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New member
420ponics said:
Hey guys, could you follow theses links and tell me if this is all I will need. No reflector. Not saying I will buy exactly this, but I want to know exactly what I need for future reference. Thanks!

Going for a 1000 watter in this example.



Will this socket hold a 1000 watt load?

That's it! Thanks guys!


You got it... just the bulb, socket, and the ballast kit that comes with the ignitor and junk. Oh yes, and something to mount it in. People like ammo cans, I think they have some on discounthydro, and you could fit more than 1 if necessary. I used a 3in x 3in junction box for my 150. Get the ballast first then put it together, then get an enclosure. That, and some heavy duty extension cord. I'll take some pics soon if youd like to see what it looks like, to get some ideas since theres no real "plans" yet.

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Nice! Thanks! It looks like I may purchase the parts as opposed to the system I was going to purchase. I'll probably ask for more details once I get closer to ordering and setting it all up. I've already got several ammo cans ; )



Well, years ago I posted info like this on OG and got flamed for it.
I remember that I also bought from them.

Wiring was easy since there was a thread on OG that had a diagram I used an old ammunition box that I picked up at an Army Navy store for 5 bucks to build the ballast in that way I could make a remote ballast.


Hold up, is that all you need? You didn't get a ballast as well did you? What all do I need exactly, and I'm not worried about a reflector. I guess I need a bulb, a cord with a socket, and a ballast with a cord, is that it? Thanks!

The two 600w ballast kits were $ 152, add two of those socket/cords they sell, thats another $ 60. Add, another say $40 for shipping and the total is around $252 something. Im sure if you can get a heavy duty extension cord and mogul yourself, you can save another $50. Add a bulb and thats all you need!!! You don't need a ballast box either, im guessing the purpose of the ballast holder is for fire/explosion safety. Im probably going to get an ammo can and mount little pc fans to the side of it to cool the ballasts.



Active member
Check local lighting suppliers too, one near me has 400hps bulbs for $11 and moguls for $8.99... I never asked about ballasts (DOH, I should check) but I assume they have them.

And this isn't a contractor store, its just a local walk-in lamp/lighting store....

Oh yah and just tell em you run a small business and your parking lot keeps getting vandalized and you want some security lights... I like to say "Someone told me to get some lights called high sodium or something, I dunno, I just wanna light my lot up and be done with these vandals" bwahahahahaa.

Awesome thread!
