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SD ibl - G-Bolt - LUI - KillaQueen


thanks for your words guys !

jim> glad to help! nop they doesn't stink much in veg' not a problem at all.

REZ> glad to see you post here ! thanks =)

stoner> thanks man ! mota seeds aren't avaible now...but he is on a new project calling "mota milicia"...chech out the grow shop alien forum for more infos...;)

seedbuyer> G-Bolt = G13 x Yumboldt

here some ISO hash from the LUI trims :


Laughing Jim

Active member
Seed Buyer said:
What is G-bolt comprised of?

Genetics: 100% indica
Specifics: Pacific G-13 x Yumbolt
Flowering time: 9 weeks

G-Bolt is a cross between a female Pacific G-13 and a male Yumbolt from Sagarmatha seeds. The G-13 clone is a great base strain as it adds good structure, great yields, excellent body stone and it's very easy to clone.
The Yumbolt male has blessed this cross with it's awesome woodsey flavor. G-Bolt is a heavy brancher and is better for a SCROG type grow. A good to excellent yielder pending veg time, we recommend at least 6 weeks. The buds are very stinky and the smell is hard to cover. A very relaxing stone that'll remind you of good old-school buds.

From the horse's mouth. :joint:
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Laughing Jim

Active member
skar said:
! mota seeds aren't avaible now...but he is on a new project calling "mota milicia"...chech out the grow shop alien forum for more infos...;)
Unfortunately, there is no longer a Mota's Militia.
The site's owner was busted and the site closed down.


New member
Laughing Jim said:
How was the yield on the G-Bold, bro? We are collecting Motarebel strains, searching for the ideal plants with a medical-type cross in mind. In fact, if you could find the time, Skar, I'd appreciate everything you could tell me about G-Bolt as it will probably be the next grow.

Do you really get a bigger yield with SCROG?
How much bigger?



thanks to Motarebel who did a wonderfull job at breeding this killer strain,

Nice pics! and Nice Strain

I ad some of these strains from Mota and Sannie~ Swapped with a dude in states!
:rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Herijuana I found flawless I crossed with the polen I was given (Lifesaver F2) Not sure yet on how the seeds are no room to tell