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Seeing God


Basement Garden Gnome
My ex was down in the garden tonight.
We have many good talks as we get stoned.
I've been smoking many years, and she has been asking me tons of questions about Cannabis.

Why I smoke it as often as I do, Why I feel it's important to grow and one day breed Cannabis.

Her support has made it possible for me to do this. I have not Smoked anything like a BOG or Rez or Soma strain in my life.

The best I can do is turkish hash in the early 80's and some kick ass Hawaiian.
She was woundering what made these strains so special.

I told her the potency if these plants was superior to anything we have ever smoked. That the Look and feel and taste and smell where all factors in it's breeding.

That in order to under stand the difference she needs to smoke some when I finally get some grown.

She asked can you see God?
I didn't know.
Has anyone ever smoked something so heavy the can talk to God or who ever?

I've been close to Out of Body on some stuff, but never did go Out. So I know you can zone pretty hard on THC.

I have had some mushroom experience where I knew I could if I wanted to talk to God. ( But it better be important! ):p

Has any one had a sit down with the All Mighty?


PS she wanted me to ask You Guys!
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Not god but.....

Not god but.....

I had a damn interesting chat with my dog a few years back whilst out me tree on some strawberry ohm's (acid) lol ;)

if you ever find a strain strong enough that it lets you commune with the big man sin pass it over i got a few questions for him ;)



Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
try the tao ta ching aka the psychedelic prayer book and lsd.... if you can just let go of the ego you will see god


Basement Garden Gnome
Well I prefer Mushrooms

Well I prefer Mushrooms

Haven't had real good experiance with Acid, I will call it. I know I've never had LSD, so I'm sure thats one reason I don't like it.

Maybe if I had some LSD. Since that most likey wont happen I'll stick to Mushies and Cannabis, perhaps some other Ethnogens more easily attainable.

I saw Pixies on AMANITA MUSCARIA, felt like a Pine Tree.

Close I guess!
Sin :abduct:


I have praticed Buddhism my entire life. I aksed this same question to many preachers when I was 6 or 7. I am ow in my 50's

Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism taught me to look within myself to see and understand all things. I believe God functions from within each person in this manner.

Buddhism teaches there are ten worlds; Hell at the lowest and Buddhahood or Enlightenment at the highest. One of the ten worlds is Heaven or Rapture. It is here you will find God, I believe.

Every time I shave I see God. Remember the bible says, Man is made from the image of Giod and Eve was made from the rib of man. All direct images of God himself as Christains would see him, just as the Buddha reveales himeslf in all life, equally.

BTW, The Buddha expounded the Lotus Sutra about 500 BC, the highest teachings of the Budhha's life.

Nam Myoho renge-Kyo.



I would imagine staring into Gods 'face' would be something like going toe-to-toe the sun, minus the scorching heat. It would be overwhelming, and hard to put into context as a human being. I think this is probably why we don't get to find out what's what until after we die. (at least I hope we find out)

My beliefs are what I'd call anti-exclusionary. I believe all life originates from the same source, and eventually returns to the same source - despite ones individual beliefs during this brief, yet monumental experience we call life.

Maybe I am nieve, but I've done a lot of research on 'near death' experiences, because I consider them closest to the actual experience of death, and in turn - life. Their consensus? It's all about us. They realize it's not about choosing a religion, and killing and fighting over this religion and putting down others. Our responsibility is to LIVE, and that's it. Treat others how we would like to be treated. We are all the same, no matter how much we hate to acknowledge that fact.

I am the first to acknowledge I don't know shit. Nobody knows shit when it comes to religion/God - and we should see this as a common bond, rather than a reason to seperate us. When people ask me what religion I belong to, I tell them I am part of the human religion.

So if you smoke cannabis, can you see God?

It definitely can change your perspective, but unless you throw some shrooms in the mix, I doubt you'll see a human incarnate of God sitting in front of you. I guess it depends on how literally you mean 'see god.' Sometimes if I smoke enough, I think my dog is God. ;)

One thing is for sure... if I were God, I would be mighty pissed any human would try to outlaw one of my beautiful creations and hinder the spread of happiness that follows the ganja.


with heavy dosages i can sometimes get the feeling that there is "god" staring right at me, and right at everyone else at the same time.

there is also a feeling of seeing god, but it's just a feeling. god is too big for such a small person to see.

a small side effect, it is ignorable.


Quite an intesting undersatanding of life coming from and returning to one great life. In Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism this is referred to as dependant origination. All life truly does connect as one great life of the Universe.

