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Seed depot closing

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ICMag Donor
Given the price of seeds these days, it's not too much to ask that the beans be enclosed in some kind of secure packaging. I'm sure it wouldn't cost 20% of retail price for good packaging.

If I can produce good seed smallscale for a few pence each , then most of the costs are in packageing , delivery and commission.

If you made it a requirement for sellers to use a secure package and a datestamp and batch number it could be a good selling point , and avoid these shitstorms in the future.


New member
As far as packaging goes i think breeders should hermetically seal all packs individually with a born on date and seed info inside the seal so it is tamper evident... This is simple, easy, and cheap...

I skipped a few pages of this thread so im sure ppl have already said it but i gotta say it too...
Racerboy, Monster Drank, Karmasabitch, nd Hellraiser are good ppl... And draggin their names in the mud wit JB is not cool bro...

Hold Your Fire

Finding my way back home
Anyone else ever get a key chain from Magus.

Talk about crush proof, and, I'm still using the key chain today!!

Hope all is well with Gerrit these days!!!!


Active member
I got custom seed packaging being designed and manufactured in Europe. I'll show you guys how the packages look when they are done. From what I saw, they looked very professional.


I got custom seed packaging being designed and manufactured in Europe. I'll show you guys how the packages look when they are done. From what I saw, they looked very professional.

Cant wait to see those...I want to see some real deal seed packages. Ones I can buy and store seeds from grows in.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I agree with skip this has run its course. I see no new info related to the topic

Removed pic not my intention to spam.


Active member
If there's nothing more to be said about TSD, perhaps it's time to close this thread and end the drama here?


The TRUMP of SKUNK: making skunk loud again!
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
hey skip

i kinda like all this feedback :)


Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
Mine have a key chain with a vial on the end for what ever you need to keep dry. I Always have my medications that I take with me where ever I go. I have to not a choice. this keeps them dry, water prof, crush prof. I will be using these for the new PFbx1. I still looking for a way to seal the cap so its tamper prof. The plain baggie will be history for retail very soon.

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G`day Hammerhead

Hmmm I dunno wether your lil alloy vial is gonna attract attention .
A lot of seed buyers live under prohibition . A bullet like vial with beanz inside might ring bells .

I received a package that had been opened by customs [with the green tape on the seal ]. They kindly inserted a pamphlet explaining my package had been checked .
Luckily they didn`t open the packing tape on the innocent looking item the seeds were in. So they arrived unscathed . Lol Suckers .

Thanks for sharin

EB .

Spider Crab

I think ziplock bags are still the stealthiest method.
You can get ones that can be heat sealed, Dynasty seeds uses them.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I like them Customers like them thats why I got them.. After sending out a bunch of samples everyone loved them so to late to change them now. you can buy the same thing at Walgreen, CVS, Wall mart minus the card.(there sold as pill holders) there made from Aluminum with another Vial inside made from plastic. it has cotton with the seeds in the smaller Vial. So far everyone likes them. they don't look like any bullets I have ever bought lol.. I use the Larger Vial for enough to roll a nice blunt when I go fishing :) ...I sale to the Legal market so no worries about customs. I bought seeds for years that had no stealth. what we have today is not very stealthy. 303 container is not stealthy at all. . Right now you cant sale seeds outside of CO, Im not sure what the rules are in WA. If you want seeds from CO you wont be able to buy from another state /country. You will need a fiend to ship them out.. There are more and more everyday now not living under prohibition. lets see how it goes. I hope things will get better as we go. they allready let the cat out of the bag no way to put it back in.

Anyway It will be fine. I only make small batches of what im asked to make :) This is way off topic anyway. so I will let you guys hash that out ..


Spider Crab

I always ASK for seeds to be removed from silly breeder packaging.

I wouldn't have believed why any seed vendor would bother to steal seeds and send fakes....

silly me.

pappy masonjar

Well-known member
Spider Crab said:
I always ASK for seeds to be removed from silly breeder packaging.

I wouldn't have believed why any seed vendor would bother to steal seeds and send fakes....

silly me.

I never asked for that option. Not because i could forsee something like this(JB). But because i know that theres the possibility of some junky packing girl, that could easily bring to work a big bag of mexi bag seed in her pocket, and replace the seeds of the people like you. Hell, she could even keep them in the Original breeders packs, and sell them unopened later.
I live in a city full of junkies, and know that they work everywhere. DTA- dont trust anyone. neighborhood code #27
(in this case, even if you trust the breeder, there's a lot more hands the beans have to go through before they get to you. better to be sealed from the gate imo.)

Suggestion, If theres interest,
maybe there could be an offshoot thread started.
for what customers wanna see breeders do with the seed pack issue. Like how many of us are willing to pay more for Dated, numbered, sealed packs.
(Id start it myself, but i suffer from A motivational syndrome pretty hard:smoke:)
I've ordered from about every website that had a rep for sending the product. Irregardless of my opinion about TSD , I had issues with ALL ,with only one exception....and I want mention them online. Does everyone realize that the seed business is a shady platform in itself. Breeders....pollen chunkers are also out to make money regardless of the title given or earned. What more can you expect from something that is still illegal on the government level. My advice is for each individual to grow and cross your own genetics and find another line of work that does not require unconditional trust.


Moon-grass farmer
Yeah I'm with Skip, I think this thread has run it's course. But I do hope there's an IC forum-wide open policy as far as new info pertaining the JB/TSD situation, to help protect the community at large (within reason of course).

My opinion on seed packaging: all breeders should pack themselves or oversee packaging... no sending in bulk. Either tamper evident seal on normal packaging, or those spiffy mylar baggies, with a simple yet unique label/logo and dated. No need for crushproof packaging IMO, that should be on whom is packaging for shipment.

Some breeders' packaging is really neat, but for sake of stealth it can be a bit bulky. And removing from breeder packs isn't a good idea.

And that's all speaking from how 95% of the community buys their seeds... Doesn't really apply to medical/legal purchases...

But yeah, thread has ceased to provide new info... but maybe sticky it for a while just to be sure it is seen for a period of time?

Big thank you for allowing this discussion, very glad this has all came to light for all to see. Good luck to everyone Iinvolved and I am sorry for your losses.
yeah this thread was needed and hopefully we can all move forward... with better understanding of how the seed biz works, hopefully packing standards, and a lot more respect for what Clarence and crew do for the community. Skip thanks for letting the thread run. it's things like this that sets icmag apart from the others. I hate to say but y'all know this is true,... he wasn't the first and won't be the last scamner to breeze thru the town. hopefully as a "community" we can stay on top of things like this. if we can't have each other's back at least we can have Mary Janes!
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