Here is Dabney...this is the FRUITIEST smelling plant I've yet to come across....First run with this 1 more in the chamber, ready for a spot...I seem to be saying "I'm stoked" alot the past few months,,cuz I am she is around 33 days...droolin'
Hey man, I'm looking forward to watching "the white". Love all the other white threads I've seen, is it clone only or is there seeds flying around? Dab looks awesome man, should be some nice smoke.
Hey now, goes it?.....Ahh the White...I too, have been eyeballin' all the White threads...I got 2 to root's on....This gal is clone only, and came from the man himself, so it's the real deal!!! I am lookin' foreward to Dabney...I'm amazed on the fruity-ness smell coming off this gal....YUMMY!...I'm alittle confused on the smell, not 100% sure if it smells like blueberries...It does smell like some kind of SUPER FRUITY syrup though...I need to run out and grab some blueberries, and do a check!!!
Sir....Oh yes....very transplant, and then into the Veggie room.....then....takin' cuts!!
Congrats on the white bro, Im sure with your greenthumb you'll grow them out to their full potential. It's good to hear that you really like the mustangmist, I have 2 moemists in flower now so I'm sure they'll be great smoke. Btw, do you have any Wrigleys going into flower soon? Take care bro.
Hmmm??...Wrigley did you say???....(looks around)....Ah yes! Here she is.......and looking like she's soon to share the love, with some cuts....hehehe!
like a brown gold fish. the snack you eat with a smile/ lol hey bro i am gonna need you to teach me about BHO. aint tried it yet. have bags of trim covered with crystals. they have a good 4 month + cure on it
I'll give ya the basic "how to" after I get Dinner going, and smoke a bowl..hehe...Grandma's Rigatoni w/ meatballs and sausage in a mouthwatering tomato sauce...Friggin' yum!!!.....I could drink the stuff
First, get a 13x9 pyrex dish...a pan of almost boiling water, that the pyrex will fit over....
I pack the turkey baster with trim...not to tight, the screen on top, then clamp her down....grab my butane, then head put on the oven mits..double them up...hold the turkey baster(needle side up), with the pyrex dish underneath...but butane noozel in the needle of the baster..spray into baster for 30 seconds...then wait 20 sec....after that finish off the bottle of butane......
At this point I bring out the pan of water..then place the pyrex dish ontop...the butane will evaporate...after a few minutes, you'll notice the liquid is gone....I scrape up the it in the middle of the big pyrex...then I place it on a hot plate with another small pyrex dish filled with hot water.....let it go for about an bubbles up...I pop the bubbles with fire from my see if the bubbles light..if they don''s time
It's soooooo easy...I mean, it really takes no time at all...way faster than bubble....everything but the final purge, can be done within 15 min...your smokin within 2 hours tops!!....