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Security troops on US nuclear missile base took LSD


That last trip in around 1981 I tripped my balls off so heavy that I think that it left a scar on my psyche.

Man you had to do that shit with the right people. I had AMAZING times on acid in student days with some cool people but once or twice someone odd did it with us, who never got in the bubble with the rest us and just freaked us out. Sex on acid was funny.


Elite Growers Club
once that thought occurs "when is it going to end" thats when a second feels like a hour

Lol sounds like the acid I used. But back to the issues with the Air Force, I don't really see why were so worried. I mean these guys that are in on ground combat, or in the thick of things/being ask to do things we couldn't dream about.....not as much Air Force but most of these guys are never gonna fully recover mentally from serving this country. I think they should be able to get fucked up if they want too. I'm not saying while on duty being fucked up on acid tripping out isnt ok. But smoking weed, painkillers, having a few beers, maybe a few lines of coke.....something to help them through. If they didn't go overboard with things, which they prolly would.....then I wouldn't be a big concern to me.

Now the guys selling/distributing drugs. Well if we paid these guys more for serving this country it would probably help. Not to mention these service guys should have drugs easily/readily available for there use. We gotta realize some of the dealers are addicted to dealing just like people are hooked on drugs so reguardless of what the government pays them there still gonna sell. I'm sure selling to a bunch of military guys is very lucrative. Possibly the dealers have cartel ties or mafia ties. I just think we need to put ourselves in the shoes of the guys protecting us....there away from there wife's,children, family....very lonely and needing some type of escape from the hard way on living in the military. I'm not saying these guys should be allowed to be fucked up out of there minds, just let them buzz/party a lil IF they want to. I mean 90% of these guys are gonna come back with PTSD, depression, insomnia etc.... let them do what they can to have some ease of the mind while they serve.


Thing is it all started with one guy smokin pot on snapchat. Social Media get's you slapt with thoose kind of things.


Elite Growers Club
Thing is it all started with one guy smokin pot on snapchat. Social Media get's you slapt with thoose kind of things.

Very very true friend.....these youngster and there snap chat, Instagram, there doing all things of stuff......letting to many people know things they shouldn't !!!!! :fsu:

moose eater

Many think that because of the brief duration that such a post lasts, that they're safe, and nothing can be done with what they did. Some openly talk drug deals on Snap Chat.

I think they have a false sense of security that defies a deeper understanding of electronics and messaging, and the means by which such things can be copied and saved..

Talking a deal? Battery removed from cell phone before reaching destination, phone placed a distance from discussions (i.e., left in the vehicle, inoperable), discussions preferably outdoors in open area, talk face-to-face between only you and those parties that HAVE to be involved.. No side-kicks allowed.


ICMag Donor
1972 after my arrival at USN basic in great lakes with 100 hits of blotter folded in my wallet. When they searched everything upon arrival the people doing the searching pulled it out of my wallet with other papers, license etc and put it all right back in. Heh, for a couple of weeks there'd be a few others I'd share with and we'd trip at the end of the day. One day the CC called me into his office to ask me "what the hell was going on" and that " I march you people half to death then have reports of laughter in the middle of the night so I came here at 2am to see for myself, several of you guys making hand gestures in each others faces, giggling and laughing and I want to know what the hell is going on"!

They never found out :tiphat:
but the usa gov GAVE lsd to people, knowingly and unknowingly, how is this bad?

i rather have them trip balls on my taxes than launch nukes, they have my vote


ICMag Donor
Many think that because of the brief duration that such a post lasts, that they're safe, and nothing can be done with what they did. Some openly talk drug deals on Snap Chat.

I think they have a false sense of security that defies a deeper understanding of electronics and messaging, and the means by which such things can be copied and saved..

Talking a deal? Battery removed from cell phone before reaching destination, phone placed a distance from discussions (i.e., left in the vehicle, inoperable), discussions preferably outdoors in open area, talk face-to-face between only you and those parties that HAVE to be involved.. No side-kicks allowed.

Probably sounds paranoid, but I think all this data gets collected and saved. There is nothing protecting us from how intrusive these data collectors can be.

Rocky Mtn Squid

Welcome To The NSA Utah Data Collection Center

Welcome To The NSA Utah Data Collection Center

You can see it after driving past Salt Lake City on the I-15 plain as day, located in a town called Bluffdale. It's a massive facility that has recorded and stored EVERY single phone call, text and email from the past 15 years in the world. Nothing that is electronic escapes its tentacles, world wide.


Just like it states on the engraved stone at the front entrance, "If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear."

It allegedly only cost $1.5 Billion USD to build, and claims to be the worlds largest on the order of exabytes. supporting the Comprehensive National Cybersecurity Initiative (CNCI) of the United States Government.

The very select few that have the proper security clearance and connections, including any current sitting U.S. President, have access to this. It just recorded, logged and categerized this very post.

Source: https://nsa.gov1.info/utah-data-center/


The Utah Data Center is powered by the massively parallel Cray XC30 supercomputer which is capable of scaling high performance computing (HPC) workloads of more than 100 petaflops or 100,000 trillion calculations each second.

Code-named "Cascade", this behemoth was developed in conjunction with the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) to meet the demanding needs of the Intelligence Community.




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Well-known member
You can see it after driving past Salt Lake City on the I-15 plain as day, located in a town called Bluffdale. It's a massive facility that has recorded and stored EVERY single phone call, text and email from the past 15 years in the world. Nothing that is electronic escapes its tentacles, world wide.

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Just like it states on the engraved stone at the front entrance, "If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear."

It allegedly only cost $1.5 Billion USD to build, and claims to be the worlds largest on the order of exabytes. supporting the Comprehensive National Cybersecurity Initiative (CNCI) of the United States Government.

The very select few that have the proper security clearance and connections, including any current sitting U.S. President, have access to this. It just recorded, logged and categerized this very post.

Source: https://nsa.gov1.info/utah-data-center/

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The song sucks pretty bad but does make a valid point.