i just made my scrog with weedwacker line. it seems to work well but all this talk of bad pvc has me concerned as i made the legs of my scrog out of pvc.
It just occurred to me that you can't read my mind and thereby know my SCROG screen needs are slightly different from normal SCROGs... (durrr, sorry FreezerBoy!) See, this is for a vertical cylinder SCROG, so it's not going to be a flat plane where I could just tie them across the horizontal space: it's gonna need to either have enough rigidity on its own to hold the upright form, or it's gonna need to be able to be suspended on a frame of some sort. NOW - that said - I could still do something with only vertical strings on something like a cylindrical lamp shade frame, but the horizontal strings going around the circumference might get tricky there. I could just do a little spot of silicone glue at the vert/horiz. strings' intersections tho...I don't know that a mesh or weave is even required...
Hey Icon, thanks for dropping through! Actually, the issue with PVC isn't with short term plant toxicity or anything like that; it's that PVC has toxic chemicals that - over time with exposure to hear, water, etc - release carcinogens (chemicals that cause cancer in humans) and other nasties. We've all been using PVC for a long time so we think "eh, how toxic could it really be?" However, when it comes to stuff like Benzene & Pthalates I'd rather not fuck around. Read up on 'em, then maybe reconsider if you want to continue using them: they're all but banned in Europe at this point, and the only reason they're still around here is because the plastics lobby has resisted all attempts at regulation, but it looks like they're [thankfully] can buy pvc coated chicken wire ive never had any issues with making my plants sick or rust no problems at all.
Good tip - thanks SativaDreams. Maybe instead of a screen I just do a big, ongoing tie-down big LST, like Cork144 says too? Hmmm... [scratches chin]You could always go the proven-safe route and use the stuff I've used outdoors to tie down plants (or hold them to support beams) could definitely make a scrog screen out of it. just pick up 2 of those 16' ones.
Would you believe I already thought of this?! HA! Sick minds think alike. The one thing about bamboo is that although they're naturally anti-microbial (good) they tend to sprout mold fast in high humidity (bad.) I only know because I've used 'em in a high-humidity terrarium. Still, maybe given the right amount of ventilation...? I'm gonna keep searching for now though.I've got it... BAMBOO DOWELS! You can "weave" (or not) your own screen out of 1/8" bamboo dowels. Cheap and green. Check it out...