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ICMag Donor
Here's true facebook story.....An aquantance i know from around the area here ..Broke up with his girlfriend in a not so great way..Anyhow on his facebook page he apparantly made threats to her in some way ,now he is also a gun collector...He posted pictures of some of his guns and such.....Low and behold the police show up at his door and he is arrested.

The guys in his late 20's ,he ends up going to court ...Another aquantance went to his trial to vouch for his character.....Now he's in jail for several years ,no police record before the incident.....Facebook is nothing to play around with..........

I recently got like 10 notifications ,of happy birthday.....What a pain in the ass...Im too lazy to go their and thank everyone....And its great when you get 3 out of 5 people wanting to be your friend ,who may have heard of you in the past ,but you have no idea who they are....no thanks!!!


I hold El Roacho's
Facebook = 2 faced book - people who act like your friends and talk shit behind your back to others.

Twitter = constantly being bothered with non stop e mails, bullshit worthless & endless waist of my time.

sum them both up and you get this 0 zero.
all networking sites are nothing but trouble...i use my messenger (yahoo) and use my mic and open voice in a pm ...if i need to talk to ppl who are a good distance from me

Mr. Bongjangles

Head Brewer
ICMag Donor
LOL you guys are a trip....

YOU build your network on facebook.

If you accept friend requests from people you think are idiots, well then facebook is going to suck.

LOL show me anybody with 1000 friends on facebook and all of them cool? No dude, you added people who weren't your close friends, and now you wanna bitch about how dumb people are on there? Something tells me you prolly have the same issues in real life.

Kept to a tight circle of close friends and I've had none of the issues you guys are upset about.

That said, I think Facebook is running themselves into the ground with the ever-changing & loosening privacy policy.


New member
LOL you guys are a trip....

YOU build your network on facebook.

If you accept friend requests from people you think are idiots, well then facebook is going to suck.

LOL show me anybody with 1000 friends on facebook and all of them cool? No dude, you added people who weren't your close friends, and now you wanna bitch about how dumb people are on there? Something tells me you prolly have the same issues in real life.

Kept to a tight circle of close friends and I've had none of the issues you guys are upset about.

That said, I think Facebook is running themselves into the ground with the ever-changing & loosening privacy policy.

I hear that but in reality, I had less than 200 friends!!! It's the town I'm from !!!


"I can't remember the last time I had a blackout"
Never seen a need to sell my personal info, I'm certainly not going to sign over the right to sell my personal info for the right to see what people I don't care enough about to email or call might be doing with their lives.

That's just me though.


New member
Here's true facebook story.....An aquantance i know from around the area here ..Broke up with his girlfriend in a not so great way..Anyhow on his facebook page he apparantly made threats to her in some way ,now he is also a gun collector...He posted pictures of some of his guns and such.....Low and behold the police show up at his door and he is arrested.

The guys in his late 20's ,he ends up going to court ...Another aquantance went to his trial to vouch for his character.....Now he's in jail for several years ,no police record before the incident.....Facebook is nothing to play around with..........

I recently got like 10 notifications ,of happy birthday.....What a pain in the ass...Im too lazy to go their and thank everyone....And its great when you get 3 out of 5 people wanting to be your friend ,who may have heard of you in the past ,but you have no idea who they are....no thanks!!!



♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
Facebook is for:

1) Old people that think they understand the internet. (Oooooh, look George...pictures of little billy only seconds after birth!!!)
2) Little kids that think they're cool. (They used to just smoke cigarettes)
3) Total assclowns.


Ganja Smoker Extraordinaire


Instead of dastardly means of collecting information from us they just sit back and wait for us to tell them whats happening.:wave:


i deleted my account last week tho i never used my real name seen some funny shit doing that also seen company HR'S use it to check stuff out so ppl beware its a double edged sword be careful what you say ! :tiphat:
I used to go there so I could chat with my mom in Florida. Was friends with one of my MILF teachers but she was married and wanted to divorce her husband and be with me. When I told her I have a fiance she was going bezerk so I closed account before shit hit the fan. Lots of crazy people on there that are plain out stupid!


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
LOL you guys are a trip....

YOU build your network on facebook.

If you accept friend requests from people you think are idiots, well then facebook is going to suck.

LOL show me anybody with 1000 friends on facebook and all of them cool? No dude, you added people who weren't your close friends, and now you wanna bitch about how dumb people are on there? Something tells me you prolly have the same issues in real life.

Kept to a tight circle of close friends and I've had none of the issues you guys are upset about.

That said, I think Facebook is running themselves into the ground with the ever-changing & loosening privacy policy.

LOL... YOU assume I ever had an account... only I never did, cuz its FOR MUPPETS!



It's a social site people and if you are not social stay off it.

People that troll FB have no life and shouldn't even try to have one.
