Hey Ipot, thank for this awesome grow report. Everything look good. You got about 4 more weeks to go before harvest... according to my previous growths with bk v2. I notice a coulour change of the leafs perceptible on your pictures update. What is your feeding schedule. I only see that kind of coulour change in the last 2 weeks of my flowering period with the BKV2.(while flushing) .. Keep us updated, I realy enjoys reading your report. You're doing a good job. You asked me if I had previous picture of my growth with BK-V2... but I realyse that I lost the usb key where everything was store on,.. I'll try to find it back. I'm a serious breeder that record everything on usb media.. so it would make me sick if I dont find that key. It' a a milestone of my current breeding projet.
iPot is that phone photography?
Looking real good i pot...
I'm having the same problem this round with my girls yellowing and fading way too early.. I'm at 6.5 weeks.
I'm loving that 2 ...
That #2 looks just like a pheno I had when I ran biker... I loved it... I had two real nice keepers like you pretty much...!!!... the #2 gets chunky... .