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Seed grow with some root pruning!


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
this will be interesting!

roots do tend to grow to the bottom of the pot and then go in circles. one way to get more root horizons in your pot is to repot a few times rather than just plant them straight in their final pots. if you let them get slightly potbound each time before repotting, you have a lot more roots in the final pot.


Active member
Hi again

PiffGuru - lez hope ur right n something good comes out from it.

VerdantGreen - exactly m8. The more u repot em, and make em bound a lil, the more root mass u will get in center of medium. I dont think that this method requires as many as normal pots though, but well see... looking forward on to slicing up some male root systems.

Heres a shot from tonite.

Have a nice weekend all


Active member
Thx Mosca bro. Its been a pleasure sofar growing your crosses... But things has changed a bit. Ive been offered a job in China and will be leaving within a month or so. So suddently I was desperate on what to do with these babies??? But our fellow grower (and my indoor mentor) Icetoker has offered to take care of the plants. He takes killer pics too, so lez hope he will keep posting from the grow.

Heres a couple of pics from yesterday. All looking green n good.

They r all still almost same height (+/- 1 cm)

A shot from underneath showing some of the new roots comming thru

Cheers all n stay safe


Smeden, Very nice. I just love how they all have such uniformed height. I am going to watch this till the end. Keep up the good work.


Active member
Asil - thx m8. I love their height growth too... as it looks now, it will defenetly be a part of my upcoming grows... which unfortunately could be a loong time before. As im moving to China, and not interested in ending up in jail for running a small grow. So there will be some hard times to come - but allways nice I can go here and watch all the lovely pics.

icclearly - I started feeding em pretty early (started at 0,7 ppm) Think within the first week - I could see the colour was too bright green. So thought they needed it, as Coco is "neutral" medium with no nutes in from start? Or am I wrong?
Nevermind, they seemed to like the small nute amount from the start and im feeding em 1,3 atm. (Canna COGR Vega A+B, AN Voodoojuice and Cannazym) once a day, at sunset.
They r really starting to kick in some growth now, so its not fun fun - not to be able to run em thru the end. But well, it was my own choice.

Cheers n tokes

mosca negra

Cheers to you Smeden! Great idea on making those pots! I hope IceToker keeps your thread going!!

Safe travels to you and hope we see you next year on 4/20 bro...



Active member
Thx Mosca bro.

The pots r very simple to make, and could be made from various materials. The important thing is to keep em lil in the air, and make the air move underneath them.
As they look now it will def. be a vegging way for me in the future - not so much work to it again. And I just love - not having "these twice the height plants" within 14 days - as Ive had with regular pots.

4-20 next year is def. booked in my calender, so hope it will be possible at the time.
But we will also stay in touch in here, I will be looking surely...



Sharing Is Caring!
hey hey yall... i´ll do my best to do these beautis justice. So exited to try rootpruning off and to grow in coco......which i´we done once before way back.

Respect and thanks to my buddy smeden to trust me with his cindys......and thanks to mosca for these great genes!!



p.s. this thread will go on........now i have to read up on my coco tech....ol´toker is a little rusty with all the theory.


Active member
Thx Toker, I know u will my friend.

Heres a couple shots from tonite, nice growth rate at the moment i think. (only 125w cfl on em 18/6)




This looks like something i've got to follow closer...really nice Smeden

mosca negra

Smeden & IceToker-- looking forward to having this grow change hands and see those babies take off. I really like your Idea Smeden about the Air root pruning and would love to see this project finished. Would like to a test run myself.

Cheers to the two of you, my Brothers!



Life is one big grow........
mate nice this thread is going big .......
we see us 420 next yera def. bro u have to come.....;-) with ur low toleranz...he he he


Active member
Big Highs from Denmark

Thx all!!!! Mosca - im right here n very happy... the plants doing so good.

And Buddah - Yup, the cup is on very high priority - hope seeing many of you there. Was a really nice experience this year. Low tollerance... hmm, might have to arrive a couple of weeks ahead, to get it a lil up, before hell breaks loose at the cup.

Had to rearrange the plants tonite as I wanted the biggest on the outer sides and the smaller ones in the best lighted area. Also had to make room between the pots, as the roots are too happy when its not windy, and the pots standing close to eachother.


Arjans Haze #2 - one of the plants with the largest amount of roots, but not so big on the greens part.

AH#2 again

AH#2 again

AH#2 again

AH#2 again

Cheers n nice weekend wishes