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Sealed CO2 Build

the gnome

Active member
Much of the stink will come out of the room with you on your clothes and the supplies that come in and out (buckets, pots etc...).

Your room can be friggin air tight and a smelly strain will stink up the whole place as soon as the door is opened and you walk out smelling like a skunk!

yup.. i am air sealed 110% tite,
@ 40days+ as budley said,
going in and out the door will stink the outer room to hi heaven.
if you do any amount of work with the plants,
remove your clothes
and rinse with a bottle of old spice lol.
after being in there for a while,
your nose becomes immune to how bad you reek when ya come out, do not go to the store or in public or you will get stared down like your one of the walking dead.

sealing the room is a fairly straight forward task,
it's the door is what is critical imo.
the door imo
btw mini's don't create positive pressure that Ive notice,
fans and the minisplit head keepinging constant air movement is what gets the odor out the door more than anything imo.

oh, and like bad said getting too hot,
I'm running 6000w with a 32,500btu mr slim.
it did great in the winter but going into may down in florida it starts to get warm,
in may i went from setting my ac at 80 and getting 84F-86F at the back of the 20ft long room, like it did in winter to setting it at 59, the lowest it goes and the temps were 88F.al
l this happened within a 2wk period
i started to freak,
when i was cleaning the hoods bulbs etc etc for the may bloom run I remembered to clean the air filter in the mini,
it was pretty damn clogged,
in that 2 wk period i was repotting and the dust from the soil is what did it.
cleaned it and the mini does the job.
I still ordered another mini split for back up in case one went down.
I have 65,500btus now and it is niiiiiiice!
more hot spots at the back and corners of the room.
when running over 80 i am within 1-2degrees of my set point temp.
under 80 I am dead on what ever i set my control temp at :)

but in retrospect i now would have gone with the 36K btu mini.
really 2 mini's is what i recommend
I figured for 5000btu per 1KW, go 6000btu or a bit higher if you have a long room,
the minisplit head just can't move the air to the back of the 20ft and its 4-6degrees warmerw
ith 2 mini's no more hot spots plus you have insurance in case one takes a dump.


If the room is a different temp from the area outside you will get air movement. Cold air contracts and warm air expands. As your a/c cools the air the room will try to draw air in as the air contracts. As it warms between cycles the air will expand and try to push out. It won't be huge amounts of movement but there will be some.