good to know about the apple cider vinegar.
next dog i want is an english bulldog. my fella gets lonely he needs a friend.
next dog i want is an english bulldog. my fella gets lonely he needs a friend.
good to know about the apple cider vinegar.
the yogurt may provide some important enzymes or nutrients
ur a good man to put up with 2 bitches fighting...I had a similar situation with 2 GSD's. Everything would be fine for months....even up to almost a year...then over the smallest little thing (crumb of food for example) would be ww3...
Nothing like getting in between a 90lb sheperd and a 80lbs one....I perfected the technique tho...Grab and twist the neck hair and put them both on the ground.....They drop like rocks...I suspect it is similar to a mother dog grabbing a baby dog by the scruff of the neck....
We only have the youngest GSD now....and our DUKE dog....male this time...they get along great..he is submissive to her...and she is the Queen...
I will never again put 2 females together in our household....
jes man thats allot of blood to loose from a pet attack or any attack for that matter.
will your friend take her again ?