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Scrappy's stuff!!


On the road to clone only...
Thanks Sir...this blackberry is super dank,no doubt, as is the rest of the nugs..wish you and the Maj. could sample some... :joint:

Well.. :headbange cut #3 to root....P-91 :headbange 3 down..7 more

On a side note...I broke my damn camera tonight.. :badday: so I suck and no pics for a minute:badday: :badday:


Active member
Yeah hope the rest show roots soon scrappy. I'm excited for my wrigleys daze but flower time is about 100days, this one is really gonna test my patience. take care :wave:


On the road to clone only...
Okay, How are these cuttings on rooting?....Pure Kush, Abusive OG, Katsu Bubba..cloned in promix bx with just perlite, used shultz rooting powder.(always do with great results)..I've had 3 or more of each for 4 weeks now with no sign of roots :badday: ....Now 6 other strains cloned the same way HAVE rooted, only ones not to root are the 3 kushes, and the dabney cuttings.....They all still look great, no dead tissue, nice and green..Just no roots :cuss: .....not to some like a bummer, it's just, out of all the cuts received, these 4 were "the ones"....the others are kick ass to have, just REALLY wanted these kushes.....any info would be sweet!.....

Piffington...whats in that wrigleys daze....sounds like more haze...godd luck on that 100 days...wow!...damn that's long....


Grower of fine herbs...
Damn scrap, shitty to hear that your elites havent wanted to root for you. I would say maybe try skinning the bottom 1/2 in of the stem and then re dip in rooting hormone and plant again. That is the only thing that works for me when i have cuts that dont like to root. Hope this helps bro.

Piffington- damn 100 days flowering, should be some heady hazey herb you got going on there. May jah bless you with the patience to wait all 105 days it may take:rasta:


Active member
Hey Scrappy, sorry to hear those killer cuts haven't rooted yet but if they're still nice and green I wouldn't give up on them yet. You've been cloning like this all along and the others have already rooted so I guess it's just a matter of playing the waiting game. Never tried cloning straight into soil so sorry I can't be much help, but my bro Zombo also clones straight into promix so you can drop him a PM and he'll be sure to help ya out.Here's one of his recent posts:
zombo said:
Hey Coolx, Heres a pic of a cutting I took off of a fully mature plant,I took the cut a day or two before i harvested the plant.(the first week in October)
It was cut off the plant and put into promix potting soil that had been moistened with water mixed with Master Nursery"Master Root with B1".It was kept in a 18/6 light cycle,with day time temps at 80 degrees and night time temps in the low 70s.Temps are very important.
It was 4 weeks until I saw roots coming out of the bottom of the small container it was in.,then it was another 2 weeks until I saw new growth starting to emerge.
Hope this helps.

I know what you mean about those being "the ones", I'd be real anxious to get those rooted asap. I know you've been looking forward to running that Abusive OGK too. The Wrigleys Daze is the Wrigleys cut x MSM's Daze male
Daze =(AmnesiaHAze x AmnesiaHAze/NevilleHAze)

Moonshineman said:
a 2 yr project to breed a Bad ass HAze dominant male finally came to fruition......I started with an Amnesia Haze female (chosen by Weedzilla back in the late 90's) This is a spectacular growing female Thai ...100 day flowering time and a real nice yeild on a somewhat sturdy growing frame.....pulverizing high.....

I took this female and crossed it with a Nevil's HAze male creating the F1 "WTF" .....females of this F1 were almost all Neville Dominant but the Males seemed Amnesia dominant.....I took a Male AhxNh and BX'd it to the Amnesia mom.....the resulting offspring proved to be Amnesia dominant but with longer flowering times and more of a psycedelic headspinning throat tightening high......

I refer to the BX'd AHx(AH/NH) as "The Daze"

Now you know why I'm excited bout running this one hehe.

Thanks NorthernKronic, I'm gonna need every ounce of patience I can muster with this lady but I'm sure it should turn out to be some killer hazey goodness.

Take care guys! :wave:


Active member
Cool Scrappy!

Nice lineup bro! :D

Give em some more time, if they are still green just be patient, sometimes takes time. Never cloned in soil myself.

Only suggestion I have is check the temps cuz roots like warmth and its getting cold yanno. Ive never cloned like that tho, but if all others pulled thru its just a mater of time.

Id wait, and then recut maybe later if needed and they are still green. Give em some time tho, sometimes they casn take awile bro.

I would worry too much if you dont get em to root. No stress there, be patient and no worries regardless.


On the road to clone only...
l_d_d....Thanks for the advice bro, and will do....I recut a couple and redipped them into some cloning gel...so we'll see!!...no worries though :wave:

another cut roots......Dabney....!!.....7 outta 10 :dueling:


On the road to clone only...
Killer Maj.....I have a very healthy, stout gal close to going into flower...looks alot like the Bog#1 mom, but way more stout....must be some of the afghani...I hope the afghani will bring down the flower time a week...7-8 would be cool...sorry no pics..broke my damn cam.


Active member
Still rootin' :yes:
broke cam?? thats a bummer...at least you know what you can ask for for the holidays!
:bigeye: for for
Good luck on your last 2 bro!!


On the road to clone only...
Thanks and Merry X-Mas to you Sir....I tried a bubble cloner once, honestly I made it myself, and I could have done a WAY better job...maybe that should be a new project...New Bubble cloner?????..anyway got a new cam...took a couple pics..not the best...will work the bugs out soon....peace everyone
Chem#2 x Deep Chunk...27 days


Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Hey Scrappy, Chem#2 x Deep Chunk has some beautiful leaves on her. How tight are those buds? I gave my bubble cloners up, went back to the ole oasis cube method, much better success and they're already rooted into medium for a better survival rate when transplanted. Happy holidays man, hope all is good.



Looking good Scrappy. The chem chunk is looking mighty fine right about now. I've got one going into flower today for the second run with it. You should be stoked on them when it's all said and done.


On the road to clone only...
Hey BR, thanks for stoppin'...the buds are gettin pretty fat..has a real, I guess what you would call a chemmy smell happenin'...she's thick too, maybe should have thinned her out alittle bit..next time...ha.......I clone straight into promix w/ xtra perlite...95% rate I would say

Krome...greeting to you...You've inspired me, that's for sure...If my chem chunk..let's call it chem balls...lol..turns out anywhere close to yours, I'll be grinnin'...

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