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Selfed seeds accurate representation?


New member
Have to agree with brown pants and dank bank. Results should be all female, not counting hermies, since your only dealing with X chromosomes and no Y. Also, unless the plant your selfing is 100% homozygous, highly unlikely, you will have some variation. It may be in traits you can't see or measure, it may be very subtle, but there will be variation. Like BP said, you need to grow out hundreds of seeds preferably more to get a clear idea of the variation in the S1 generation.

Odds are there will be less variation than you will get with a sib mating unless your comparing severely inbred sibs and maybe F1s from an s1.


spliffmastaflex said:
Specifically looking at the Trainwreck S1's that are available over at c-bay.

Are selfed seeds an accurate representation of the mom's genetics or will they be degraded? If so, how significantly?

back to the original question
from the reports i have read
jojo's s-1 tw range from close to better then the original
i put 4 packs into my stash after much investigation of they're worthy'ness
btw: that was at $100 per versus the $75 now and i have no regrets
