they would be not too (20%) or not at all concerned (34%). Opponents of legalizing medical marijuana are far more likely to be at least somewhat concerned about this (81%) than supporters (32%). But again, there is no greater or less concern about medical marijuana stores in states that have legalized medical marijuana compared with states that have not
Support for Legalization of Marijuana Continues to Grow
In terms of the public's views about the general legalization of marijuana, 41% think the use of marijuana should be made legal while 52% don't think it should be legal. These findings are similar to a Gallup Survey conducted in October 2009 that found 44% saying the use of marijuana should be made legal and 54% saying it should not be legal. Support for legalizing marijuana is the highest it has been in 40 years of polling on this issue.
In 1969, only 12% said the use of marijuana should be made legal. Support grew to a peak of 30% in 1978, and then declined over the course of the 1980s to a low of 16% by 1987. Since that time, the proportion of Americans who think marijuana should be made legal has been steadily increasing, to 31% in 2000 and 41% today.
Young People, Liberals Most Likely to Support Legalization
There are substantial demographic differences in opinions about the legalization of marijuana. A majority (58%) of those younger than 30 think that the use of marijuana should be made legal. That compares with 42% of those ages 30 to 49, 40% of those 50 to 64, and just 22% of those 65 and older.
While men are evenly divided over whether the use of marijuana should be legal (45% yes, 47% no), most women (57%) oppose legalization.
Fully 71% of Republicans -- including 77% of conservative Republicans -- oppose the legalization or marijuana. By contrast, Democrats are evenly divided, with a majority of liberal Democrats (57%) in favor of legalizing the use of marijuana. About half of independents (49%) favor legalizing the use of marijuana while 44% are opposed.
People living in states where medical marijuana laws already have been passed are more likely than those living in other states to support a more general legalization of marijuana (48% vs. 39%). Those who have tried marijuana are more than twice as likely as those who have not to favor legalization (64% vs. 25%).
Increased Support for Legalization Among Democrats and Independents
Although independents and Democrats have generally been more likely than Republicans to support legalization of marijuana over the past 40 years, the partisan gap on this issue has increased substantially since 2000. Democrats and independents are far more likely to say that marijuana should be made legal than they were 10 years ago while the views of Republicans are virtually unchanged.
Nearly half of Democrats (48%) and independents (49%) now support the legalization of marijuana. In 2000, 29% of Democrats and 35% of independents said the use of marijuana should be made legal. By comparison, 24% of Republicans support legalization now, similar to the 26% who favored this a decade ago.
Who Has Tried Marijuana?
Four-in-ten Americans say they have ever tried marijuana while 58% have not. Men are more likely than women to have tried marijuana -- nearly half (48%) of men have tried marijuana compared with only 31% of women.
There also are substantial age differences. About half (49%) of young people admit to having tried marijuana, as do 47% of those ages 30 to 49 and 42% of those ages 50 to 64. By comparison, only 11% of people age 65 and older say they have ever tried marijuana.
Fewer Republicans than Democrats and independents say they have ever tried marijuana. About a third (32%) of Republicans admit to having tried marijuana compared with 41% of Democrats and 44% of independents. Conservative Republicans are the least likely to report having tried marijuana (26%), compared with at least four-in-ten in all other partisan and ideological groups.
- Article from The Pew Research Center.


New member
legalizing would NOT increase law enforcement, it would decrease it because there not out there arresting average Joe's for pot, it will increase money for actual drug help for meth heads and other junkies and maybe put some up to date books in the schools, alcohol's legal and in my opinion thats the problem. pot is the least of our worries when it comes to how the public will reacted if it's legal, pot is at the lowest of the totem pole of drugs, the very bottom


I`m dead set against this law and will be voting against it! It`s not going to do one thing for anyone who smokes marijuana in Cali! It allows anyone 21 and over to have an oz of marijuana but adds a tax of $800 per lbs plus unknown local taxes. What about people between18 and 20? No there kids under this law.That means you can go to jail for smoking in front of them! Even if they have served in the military and risked there lives for our protection! Now about that tax,what happends now if you don`t have a recomendation is a fine for a health and safety violation.No jail for an oz.! and if you have a recomendation? Nothing under today`s law. Oh you will be able to grow a window box size grow.How much do you smoke? How much room do you really need in order to grow all your own? Much more than the 5x5 area allowed under the propossed law.So where you going to get it it? Well you will be able to roll on down to one of the many `jerk in the box` despenceries Mr Lee has planned to build if this law passes.Then you can buy some corperation grown machine rolled krap they will sell you because of this new law.But it will be legal! Just priceyer than shit! Want to know what your in for? Look at medical marijuana grown by contracted corperations by the Canadian Goverment for medical users in Canada.The last posted clips at Urban Grower shows one being opened. I wouldn`t make brownies from that stuff! Now what would I know? Been growing marijuana for over 40 years.I want change in our laws here in Cali also,just not what they have on the plate for us now! I`m voting NO in November cause smoking doesn`t make me stupid enough to be conned into voting for Regulations,controls,and high taxes on Marijuana! Read the proposed law,but do your own thinking!


Well-known member
I`m voting NO in November cause smoking doesn`t make me stupid enough to be conned into voting for Regulations,controls,and high taxes on Marijuana! Read the proposed law,but do your own thinking!

i do understand this point of view, and you have every right to express it
but what you get is an exchange of regulations, controls, and taxes
currently the regulation is the threat of imprisonment, the taxes are the fines
if you think the replacement of the existing rules is a bad deal, well that's that
but it's not like these rules are going to be any more invasive than the current ones, many growers/users are going to keep doing what they're doing
Anyone have the link necessary to send Mrs. Boxer a piece of our mind? I know it may be a long shot but I'm willing to waste a few of my minutes telling her why only Pro-Marijuana candidates will get my vote.