However, I believe, as most Buddhist do, that life is eternal in nature. This means we will be born over and over again without any direct recollection to each life, other than the chance relationships we appear to stumble through in our life. That sometimes feeling of knowing someone having only met them for the first time.

Nichiren Daishonin says, "You have been born over and over, and all the mother's and father's of the workd have been your mother or father in one life or another, and yet you die, but you have never given your life for the Lotus Sutra!" Writtings of Nichiren Daishonin.

This Japanese priest born in 1223 expounded The One Great Truth of Life to simply be to embrace the title of the Lotus Sutra; the teachings of Shakyamuni Buddha; Myoho Renge Kyo.

Nam means to embrace, to say nam myoho renge kyo over and over is to chant or embrace the Wonderful Law of Life itself. That Law is all life, you, me, trees, birds, flowers, air, water, everything that possesse life.

Nam means devotion
Myo mean Wonderful, Ho means Law
Renge means Cause and Effect
Kyo means sound or the sound of the teachings

Shakyamuni Buddha or Siddartha expounde the One Great Truth of life in his own enlightenment, but he was unable to explain to others how to do the same. Nichiren Daishonin in 1253 expounded the heart of the Lotus Sutra or embrace it's title with your life. Nichiren eventually revealed all life is no more than Nam Myoho Renge Kyo, like the fish and water insepperable.



New member
I thought I saw God once after a thumbprint... also saw a bunch of other stuff and that was in the first hour or so after taking the thumbprint... after that it mostly a blur :D


New member
Well I have never smoked anything remotley near that strong and I feel confident I have smoked the best of the best. Question being what do you beleive?I feel the same as vegas I beleive that GOD is within us all and nature ,so when I puff the herb I am defintly ONE with god. I know this for sure. Milky


well sinful the latest genetics you have may not have you seeing god ,, but can bet itll have you rolling round on the floor laughing till you cry ...


full time daddy


im a god.

your a god.

he's a god.

she's a god.

who is god?

how would you know if you seen him?
what is it? no one yet has to seen this but all have hurd about it.
i do belive there is a god. dose hurb make you see him. could you see him off of hurb.

if there is way are a lot of us in pain? :abduct:


New member
I have seen God in a childs smile. I have seen God looking down from a mountainside over a meadow filled with apine flowers. I have seen God while waiting for my mother to breath her last breath. I have heard God in an elks bugle on a foggy Oregon morning. Still your heart, look and listen. He is all around us.
You dont have to be high to talk to GOD , I talk to GOD & Jesus all the time , now is there a GOD & did Jesus exist .

well the way i look at thing's is , you dont have anything to loose in believing , to believe in GOD does not mean that you have to go to church every sunday .

infact Jesus said that i would rarther you , go & enter into a closet , close the door behind you & pray in my name , then go to church where there are people that think they have faith in me but deep down in there hearts , they dont know me at all .

Human's are creature's that need to see to believe , but there is a difference between seeing & believing , if you ever saw GOD then every time you had even the slightest bit of a problem in your life , you would expect GOD to appear to you , and when he does'nt you would accuse him of not of wanting to help you . my belief is that when you have really put GOD & Jesus in your heart then one day, you will see there faces .

peace & love to all

Fast Eddie

Does Elvis Count?

Does Elvis Count?

Not God But ,
I swear i saw Elvis in the woods last week when i was
out wandering with the little animals....:D


Re: Does Elvis Count?

Re: Does Elvis Count?

Fast Eddie said:
Not God But ,
I swear i saw Elvis in the woods last week when i was
out wandering with the little animals....:D

That was just me, dummy. lol

Saw God from the inside of a crashed car. I said "howdy" and he said, "get the hell back inside yourself. I'm not through with you yet."

He looks just like Wilfred Brimly (sp?), the oatmeal guy.


Spankin' Elvis: You may be new here but you definately belong here what took you so long friend ... you make me laugh.

Wisdom comes with age, I have been a angry man most of my adult life. For what reasons I don't know, well I do but those are just life lessons. It has taken me awhile but I now see that everywhere I look I see God. I feel a sense of peace fianlly coming over me at 40 years old, I decided not to conform to the ways that society tries to make you see God and it has helped me.

To answer the question, no never had a drug induced talk with God ... not yet ... LOL. I'll have a big chat with him some day. I know this for sure. I don't go to church or practice religion, I believe that religion is an outlet for people that can't find the way their selfs. If I were to practice a religion it would be Buddism. No offense to relious people but I think religion teaches sepratism. The world will end because of religion in my mind, and it will do so in a very grusome manner.

Just my Opinions ... no offense.

Peace ... Mo,

PS ... Sorry to go off topic like I did.

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