Wrigleys....50 days...my bro harvested on a few weeks back, he gave me a sample....yummy, this has a taste!!..I'm gonna give mine a good flush...can't wait!
Fake P-91....still looks killer, wasn't very big when I threw her in, and she looks like she will have an ok yeild..and frosty ..took clones, lets see how she'll smoke.
Black Widow G-13...day 24....uhhmmm, this is packing on the crystals ..first run with this cut...I'm excited
Bubba Kush (katsu)...was having trouble with this gal, flushed her about 1 week ago..and it looks like she's coming around
Blackberry s1...menthol/skunky/piney goodness..covered in crystals, taste is unlike any other I've had....I've had this gal for about 4 yrs....
we like her..I have the Purple Urkel cut now...so purple everywhere..
Some more Wrigley shots...about 53 days...been flushing with plain water and molasses....still has this "mechanics hand cleaner" smell to it IMO...love the smell...Frosty .....
Thanks m@rg...The blackberry has it's moments..I just think I'm gettin' a tolerance, ya know...
Makin' bubble hash now...post some pics soon...just trim...and to think, there was a day, not to long ago, I used to throw this stuff away...WTF was I thinking???
Love this Bubble....it rocks !!...just alittle, and your rocked...Smoked some straight with my bro...he was hacking a lung...EXPANDO!!....wow....just love trim bubble
Took some cuts today of the Purple Urkel, Original Diesel, ChemChunk4, and a bunch of Mustang Mist ...
Gonna take some pics of the Wrigley tonite...she's frosty...Peace!
You got that right Maj....lol... ..I am so happy I bought that 3 bag set a few years back...I honestly threw away my trim for the first 3 yrs or so.. ...WTF!!! ..The plates with more on them are 73..and the less is 25 (I think)....
here is that Wrigley...day 58..Bubba Kush x Fuma Con Diablos...kickin'