All the bickering about an unforeseeable future is just creating rifts in our community, whatever happens, whatever laws are passed, whatever some Man/Woman in a fancy suit says does not/will not matter. Most of us here will be unaffected and will continue our pursuit of prefect Marijuana. You know, like we are doing now.
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I`m dead set against this law and will be voting against it! It`s not going to do one thing for anyone who smokes marijuana in Cali! It allows anyone 21 and over to have an oz of marijuana but adds a tax of $800 per lbs plus unknown local taxes. What about people between18 and 20? No there kids under this law.That means you can go to jail for smoking in front of them! Even if they have served in the military and risked there lives for our protection! Now about that tax,what happends now if you don`t have a recomendation is a fine for a health and safety violation.No jail for an oz.! and if you have a recomendation? Nothing under today`s law. Oh you will be able to grow a window box size grow.How much do you smoke? How much room do you really need in order to grow all your own? Much more than the 5x5 area allowed under the propossed law.So where you going to get it it? Well you will be able to roll on down to one of the many `jerk in the box` despenceries Mr Lee has planned to build if this law passes.Then you can buy some corperation grown machine rolled krap they will sell you because of this new law.But it will be legal! Just priceyer than shit! Want to know what your in for? Look at medical marijuana grown by contracted corperations by the Canadian Goverment for medical users in Canada.The last posted clips at Urban Grower shows one being opened. I wouldn`t make brownies from that stuff! Now what would I know? Been growing marijuana for over 40 years.I want change in our laws here in Cali also,just not what they have on the plate for us now! I`m voting NO in November cause smoking doesn`t make me stupid enough to be conned into voting for Regulations,controls,and high taxes on Marijuana! Read the proposed law,but do your own thinking!

Agreed for the most part just like most government legislation this is just going to make it easier for big weed business to do business and harder for the little guys to compete.

It's a god damn plant and the state should have no more say in how much i can cultivate than how many tomato plants i have in my garden.


I love my life
Anyone have the link necessary to send Mrs. Boxer a piece of our mind? I know it may be a long shot but I'm willing to waste a few of my minutes telling her why only Pro-Marijuana candidates will get my vote.

All the bickering about an unforeseeable future is just creating rifts in our community, whatever happens, whatever laws are passed, whatever some Man/Woman in a fancy suit says does not/will not matter. Most of us here will be unaffected and will continue our pursuit of prefect Marijuana. You know, like we are doing now.


This is a proposed huge change in marijuana laws and regulations, hiding a huge theft of Markcastle's freedoms because he is a California grower for 40+ years.

He expressed concerns because if he keeps doing what he has been doing peacefully for 40+ years; this law makes a greater felon of him and imposes more draconian punishment than the current scheme to crush his freedoms.

Why would anyone want to sit silent on this issue.

An $800 a lb tax would really make the CA summer outdoor harvest crazy.

If we really want to be part of the above ground community, don't you think taxation of our activities should be the first item of debate?

How much should Markcastle have to pay the state of CA each year for growing weed?

Should he have to pay them $2.5k for a licence and $800 for every lb of weed he grows?

Once if ever that debate is concluded we should discuss who is going to collect the money from Mr. Markcastle.

Then we would have to get into the really scary stuff.

What about the leaves he uses to make bubble hash or butter; how much do we make him pay?

What about the hash or butter he just made; how much do we make him pay?

What about the brownies he just made; how much do we make him pay?

What about the fact that he has been a peaceful productive member of his and our loving community for 40 years; how much do we make him pay?

What about the fact that Enron and corropt officials cost Californians BILLIONS and now electricity is $.36kw (3x more than most western states); how much do we make him pay?

Now if Mr. Markcastle after 40 years of being a great peaceful producer doesn't declare 100% of his trash leaves, butter, hash, brownies, honey oil, bud and PERSONAL CONSUMPTION; how many years shall we throw him in the box?

After thinking about these questions I am very fearful for Mr. Markcastle, because the state is either going to encumber a huge percentage of his production or they are going to ruin his life with the INJUSTICE system and correctional facilities (RE-EDUCATION CAMPS).

I hope you're there to kick into his and other ICmagers defense fund, an $800 a lb tax is huge incentive for CA to track down Mr. Markcastle and our brothers.

Peace, :joint:


Active member
How much room do you really need in order to grow all your own? Much more than the 5x5 area allowed under the propossed law.So where you going to get it it?

That is just absolutely untrue. I have a 5X5 grow area, and I can crank out 20-30 ounces every 3 months. One run is enough to keep me in smoke for a year, easily.
5X5 Is a good sized area. You can get 30 one gallon pots, or 12-16 3 gallon pots. Those 3 gallon pots produce 2-3 ounces each. So you are way off base in your calculations.


Garden Nymph
Compromise, guys, compromise. Most U.S. laws and even many state laws are all about compromise. Those laws aren't about what we WANT. They're about what the government wants. So we can hope that we will be able to push a bill that is all FOR us and not half and half against us, but that will probably not be in your (or my) lifetime.
This bill won't change anything for me. I'll still probably grow as much as I want under the radar. Sheesh, I do it now anyways. It's just a little step forward, but it's a step in the right direction.